Rochester Gas & Electric


RGECustomerService.jpgCustomer service building on East Ave & Main St

180 South Clinton Avenue, Rochester NY, 14604
800 743 2110
Payment Center Hours
Monday - Friday: 9:00AM to 5:30PM

Rochester Gas and Electric is the utility company that services the Rochester area. It manages gas and electricity distribution throughout most of the Rochester area (Fairport is served by [WWW]Fairport Electric).

Each of the independent energy providers, known as an Energy Service Company or "ESCO", operates through RG&E, which manages the delivery of the electricity or gas. RG&E provides the majority of the energy consumed in the Greater Rochester Area. See the Energy Service Company page for information about choices in selecting your energy supplier.

[WWW]Energy East Corporation (- RG&E Page) currently owns RG&E.

Our Energy Supplies To Be Owned By Foreign Firm

In early Sep, 2008 the New York State Public Services Commission voted to authorize the acquisition of Energy East and its subsidiaries RG & E and NYSEG (NY State Electric & Gas) by Iberdrola S.A., a Spanish energy giant.

According to the D & C:

During 2022, they moved out of their long standing corporate building and now occupy a few floors of 3 City Center.

See Rochester Environmental Issues for discussions on environmental impacts.

Notes and References


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2008-05-15 10:35:55   RG&E and has the worst customer service of any organization I have ever done business with. I currently have 2 separate complaints with them now. If you get the chance, use ANYONE else to be your utility provider! —BadFish