Recent Changes for "Al's Monroe Shoe Services" - Rochester Wiki Changes of the page "Al's Monroe Shoe Services" on Rochester Wiki.en-us's Monroe Shoe Services2015-04-09T02:31:58ZDavidWalkerComment added. <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for Al's Monroe Shoe Services<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 21: </td> <td> Line 21: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <span>+ ------<br> + ''2015-04-08 22:31:58'' [[nbsp]] Monroe Shoe Services is now run by a gentleman named Mario. I brought my extremely beat-up old Clarks to him, after being told by another local cobbler that they couldn't be resoled. A week later they were ready, cleaned and polished with a new Vibram sole. Along with the new footbed he sold me, my shoes are almost better than new, and for a very reasonable price. --["Users/DavidWalker"]</span> </td> </tr> </table> </div>'s Monroe Shoe Services2014-08-27T11:22:39ZEileenF(quick edit) <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for Al's Monroe Shoe Services<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 14: </td> <td> Line 14: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>-</span> '''Al's Monroe Shoe Services''' is a ["Clothing Stores" shoe repair] service in ["Upper Monroe"]. For decades it was owned by a nice old man named Al Riole, who came to the United States from Italy in 1947 and had been in the shoe repair business ever since. He died in ["2014"] and the shop is now under different management. </td> <td> <span>+</span> '''Al's Monroe Shoe Services''' is a ["Clothing Stores" shoe repair] service in ["Upper Monroe"]. For decades it was owned by a nice old man named Al Riole, who came to the United States from Italy in <span>["</span>1947<span>"]</span> and had been in the shoe repair business ever since. He died in ["2014"] and the shop is now under different management. </td> </tr> </table> </div>'s Monroe Shoe Services2014-08-27T11:22:13ZEileenFupdate <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for Al's Monroe Shoe Services<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 3: </td> <td> Line 3: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>-</span> ||[[Address("985 Monroe Avenue, Rochester, NY 14620")]]|| </td> <td> <span>+</span> ||[[Address("985 <span>["</span>Monroe Avenue<span>"]</span>, Rochester, NY 14620")]]|| </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 14: </td> <td> Line 14: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>-</span> '''Al's Monroe Shoe Services''' is a ["Clothing Stores" shoe repair] service <span>located o</span>n ["Monroe<span>&nbsp;Avenue</span>"]<span>&nbsp;(["Upper Monroe Avenue Neighborhood" Upper Monroe])</span>. <span>It i</span>s owned by a nice old man named Al Riole, who came to the United States from Italy in 1947 and ha<span>s</span> been in the shoe repair business ever since. </td> <td> <span>+</span> '''Al's Monroe Shoe Services''' is a ["Clothing Stores" shoe repair] service <span>i</span>n ["<span>Upper </span>Monroe"]. <span>For decades it wa</span>s owned by a nice old man named Al Riole, who came to the United States from Italy in 1947 and ha<span>d</span> been in the shoe repair business ever since.<span>&nbsp;He died in ["2014"] and the shop is now under different management.</span> </td> </tr> </table> </div>'s Monroe Shoe Services2011-11-15T23:51:54ZEileenFaccessibility <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for Al's Monroe Shoe Services<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 10: </td> <td> Line 10: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>- ||["Info Needed"]||</span> </td> <td> <span>+ ||No||</span> </td> </tr> </table> </div>'s Monroe Shoe Services2011-10-22T21:08:02ZEileenFComment added. <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for Al's Monroe Shoe Services<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 19: </td> <td> Line 19: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <span>+ ------<br> + ''2011-10-22 17:08:02'' [[nbsp]] I had a pair of leather boots that needed a heel replacement and a pump whose sole was coming off. Al repaired them both and did an excellent job for a good price. Recommended. --["Users/EileenF"]</span> </td> </tr> </table> </div>'s Monroe Shoe Services2011-10-16T18:58:03ZEileenF+ image <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for Al's Monroe Shoe Services<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 