Lake Avenue Baptist Church

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70 Ambrose St, Rochester NY, 14608 [Directions]
585 458 5765
Office Hours/Services Schedule (as of April 2010 per Website)
Sunday Worship Service: 10:00AM
Children's Sunday School (children leave from worship) 10:25AM to 11:15AM
A Time of Fellowship: 11:15AM
Karen Worship, Chin Worship, Adult and Youth Education: 11:30AM
Office Hours: Monday-Friday: 10:00AM to 4:00PM
<kenadmin AT rochester DOT rr DOT com>
Reverend Gordon V. Webster

Lake Avenue Baptist Church is an [wikipedia]American Baptist church and and a member of [WWW]Association of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists. It is a group of committed and open people of faith, coming in every shape, size and appearance. Young and old, of every conceivable national origin and ethnic or racial heritage, gay and straight, progressive and traditional, we find ourselves on a pilgrimage together, building bridges, trying to allow Christ’s light to shine forth in the world around us.

Sunday Worship Service: 10:00 AM
A Time of Fellowship: 11:15 AM
Adult and Youth Education: 11:30 AM

Located in Edgerton.


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2007-05-21 21:06:18   11:30 p.m. - The Church also has Nursery & Children's Activity time & Worship Service in Karen & Chin languages —EricShoen