Genesee Valley Regional Market

InfoInfo MapMap
900 Jefferson Rd., Rochester, NY 14623 [Directions]
Administrative Offices:
  5:30AM to 5:00PM
Tenants: check individual listings
Phone / Fax
585 424 4600 / 427-2690
[WWW]Contact Page

The Genesee Valley Regional Market has been operated since 1951 by the Genesee Valley Regional Market Authority (GVRMA) as a regional food distribution center for nine counties in central and western New York. While at one time it had a "farmer's market" character, in recent years the food operations are more commercial production and distribution operations with over 150 site tenants. There is still some retail character, including several restaurants, but there are now a wide variety of non-food commercial operations in "the Market" as well.

900 Jefferson Road Market

Genesee Valley Regional Market Authority (GVRMA)

The GVRMA was founded to create a regional distribution center and market to support agricultural suppliers in a nine county area. GVRMA was granted a 120+ acres of land for its use. Over the years the authority began leasing land and buildings on the parcel and using the proceeds to fund the activities of the authority.

What can be very surprising is that some of GVRMA's tenants include Chase Bank, Holiday Inn, Office Depot, Best Western, Verizon, RG&E, etc. See their [WWW]Land Lease page to find that the following commercial/retail strips are all income producing properties of the authority:


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2021-09-02 09:50:56   How would we or could we go about trying to get a farmer's market here in Henrietta? —BarbEvery