1: </td> <td> Line 1: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <span>+ [[Image(Al Shoe Service.JPG, right, thumbnail, 300, noborder, "October 2011")]]</span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 5: </td> <td> Line 6: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>-</span> ||Saturday: <span>7</span>:<span>3</span>0AM to 1:30PM|| </td> <td> <span>+</span> ||Saturday: <span>8</span>:<span>0</span>0AM to 1:30PM|| </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 13: </td> <td> Line 14: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>-</span> '''Al's Monroe Shoe Services''' is a ["Clothing Stores" shoe repair] service located on ["Monroe Avenue"] (["Upper Monroe Avenue Neighborhood" Upper Monroe]). It is owned by a nice old man named Al, who came to the United States from Italy in 1947 and has been in the shoe repair business ever since. </td> <td> <span>+</span> '''Al's Monroe Shoe Services''' is a ["Clothing Stores" shoe repair] service located on ["Monroe Avenue"] (["Upper Monroe Avenue Neighborhood" Upper Monroe]). It is owned by a nice old man named Al<span>&nbsp;Riole</span>, who came to the United States from Italy in 1947 and has been in the shoe repair business ever since. </td> </tr> </table> </div>'s Monroe Shoe Services2011-10-16T18:57:28ZEileenFUpload of image <a href="">Al Shoe Service.JPG</a>.'s Monroe Shoe Services2011-10-14T18:13:00ZEileenF <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for Al's Monroe Shoe Services<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 13: </td> <td> Line 13: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>-</span> '''Al's Monroe Shoe Services''' is a ["Clothing Stores" shoe repair] service located on ["Monroe Avenue"] (["Upper Monroe Avenue Neighborhood" Upper Monroe]). It is owned by a nice old man named Al, who came to the United States from Italy in 1947. </td> <td> <span>+</span> '''Al's Monroe Shoe Services''' is a ["Clothing Stores" shoe repair] service located on ["Monroe Avenue"] (["Upper Monroe Avenue Neighborhood" Upper Monroe]). It is owned by a nice old man named Al, who came to the United States from Italy in 1947<span>&nbsp;and has been in the shoe repair business ever since</span>. </td> </tr> </table> </div>'s Monroe Shoe Services2011-10-14T18:12:01ZEileenF <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for Al's Monroe Shoe Services<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 13: </td> <td> Line 13: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>-</span> '''Al's Monroe Shoe Services''' is a ["Clothing Stores" shoe repair] service located on ["Monroe Avenue"] (["Upper Monroe Neighborhood" Upper Monroe]). It is owned by a nice old man named Al, who came to the United States from Italy in 1947. </td> <td> <span>+</span> '''Al's Monroe Shoe Services''' is a ["Clothing Stores" shoe repair] service located on ["Monroe Avenue"] (["Upper Monro<span>e Avenu</span>e Neighborhood" Upper Monroe]). It is owned by a nice old man named Al, who came to the United States from Italy in 1947. </td> </tr> </table> </div>'s Monroe Shoe Services2011-10-14T18:10:24ZEileenF <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for Al's Monroe Shoe Services<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 1: </td> <td> Line 1: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <span>+ ||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Location'''||<br> + ||[[Address("985 Monroe Avenue, Rochester, NY 14620")]]||<br> + ||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Hours''' (as of Oct. 2011)||<br> + ||Tuesday - Friday: 7:30AM to 5:30PM||<br> + ||Saturday: 7:30AM to 1:30PM||<br> + ||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Phone'''||<br> + ||585 442 8490||<br> + ||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Wheelchair Accessible'''||<br> + ||["Info Needed"]||<br> + ##||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Email'''||<br> + ##||[[MailTo(info AT domain DOT com)]]||<br> + <br> + '''Al's Monroe Shoe Services''' is a ["Clothing Stores" shoe repair] service located on ["Monroe Avenue"] (["Upper Monroe Neighborhood" Upper Monroe]). It is owned by a nice old man named Al, who came to the United States from Italy in 1947.<br> + <br> + Cash only, please.<br> + <br> + [[Comments]]</span> </td> </tr> </table> </div>'s Monroe Shoe Services2011-10-14T18:10:24ZEileenFMap location(s) modified