Recent Changes for "Dewey Avenue Smoke Shop" - Rochester Wiki Changes of the page "Dewey Avenue Smoke Shop" on Rochester Wiki.en-us Avenue Smoke Shop2013-06-01T02:08:46ZEileenFaccessibility <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for Dewey Avenue Smoke Shop<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 8: </td> <td> Line 8: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <span>+ ||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Wheelchair Accessible'''||<br> + ||["Info Needed"]||</span> </td> </tr> </table> </div> Avenue Smoke Shop2013-06-01T02:08:10ZEileenFclean-up <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for Dewey Avenue Smoke Shop<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 2: </td> <td> Line 2: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>-</span> ||[[Address(1405 Dewey Ave, Rochester, NY 14613)]]|| </td> <td> <span>+</span> ||[[Address(1405 <span>["</span>Dewey Ave<span>nue"]</span>, Rochester, NY 14613)]]|| </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 4: </td> <td> Line 4: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>-</span> ||Monday-Saturday: 11:00AM to 10:00PM|| </td> <td> <span>+</span> ||Monday<span>&nbsp;</span>-<span>&nbsp;</span>Saturday: 11:00AM to 10:00PM|| </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 11: </td> <td> Line 11: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>- ["Cigar Stores" Cigar store] and smoke shop on the corner of Flower City Park.<br> - A large variety of smoking supplies and related items. Carved "Wooden" Indians outside, next to the front door.<br> - Has local publications: City Newspaper, Freetime, Golf Week, and "exxxtremely Hot" available inside, near the front door.<br> - - Parking lot in front</span> </td> <td> <span>+ '''Dewey Avenue Smoke Shop''' is a ["Cigar Stores" cigar store] and smoke shop in ["Maplewood"]. They offer a large variety of smoking supplies and related items. Carved "Wooden" Indians outside, next to the front door.</span> </td> </tr> </table> </div> Avenue Smoke Shop2013-06-01T02:08:10ZEileenFMap location(s) modified Avenue Smoke Shop2013-01-02T20:31:27ZChrisMWordenComment added. <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for Dewey Avenue Smoke Shop<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 21: </td> <td> Line 21: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <span>+ ------<br> + ''2013-01-02 15:31:27'' [[nbsp]] Spend a good chunk of time here, you guys. Great place and awesome service. Big fan of smoking supplies, ya know? You know what I always say, "Surgeon general warnings, those are for little girls". --["Users/ChrisMWorden"]</span> </td> </tr> </table> </div> Avenue Smoke Shop2010-02-12T17:01:52ZJackGreenkymore info - publications will need links: later <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for Dewey Avenue Smoke Shop<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 12: </td> <td> Line 12: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <span>+ A large variety of smoking supplies and related items. Carved "Wooden" Indians outside, next to the front door.<br> + Has local publications: City Newspaper, Freetime, Golf Week, and "exxxtremely Hot" available inside, near the front door.<br> + - Parking lot in front</span> </td> </tr> </table> </div> Avenue Smoke Shop2010-02-12T16:47:18ZJackGreenkylocation info <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for Dewey Avenue Smoke Shop<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 11: </td> <td> Line 11: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>-</span> ["Cigar Stores" Cigar store] and smoke shop. </td> <td> <span>+</span> ["Cigar Stores" Cigar store] and smoke shop<span>&nbsp;on the corner of Flower City Park</span>. </td> </tr> </table> </div> Avenue Smoke Shop2009-04-14T10:12:06ZBradMandelltbl hdrs, web adr fmt, hrs fmt <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for Dewey Avenue Smoke Shop<p><strong></strong></p>No differences found!