John Betlem Heating and Cooling

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898 Clinton Ave S, Rochester, NY 14620 [Directions]
Hours (as of September 2010)
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585 271 8888
<jiml AT johnbetlem DOT com>
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John Betlem Heating and Cooling is a family operated HVAC company since 1941. They do commercial and residential work.


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2012-06-14 17:08:46   I was properly charged $79.00 for service/diagnostic charge, but was not given an estimate of the total repair cost. I was then charged $228.12 for a Turbo 200 Capacitor that retails for less than $74.50. When I questioned Mr. Betlem about this charge, he stated that this is normal business practice. He also stated that his repair rate is $225.00/hour, but admitted that the service person was only here for 15 minutes. I asked for a price adjustment on this part, but Mr. Betlem refused to adjust the price. None of these rates or amounts are stated on his invoice. I offered to return the part installed, but Mr. Betlem refused to refund me the cost of the returned part. I feel that this is a customer price gouging for the simple repair of a motor plug-in capacitor. —FredCalev