Recent Changes for "Bones Dog Bakery" - Rochester Wiki Changes of the page "Bones Dog Bakery" on Rochester Wiki.en-us Dog Bakery2024-07-29T20:28:52Zpeteb <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Bones Dog Bakery<p><strong></strong></p><table>
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<span>-</span> ||<span>]</span>]||
<span>+</span> ||<span>[</span>]||
</div> Dog Bakery2024-07-29T20:28:42Zpetebgrammar <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
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<span>+</span> ||<span>]</span><span>]</span>||
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<span>-</span> '''Bones Dog Bakery''' is an all natural dog and people ["bakeries" bakery] and ["Coffee"] bar located off of ["Park Avenue"]. "A place where dogs can bring their humans for treats". <span>For</span> sell cakes and cookies for both people and dogs. Their baked bagged goods can also be found at Amazing Grains Bread Company. Opened on April 27, ["2019/openings" 2019]. During March ["2024"], they moved and joined with ["Central Bark"].
<span>+</span> '''Bones Dog Bakery''' is an all natural dog and people ["bakeries" bakery] and ["Coffee"] bar located off of ["Park Avenue"]. "A place where dogs can bring their humans for treats". <span>They</span> sell cakes and cookies for both people and dogs. Their baked bagged goods can also be found at Amazing Grains Bread Company. Opened on April 27, ["2019/openings" 2019]. During March ["2024"], they moved and joined with ["Central Bark"].
</div> Dog Bakery2024-07-28T16:14:57Zscotthendler <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
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<span>-</span> ||<span>[</span>Yes<span>]</span>||
<span>+</span> ||Yes||
</div> Dog Bakery2024-07-28T16:14:33ZscotthendlerUpdated address, phone, hours. Now located in Central Bark. <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Bones Dog Bakery<p><strong></strong></p><table>
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<span>-</span> ||[[Address("<span>39 ["South Goodman</span> S<span>t</span>re<span>et"]</span>, Rochester, NY 146<span>07</span>")]]||<br>
<span>-</span> ||<class="tablehead">'''Hours''' (as of <span>Ap</span>r<span>il</span> 20<span>19</span>)||<br>
<span>-</span> ||<span>Tues</span>day <span>&</span> <span>Wednes</span>day: <span>1</span>0<span>:3</span>0AM to 6:<span>0</span>0PM||<br>
<span>- ||Thursday & Friday: 10:00AM to 7:00PM||<br>
-</span> ||Saturday: <span>9</span>:00AM to <span>6</span>:00PM||<span><br>
- ||Sunday: 10:00AM to 5:00PM||</span>
<span>+</span> ||[[Address("<span>65</span> S<span>aginaw D</span>r<span>iv</span>e, Rochester, NY 146<span>23</span>")]]||<br>
<span>+</span> ||<class="tablehead">'''Hours''' (as of <span>Ma</span>r<span>ch</span> 20<span>24</span>)||<br>
<span>+</span> ||<span>Mon</span>day <span>-</span> <span>Fri</span>day: <span>7:</span>00AM to 6:<span>3</span>0PM||<br>
<span>+</span> ||Saturday: <span>8</span>:00AM to <span>4</span>:00PM||
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<span>-</span> ||585 31<span>9 </span>4<span>088</span>||
<span>+</span> ||585 3<span>30 </span>1<span>1</span>4<span>2</span>||
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<span>-</span> ||[<span>"Info N</span>e<span>eded"</span>]||
<span>+</span> ||[<span>Y</span>e<span>s</span>]||
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<span>-</span> '''Bones Dog Bakery''' is an all natural dog and people ["bakeries" bakery] and ["Coffee"] bar located off of ["Park Avenue"]. "A place where dogs can bring their humans for treats". For sell cakes and cookies for both people and dogs. Their baked bagged goods can also be found at Amazing Grains Bread Company. Opened on April 27, ["2019/openings" 2019].
