Sport Clips

InfoInfo MapMap
Address Location Phone
805 Fetzner Rd, Rochester NY, 14626 [Directions] Greece   585 697 1030
3177 Latta Rd, Rochester NY, 14612 [Directions] Greece Wegmans Plaza - Latta Rd 585 227 4440
2200 Penfield Road, Penfield, NY 14526 [Directions] Wegmans Plaza - Penfield 585 377 8270
6720 Pittsford-Palmyra Rd., Fairport, NY 14450 [Directions] Perinton Perinton Square Mall 585 425-0620
3349 Monroe Ave, Rochester, NY 14618 [Directions] Pittsford Pittsford Plaza 585 586 3523
Hours Sports Clips logo.jpgFranchise Logo
Varies by location

Sport Clips is a moderate priced franchised barber (cost for cut and style is around $15.00). The theme of the store is a sports locker room which caters to a male clientele. The waiting area has a large screen TV and each barber station has a small television set showing ESPN or another sports network. They offer free neck trims between each haircut.


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