</div> Avenue Smoke Shop2009-04-14T10:12:04ZBradMandelltbl hdrs, web adr fmt, hrs fmt <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for Dewey Avenue Smoke Shop<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 1: </td> <td> Line 1: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>-</span> ||&lt;b<span>gco</span>l<span>or='#E0E0FF'</span>&gt;'''Location'''|| </td> <td> <span>+</span> ||&lt;<span>class="ta</span>bl<span>ehead"</span>&gt;'''Location'''|| </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 3: </td> <td> Line 3: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>-</span> ||&lt;b<span>gco</span>l<span>or='#E0E0FF'</span>&gt;'''Hours'''||<br> <span>-</span> ||Monday-Saturday: 11:00<span>am-</span>10:00<span>pm</span>|| </td> <td> <span>+</span> ||&lt;<span>class="ta</span>bl<span>ehead"</span>&gt;'''Hours'''||<br> <span>+</span> ||Monday-Saturday: 11:00<span>AM to </span>10:00<span>PM</span>|| </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 6: </td> <td> Line 6: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>-</span> ||&lt;b<span>gco</span>l<span>or='#E0E0FF'</span>&gt;'''Phone'''||<br> <span>-</span> ||<span>(</span>585<span>)</span>458<span>-</span>8824||<br> <span>-</span> ||&lt;b<span>gco</span>l<span>or='#E0E0FF'</span>&gt;'''Website'''||<br> <span>-</span> ||[http://www.<span>d</span>ewey<span>a</span>ve<span>s</span>moke<span>s</span>]|| </td> <td> <span>+</span> ||&lt;<span>class="ta</span>bl<span>ehead"</span>&gt;'''Phone'''||<br> <span>+</span> ||585<span>&nbsp;</span>458<span>&nbsp;</span>8824||<br> <span>+</span> ||&lt;<span>class="ta</span>bl<span>ehead"</span>&gt;'''Website'''||<br> <span>+</span> ||[http://www.<span>D</span>ewey<span>A</span>ve<span>S</span>moke<span>S</span>]|| </td> </tr> </table> </div> Avenue Smoke Shop2008-09-30T14:28:29ZCigarMan32Comment added. <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for Dewey Avenue Smoke Shop<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 16: </td> <td> Line 16: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <span>+ ------<br> + ''2008-09-30 10:28:29'' [[nbsp]] Selection is awesome and the prices are the best I have seen in Rochester. --["Users/CigarMan32"]</span> </td> </tr> </table> </div> Avenue Smoke Shop2007-12-07T17:29:58Zalexandergartleyadded brief description <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for Dewey Avenue Smoke Shop<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 11: </td> <td> Line 11: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>- </span> </td> <td> <span>+ ["Cigar Stores" Cigar store] and smoke shop.</span> </td> </tr> </table> </div> Avenue Smoke Shop2007-12-07T17:27:25Zalexandergartleyadded zip code to location <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for Dewey Avenue Smoke Shop<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 2: </td> <td> Line 2: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>-</span> ||[[Address(1405 Dewey Ave<span>.</span>, Rochester)]]|| </td> <td> <span>+</span> ||[[Address(1405 Dewey Ave, Rochester<span>, NY 14613</span>)]]|| </td> </tr> </table> </div> Avenue Smoke Shop2007-12-06T15:38:28ZJackPorcelloComment added. <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for Dewey Avenue Smoke Shop<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 14: </td> <td> Line 14: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <span>+ ------<br> + ''2007-12-06 11:38:28'' [[nbsp]] Great selection and service. --["JackPorcello"]</span> </td> </tr> </table> </div> Avenue Smoke Shop2006-09-28T01:58:32ZpetebUpdated hours <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for Dewey Avenue Smoke Shop<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 4: </td> <td> Line 4: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>-</span> ||<span>11am - 10pm </span>Monday<span>&nbsp;</span>-<span>&nbsp;</span>Saturday<span>,</span> <span>c</span>losed Sunday|| </td> <td> <span>+</span> ||Monday-Saturday<span>:</span> <span>11:00am-10:00pm||<br> + ||C</span>losed Sunday|| </td> </tr> </table> </div> Avenue Smoke Shop2006-08-22T03:21:57ZMap location(s) modified Avenue Smoke Shop2006-06-07T03:59:06ZpetebCleaned up address <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for Dewey Avenue Smoke Shop<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 2: </td> <td> Line 2: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>-</span> ||[[Address(<span>"</span>1405 Dewey Ave., Rochester<span>", "A place!"</span>)]]|| </td> <td> <span>+</span> ||[[Address(1405 Dewey Ave., Rochester)]]|| </td> </tr> </table> </div> Avenue Smoke Shop2006-01-04T01:40:42ZMikeThomascreated page <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for Dewey Avenue Smoke Shop<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 1: </td> <td> Line 1: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <span>+ ||&lt;bgcolor='#E0E0FF'&gt;'''Location'''||<br> + ||[[Address("1405 Dewey Ave., Rochester", "A place!")]]||<br> + ||&lt;bgcolor='#E0E0FF'&gt;'''Hours'''||<br> + ||11am - 10pm Monday - Saturday, closed Sunday||<br> + ||&lt;bgcolor='#E0E0FF'&gt;'''Phone'''||<br> + ||(585)458-8824||<br> + ||&lt;bgcolor='#E0E0FF'&gt;'''Website'''||<br> + ||[]||<br> + <br> + <br> + <br> + [[Comments]]</span> </td> </tr> </table> </div>