Recent Changes for "19th Ward Buying Club" - Rochester Wiki Changes of the page "19th Ward Buying Club" on Rochester Wiki.en-us Ward Buying Club2007-04-18T07:47:12ZTeresaMartinComment added. <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for 19th Ward Buying Club<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 8: </td> <td> Line 8: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <span>+ ------<br> + ''2007-04-18 03:47:12'' [[nbsp]] I would love more information on this Club. --["TeresaMartin"]</span> </td> </tr> </table> </div> Ward Buying Club2007-02-17T18:57:48Zadamdewitz+ stub <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for 19th Ward Buying Club<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 1: </td> <td> Line 1: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>-</span> <span>{{{</span>[[Include(Stub)]]<span>}}}</span> </td> <td> <span>+</span> [[Include(Stub)]] </td> </tr> </table> </div> Ward Buying Club2007-02-17T18:41:46Zadamdewitz+ stub <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for 19th Ward Buying Club<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 1: </td> <td> Line 1: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <span>+ {{{[[Include(Stub)]]}}}<br> + </span> </td> </tr> </table> </div> Ward Buying Club2007-01-19T16:15:41Zalexandergartleycleaned up grammar <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for 19th Ward Buying Club<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 1: </td> <td> Line 1: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>-</span> The 19th Ward Buying Club is a bulk purchasing orgnization in the ["19th Ward"] of Rochester. It's cheap (or free) to join, and saves money by pooling purchases to buy in <span>B</span>ulk. </td> <td> <span>+</span> The 19th Ward Buying Club is a bulk purchasing org<span>a</span>nization in the ["19th Ward"] of Rochester. It's cheap (or free) to join, and saves money by pooling purchases to buy <span>things </span>in <span>b</span>ulk. </td> </tr> </table> </div> Ward Buying Club2007-01-19T16:14:30ZalexandergartleyRenamed from "19 Ward Buying Club" (changed '19' to '19th' to match name of organization) <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for 19th Ward Buying Club<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 1: </td> <td> Line 1: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <span>+ The 19th Ward Buying Club is a bulk purchasing orgnization in the ["19th Ward"] of Rochester. It's cheap (or free) to join, and saves money by pooling purchases to buy in Bulk.<br> + <br> + [[Comments]]<br> + ------<br> + ''2007-01-11 00:59:28'' [[nbsp]] I want to know more about this. Thanks. --["AliceKimball"]</span> </td> </tr> </table> </div>