<span>+</span> '''Bones Dog Bakery''' is an all natural dog and people ["bakeries" bakery] and ["Coffee"] bar located off of ["Park Avenue"]. "A place where dogs can bring their humans for treats". For sell cakes and cookies for both people and dogs. Their baked bagged goods can also be found at Amazing Grains Bread Company. Opened on April 27, ["2019/openings" 2019].<span> During March ["2024"], they moved and joined with ["Central Bark"].</span>
</div> Dog Bakery2020-02-15T21:11:49Zscotthendler- Petsaver <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Bones Dog Bakery<p><strong></strong></p><table>
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Additions are marked with +.
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<span>-</span> '''Bones Dog Bakery''' is an all natural dog and people ["bakeries" bakery] and ["Coffee"] bar located off of ["Park Avenue"]. "A place where dogs can bring their humans for treats". For sell cakes and cookies for both people and dogs. Their baked bagged goods can also be found at<span> ["Petsaver Superstore"] and</span> Amazing Grains Bread Company. Opened on April 27, ["2019/openings" 2019].
<span>+</span> '''Bones Dog Bakery''' is an all natural dog and people ["bakeries" bakery] and ["Coffee"] bar located off of ["Park Avenue"]. "A place where dogs can bring their humans for treats". For sell cakes and cookies for both people and dogs. Their baked bagged goods can also be found at Amazing Grains Bread Company. Opened on April 27, ["2019/openings" 2019].
</div> Dog Bakery2019-10-17T00:58:45Zscotthendler+ City Newspaper Review and updated hours <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Bones Dog Bakery<p><strong></strong></p><table>
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Additions are marked with +.
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<span>-</span> ||Tuesday <span>-</span> Friday: <span>7:3</span>0<span>AM to 7:00PM||<br>
- ||Saturday: 8</span>:00AM to 7:00PM||<br>
<span>-</span> ||Sunday: <span>9</span>:00AM to 5:00PM||
<span>+</span> ||Tuesday <span>& Wednesday: 10:30AM to 6:00PM||<br>
+ ||Thursday &</span> Friday: <span>1</span>0:00AM to 7:00PM||<br>
<span>+ ||Saturday: 9:00AM to 6:00PM||<br>
+</span> ||Sunday: <span>10</span>:00AM to 5:00PM||
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<span>- </span>
<span>+ ||<class="tablehead">'''Reviews'''||<br>
+ ||[ City Newspaper]||</span>
</div> Dog Bakery2019-04-26T19:53:12Zscotthendler <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Bones Dog Bakery<p><strong></strong></p><table>
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Additions are marked with +.
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<span>+ ## [[Image(TheFileName.jpg, "Caption Goes Here", 300, right, noborder, thumbnail)]]<br>
+ ||<class="tablehead">'''Location'''||<br>
+ ||[[Address("39 ["South Goodman Street"], Rochester, NY 14607")]]||<br>
+ ||<class="tablehead">'''Hours''' (as of April 2019)||<br>
+ ||Tuesday - Friday: 7:30AM to 7:00PM||<br>
+ ||Saturday: 8:00AM to 7:00PM||<br>
+ ||Sunday: 9:00AM to 5:00PM||<br>
+ ||<class="tablehead">'''Phone'''||<br>
+ ||585 319 4088||<br>
+ ||<class="tablehead">'''Wheelchair Accessible'''||<br>
+ ||["Info Needed"]||<br>
+ ||<class="tablehead">'''Email'''||<br>
+ ||[[MailTo(Hello AT Bonesdogbakery DOT com)]]||<br>
+ ||<class="tablehead">'''Websites'''||<br>
+ ||||<br>
+ ||[ Facebook]||<br>
+ <br>
+ <br>
+ '''Bones Dog Bakery''' is an all natural dog and people ["bakeries" bakery] and ["Coffee"] bar located off of ["Park Avenue"]. "A place where dogs can bring their humans for treats". For sell cakes and cookies for both people and dogs. Their baked bagged goods can also be found at ["Petsaver Superstore"] and Amazing Grains Bread Company. Opened on April 27, ["2019/openings" 2019].<br>
+ <br>
+ [[Comments]]</span>