Fort Hill Liquor Store

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1520 Mount Hope Avenue, Rochester NY 14620 [Directions]
Hours (as of September 2015)
Monday - Saturday: 10:00AM to 9:00PM
585 244 6160
Wheelchair Accessible

Fort Hill Liquor sells wine and spirits in Upper Mount Hope. There is a 10% student discount.

Fort Hill has been in business since Prohibition ended in 1934.


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2006-06-30 21:21:15   Every time I've visited, the staff has been helpful and genuinely nice. Prices are very reasonable when you just want one bottle (maybe 5-10% markup over what you'd pay at a larger retailer on most items). —JonRobins

2010-10-24 22:56:45   I went there today and the sign said closed on Sundays. I've been there before and the woman was very helpful and friendly, and had a friendly Golden Retriever behind the counter as well. —AdrianMartin