Recent Changes for "Kirkpatrick's" - Rochester Wiki Changes of the page "Kirkpatrick's" on Rochester Wiki.en-us's2015-10-27T16:38:56Zalexandergartleystatus <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for Kirkpatrick's<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 4: </td> <td> Line 4: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <span>+ ||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Status'''||<br> + ||'''Closed''' as of December 2012||</span> </td> </tr> </table> </div>'s2015-10-27T16:38:43Zalexandergartleyremoved address macro <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for Kirkpatrick's<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 3: </td> <td> Line 3: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>-</span> ||<span>[[Address("</span>373 <span>["</span>South Goodman St<span>reet"]</span>, Rochester, NY 14607<span>")]]</span>|| </td> <td> <span>+</span> ||373 South Goodman St, Rochester, NY 14607|| </td> </tr> </table> </div>'s2015-10-11T19:05:45ZEileenFKirkpatrick's Irish Pub <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for Kirkpatrick's<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 9: </td> <td> Line 9: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>-</span> They closed in December 2012<span>. They</span> a<span>r</span>e<span>&nbsp;now</span> ["KCT Pub"]. </td> <td> <span>+</span> They closed in December 2012 a<span>nd b</span>e<span>came</span> ["KCT Pub"].<span><br> + <br> + Not to be confused with ["Kirkpatrick's Irish Pub"].</span> </td> </tr> </table> </div>'s2013-03-23T00:06:40ZEileenFKCT <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for Kirkpatrick's<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 9: </td> <td> Line 9: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>-</span> They closed in December 2012. </td> <td> <span>+</span> They closed in December 2012.<span>&nbsp;They are now ["KCT Pub"].</span> </td> </tr> </table> </div>'s2012-12-24T00:25:16ZEileenFComment added. <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for Kirkpatrick's<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 12: </td> <td> Line 12: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <span>+ ------<br> + ''2012-12-23 19:25:16'' [[nbsp]] Two comments from a Rochester Reddit thread about Kirkpatrick's. Don't know if the info is true or not:<br> + <br> + ''There was an incident where someone got hit by a car in their parking lot a month ago and I guess there have been fights lately. I think they are having issues with their liquor license now. They seem to be randomly open some weekends and closed others.<br> + <br> + I've heard that the place wasn't profitable enough and there was a falling out between the building owner/liquor license holder and the guy who was putting up the money. It is closed.'' --["Users/EileenF"]</span> </td> </tr> </table> </div>'s2012-12-24T00:23:27ZEileenFclosing date <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for Kirkpatrick's<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 9: </td> <td> Line 9: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <span>+ They closed in December 2012.<br> + </span> </td> </tr> </table> </div>'s2012-12-24T00:22:48ZEileenFGBNF <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for Kirkpatrick's<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 2: </td> <td> Line 2: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>-</span> ||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Location'''|| </td> <td> <span>+</span> ||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''<span>Former </span>Location'''|| </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 4: </td> <td> Line 4: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>- ||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Hours (as of Nov. 2012)'''||<br> - ||Monday - Thursday: 3:00PM to 2:00AM||<br> - ||Friday: 2:00PM to 2:00AM||<br> - ||Saturday: 1:00PM to 2:00AM||<br> - ||Sunday: 3:00PM to 2:00AM||<br> - ||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Phone'''||<br> - ||["Info Needed"]||<br> - ||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Wheelchair Accessible'''||<br> - ||No||<br> - ||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Alcohol'''||<br> - ||Yes||<br> - ||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Website'''||<br> - ||[!/pages/KCT-Kirkpatricks/457671430912592?fref=ts Facebook]||<br> - ##||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Reviews'''||<br> - ##||||</span> </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 20: </td> <td> Line 5: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>-</span> '''Kirkpatrick's Irish Pub &amp; Grill''' is a ["Bars" bar] near the intersection with ["Monroe Avenue"] (["Monroe Village"]). They opened on ["St. Patrick's Day"] ["2012"]. </td> <td> <span>+ See ["Gone, But Not Forgotten"]<br> + <br> + </span> '''Kirkpatrick's Irish Pub &amp; Grill''' is a ["Bars" bar] near the intersection with ["Monroe Avenue"] (["Monroe Village"]). They opened on ["St. Patrick's Day"] ["2012"]. </td> </tr> </table> </div>'s2012-11-21T14:32:03ZEileenF+ Facebook and updated hours <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for Kirkpatrick's<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 3: </td> <td> Line 3: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>- ||[[Address("373 South Goodman St, Rochester, NY 14607")]]||<br> - ||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Hours'''||<br> - ||Monday - Sunday: 11:00AM to 2:00AM||</span> </td> <td> <span>+ ||[[Address("373 ["South Goodman Street"], Rochester, NY 14607")]]||<br> + ||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Hours (as of Nov. 2012)'''||<br> + ||Monday - Thursday: 3:00PM to 2:00AM||<br> + ||Friday: 2:00PM to 2:00AM||<br> + ||Saturday: 1:00PM to 2:00AM||<br> + ||Sunday: 3:00PM to 2:00AM||</span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 12: </td> <td> Line 15: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>-</span> <span>##</span>||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Website'''||<br> <span>-</span> <span>##</span>||<span>(</span>comi<span>ng</span> <span>s</span>oo<span>n)</span>|| </td> <td> <span>+</span> ||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Website'''||<br> <span>+</span> ||<span>[https://www.facebook.