Recent Changes for "Cheesecake Factory/Comments" - Rochester Wiki Changes of the page "Cheesecake Factory/Comments" on Rochester Wiki.en-us Factory/Comments2013-11-28T02:02:24Zmcgmatt-comment <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for Cheesecake Factory/Comments<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 11: </td> <td> Line 11: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>- ------<br> - ''2007-08-21 23:32:27'' [[nbsp]] They should've physically separated the takeout area from the dining area. I haven't had dinner here yet, but when I do, I'll ask to be seated far away from the crowd of people and staff screaming customers' names at the top of their lungs when orders are up.<br> - <br> - Dessert is great, but overpriced... I'll still drive a bit further to Phillips, which is equally tasty, a little easier on the wallet, and more friendly. --["McgMatt"]</span> </td> <td> </td> </tr> </table> </div> Factory/Comments2009-07-16T12:44:41ZBradMandellarchived comments <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for Cheesecake Factory/Comments<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 1: </td> <td> Line 1: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <span>+ The '''["Cheesecake Factory"] Comments Archive''' contains comments made prior to 2008 and was archived on July 16, 2009.<br> + ------<br> + ''2007-07-19 22:02:31'' [[nbsp]] I have been to Cheesecake Factories in Florida, New Jersey and Illinois and always had a good meal and love the cheesecakes. They have an extensive Omelette menu which makes it a great place to go for Sunday brunch. --["ScottHendler"]<br> + ------<br> + ''2007-07-20 05:47:45'' [[nbsp]] The times I've been (Florida, Boston, Baltimore, Chigago, Philly) the portions have been huge and the menu extensive. Prepare to wait a while at traditional dining hours. --["JcPop"]<br> + ------<br> + ''2007-08-21 21:40:21'' [[nbsp]] Their Luau Salad is soooooo good! For some of their menu items, you can<br> + get a half order if you're intimidated by the huge portions (easy on the<br> + wallet too). Helpful if you plan to save room for a sloce of yummy<br> + cheesecake. :) --["CatherineConnolly"]<br> + ------<br> + ''2007-08-21 23:32:27'' [[nbsp]] They should've physically separated the takeout area from the dining area. I haven't had dinner here yet, but when I do, I'll ask to be seated far away from the crowd of people and staff screaming customers' names at the top of their lungs when orders are up.<br> + <br> + Dessert is great, but overpriced... I'll still drive a bit further to Phillips, which is equally tasty, a little easier on the wallet, and more friendly. --["McgMatt"]<br> + ------<br> + ''2007-09-23 23:51:35'' [[nbsp]] Good, but not great, and certainly not worth the exorbitant prices. $10 for a hamburger...please! --["MrPhil"]<br> + ------<br> + ''2007-10-06 18:26:40'' [[nbsp]] Way over priced for an upscale ["Applebee's"]. Felt like I was eating in a cafeteria. I rather support locally owned places. --["RobertSmith"]<br> + ------<br> + ''2007-10-06 19:32:33'' [[nbsp]] Didn't they get caught building the place with illegal Mexican immigrants who were grossly underpaid or something? I seem to remember reading that. --["JoannaLicata"]<br> + ------<br> + ''2007-10-09 16:25:38'' [[nbsp]] After waiting two hours and having seven of us crammed in a six person booth in the back corner of the place, the food wasn't too bad. I split the fried mac &amp; cheese and ordered a pizza, my boyfriend and a few others got burgers, and one of the party got a salad. The portions were really big, and being there meant I didn't have to cook, but the food wasn't anything special. Plus it was really loud and we could barely hear each other talk! I think that if I didn't have to wait two hours, and it was quieter, it might be an okay place to go every now and then. --["SaraChristine"]<br> + ------<br> + ''2007-10-18 12:36:21'' [[nbsp]] A bit of a wait, and overpriced for what it is. Also, there was long curly hair in my food. Wife's salad was hairless, thankfully. And they had the nerve to offer me a free dessert for the trouble! --["JhirkFace"]<br> + ------<br> + ''2007-10-24 17:54:24'' [[nbsp]] Yikes, I can't believe what all the Fuss is about. I would call just for fun to see how long the wait was on a Friday. Rochester sure does love chains, especially ones that spend 11 million in the building and none on the food quality. PS, Phillips gets most desserts from BJ's and adds their personal touch to make it look like there own. :) --["JayLongo"]<br> + ------<br> + ''2007-11-17 17:10:25'' [[nbsp]] If you are planning on going there, go someplace else for dinner because the food is nothing to write home about. Instead, save room for dessert after you eat at another restaurant, and get some of their awesome cheesecake-to-go! They should just stick to cheesecake! --["DabeernFooddude"]<br> + ------<br> + ''2007-11-20 13:38:51'' [[nbsp]] Hrm. I've been here twice. Most recently, last night. Broke the code. In order to not wait 2-3 hours, go on a Mon or Tue night around 8.45pm. Not ideal, but it worked for us. We had the shrimp spring roll (unfried) app, which were obviously made earlier in the day and put in a fridge. Still ok, but not "good". My partner had the turkey burger w/ mashed potatoes (love those potatoes!) and I had the Spinach salad w/ apples, walnuts, bacon + blue cheese. I loved it. We both had massive left overs. It is what it is. You can have a great meal for $20 here. Just don't get an app and have water. I think the food is slightly better quality than other chains in the long as you stay away from the stuff that's fried.<br> + <br> + I don't care for their cheesecakes. --["MarcVera"]<br> + ------<br> + ''2007-12-25 14:03:43'' [[nbsp]] I was not at all impressed with this place. The food is just OK, and over-priced, and the cheesecake is good, but not worth what they charge ($6.50-$7.50/slice)<br> + <br> + If you've seen the movie "Office Space", then you remember Chatchkee's I'm sure (the restaurant where the guy's girlfriend worked... where they wore "pieces of flair") That place is fictitious of course, but it's based on real life restaurants, such as this. I don't remember if the staff wore "flair" or not, but they might as well have. This place has all the other obnoxious yuppy place qualities, such as overpriced food, pretentious atmosphere, obnoxious waiters/waitresses, etc. I find it annoying even when I don't have a "case of the Mondays". --["EricArdis"]<br> + ------<br> + ''2007-12-26 11:52:42'' [[nbsp]] My question is, why were the D&amp;C and other local media outlets panting with anticipation for this place, charting its construction progress almost daily, it seemed. Is Rochester really that unsophisticated that the media wets itself over a glorified ["Ruby Tuesday"]? Do I recall that they actually got COMIDA tax breaks to build this place?<br> + <br> + Forget the Cheesecake Refinery, support local businesses. --["JasonHaremza"]</span> </td> </tr> </table> </div>