</span>com<span>/home.php#!/pages/KCT-K</span>i<span>rkpatricks/457671430912592?fref=ts</span> <span>Faceb</span>oo<span>k]</span>|| </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 17: </td> <td> Line 20: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>-</span> '''Kirkpatrick's Irish Pub &amp; Grill''' is a ["Bars" bar] <span>on ["Goodman Street"] </span>near the intersection with ["Monroe Avenue"]. They opened on ["St. Patrick's Day"] ["2012"]. </td> <td> <span>+</span> '''Kirkpatrick's Irish Pub &amp; Grill''' is a ["Bars" bar] near the intersection with ["Monroe Avenue"]<span>&nbsp;(["Monroe Village"])</span>. They opened on ["St. Patrick's Day"] ["2012"]. </td> </tr> </table> </div>'s2012-11-21T14:32:03ZEileenFMap location(s) modified's2012-03-22T00:19:58ZEileenFlink to St. Pat's Day <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for Kirkpatrick's<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 17: </td> <td> Line 17: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>-</span> '''Kirkpatrick's Irish Pub &amp; Grill''' is a ["Bars" bar] on ["Goodman Street"] near the intersection with ["Monroe Avenue"]. They opened on St. Patrick's <span>d</span>ay ["2012"]. </td> <td> <span>+</span> '''Kirkpatrick's Irish Pub &amp; Grill''' is a ["Bars" bar] on ["Goodman Street"] near the intersection with ["Monroe Avenue"]. They opened on <span>["</span>St. Patrick's <span>D</span>ay<span>"]</span> ["2012"]. </td> </tr> </table> </div>'s2012-03-21T23:31:01ZEileenFfull name <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for Kirkpatrick's<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 17: </td> <td> Line 17: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>-</span> '''Kirkpatrick's''' is a<span>n Irish</span> ["Bars" <span>pu</span>b] on ["Goodman Street"] near the intersection with ["Monroe Avenue"]. They opened on St. Patrick's day ["2012"]. </td> <td> <span>+</span> '''Kirkpatrick's<span>&nbsp;Irish Pub &amp; Grill</span>''' is a ["Bars" b<span>ar</span>] on ["Goodman Street"] near the intersection with ["Monroe Avenue"]. They opened on St. Patrick's day ["2012"]. </td> </tr> </table> </div>'s2012-03-21T23:26:51ZEileenFgrammar <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for Kirkpatrick's<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 17: </td> <td> Line 17: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>-</span> '''Kirkpatricks''' is an Irish ["Bars" pub] on ["Goodman Street"] near the intersection with ["Monroe Avenue"]. They opened on St. Patrick's day ["2012"]. </td> <td> <span>+</span> '''Kirkpatrick<span>'</span>s''' is an Irish ["Bars" pub] on ["Goodman Street"] near the intersection with ["Monroe Avenue"]. They opened on St. Patrick's day ["2012"]. </td> </tr> </table> </div>'s2012-03-21T23:25:16ZEileenFcapitalization <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for Kirkpatrick's<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 5: </td> <td> Line 5: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>-</span> ||Monday - Sunday: 11:00AM to 2:00<span>a</span>M|| </td> <td> <span>+</span> ||Monday - Sunday: 11:00AM to 2:00<span>A</span>M|| </td> </tr> </table> </div>'s2012-03-21T23:24:35ZEileenFupdated <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for Kirkpatrick's<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 5: </td> <td> Line 5: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>- ||Opening March 17th, 2012||<br> - ||||</span> </td> <td> <span>+ ||Monday - Sunday: 11:00AM to 2:00aM||</span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 8: </td> <td> Line 7: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>- ||||</span> </td> <td> <span>+ ||["Info Needed"]||<br> + ||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Wheelchair Accessible'''||<br> + ||No||</span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 11: </td> <td> Line 12: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>-</span> ||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Website'''||<br> <span>-</span> ||(coming soon)||<br> <span>-</span> ||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Reviews'''||<br> <span>-</span> |||| </td> <td> <span>+</span> <span>##</span>||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Website'''||<br> <span>+</span> <span>##</span>||(coming soon)||<br> <span>+</span> <span>##</span>||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Reviews'''||<br> <span>+</span> <span>##</span>|||| </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 16: </td> <td> Line 17: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>-</span> '''Kirkpatricks''' is a ["Bars" b<span>ar</span>] on ["Goodman Street"<span>&nbsp;Goodman St</span>] near the intersection with ["Monroe Ave"] open<span>ing</span> <span>i</span>n t<span>he</span> <span>old '''Lu</span>ck<span>y</span>'s <span>S</span>a<span>loon''' location. Signs posted in the windows in mid-Februar</span>y <span>read </span>"<span>Coming Soon</span>.<span>"<br> - <br> - </span> </td> <td> <span>+</span> '''Kirkpatricks''' is a<span>n Irish</span> ["Bars" <span>pu</span>b] on ["Goodman Street"] near the intersection with ["Monroe Ave<span>nue</span>"]<span>. They</span> open<span>ed</span> <span>o</span>n <span>S</span>t<span>.</span> <span>Patri</span>ck's <span>d</span>ay <span>[</span>"<span>2012"]</span>. </td> </tr> </table> </div>'s2012-03-12T19:30:08ZKatieS <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for Kirkpatrick's<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 5: </td> <td> Line 5: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>-</span> ||Opening <span>Soon</span>|| </td> <td> <span>+</span> ||Opening <span>March 17th, 2012</span>|| </td> </tr> </table> </div>'s2012-03-07T15:00:00ZKatieS <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for Kirkpatrick's<p><strong></strong></p>No differences found!</div>'s2012-03-07T14:59:47ZKatieSUpload of image <a href="">KirkpatricksFront.jpg</a>.'s2012-03-07T14:59:29ZKatieS <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for Kirkpatrick's<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 1: </td> <td> Line 1: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <span>+ [[Image(KirkpatricksFront.jpg, right, 300, noborder,thumbnail, "Kirkpatrick's Irish Pub and Grill")]]</span> </td> </tr> </table> </div>'s2012-03-07T14:53:20ZKatieS <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for Kirkpatrick's<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 1: </td> <td> Line 1: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>- [[Image(Kirkpatricks.jpg)]]</span> </td> <td> </td> </tr> </table> </div>'s2012-03-07T14:48:32ZKatieS <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for Kirkpatrick's<p><strong></strong></p>No differences found!</div>'s2012-03-07T14:48:24ZKatieSUpload of image <a href="">Kirkpatricks.jpg</a>.'s2012-03-07T14:47:56ZKatieS <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for Kirkpatrick's<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 1: </td> <td> Line 1: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <span>+ [[Image(Kirkpatricks.jpg)]]</span> </td> </tr> </table> </div>'s2012-02-21T16:25:05ZEileenFMap location(s) modified's2012-02-21T16:25:05ZEileenFRevert to version 1. <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for Kirkpatrick's<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 1: </td> <td> Line 1: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>- deleted</span> </td> <td> <span>+ ||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Location'''||<br> + ||[[Address("373 South Goodman St, Rochester, NY 14607")]]||<br> + ||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Hours'''||<br> + ||Opening Soon||<br> + ||||<br> + ||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Phone'''||<br> + ||||<br> + ||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Alcohol'''||<br> + ||Yes||<br> + ||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Website'''||<br> + ||(coming soon)||<br> + ||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Reviews'''||<br> + ||||<br> + <br> + '''Kirkpatricks''' is a ["Bars" bar] on ["Goodman Street" Goodman St] near the intersection with ["Monroe Ave"] opening in the old '''Lucky's Saloon''' location. Signs posted in the windows in mid-February read "Coming Soon."<br> + <br> + <br> + <br> + [[Comments]]</span> </td> </tr> </table> </div>'s2012-02-20T16:42:31ZDamiankumorPage deleted (We don't create pages for businesses that aren't open.) <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for Kirkpatrick's<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 1: </td> <td> Line 1: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>- ||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Location'''||<br> - ||[[Address("373 South Goodman St, Rochester, NY 14607")]]||<br> - ||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Hours'''||<br> - ||Opening Soon||<br> - ||||<br> - ||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Phone'''||<br> - ||||<br> - ||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Alcohol'''||<br> - ||Yes||<br> - ||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Website'''||<br> - ||(coming soon)||<br> - ||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Reviews'''||<br> - ||||<br> - <br> - '''Kirkpatricks''' is a ["Bars" bar] on ["Goodman Street" Goodman St] near the intersection with ["Monroe Ave"] opening in the old '''Lucky's Saloon''' location. Signs posted in the windows in mid-February read "Coming Soon."<br> - <br> - <br> - <br> - [[Comments]]</span> </td> <td> <span>+ deleted</span> </td> </tr> </table> </div>'s2012-02-20T15:21:22ZKatieSMap location(s) modified's2012-02-20T15:21:22ZKatieS <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for Kirkpatrick's<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 1: </td> <td> Line 1: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <span>+ ||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Location'''||<br> + ||[[Address("373 South Goodman St, Rochester, NY 14607")]]||<br> + ||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Hours'''||<br> + ||Opening Soon||<br> + ||||<br> + ||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Phone'''||<br> + ||||<br> + ||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Alcohol'''||<br> + ||Yes||<br> + ||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Website'''||<br> + ||(coming soon)||<br> + ||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Reviews'''||<br> + ||||<br> + <br> + '''Kirkpatricks''' is a ["Bars" bar] on ["Goodman Street" Goodman St] near the intersection with ["Monroe Ave"] opening in the old '''Lucky's Saloon''' location. Signs posted in the windows in mid-February read "Coming Soon."<br> + <br> + <br> + <br> + [[Comments]]</span> </td> </tr> </table> </div>