Recent Changes for "Espada Brazilian Steak" - Rochester Wiki Changes of the page "Espada Brazilian Steak" on Rochester Wiki.en-us Brazilian Steak2016-04-02T14:47:10Zscotthendlerclosed <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Espada Brazilian Steak<p><strong></strong></p><table>
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<span>-</span> ||<class="tablehead">'''Location'''||
<span>+</span> ||<class="tablehead">'''<span>Former </span>Location'''||
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<span>- ||<class="tablehead">'''Hours''' (as of January 2015)||<br>
- ||'''Dinner'''||<br>
- ||Wednesday through Saturday: 4:30-10PM||<br>
- ||Sunday: 4:30 - 8PM||<br>
- ||'''Lunch'''||<br>
- ||Friday: 11:30AM - 3:00PM||<br>
- ||Saturday: 12:30PM - 4:00PM||<br>
- ||Sunday: 11:30AM - 4:00PM||<br>
- ||<class="tablehead">'''Phone'''||<br>
- ||585 473 0050||<br>
- ||<class="tablehead">'''Wheelchair Accessible'''||<br>
- ||Yes||<br>
- ||<class="tablehead">'''Alcohol'''||<br>
- ||Yes||<br>
- ||<class="tablehead">'''Website'''||<br>
- ||[]||<br>
- ||[ Facebook]||<br>
- ||<class="tablehead">'''Reviews'''||<br>
- ||[ 2013-07-24 City Newspaper]||</span>
<span>+ ||<class="tablehead">'''Status''' (as of April 2016)||<br>
+ ||'''Closed'''||</span>
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<span>- '''Espada Brazilian Steak''' is Rochester's first and only Brazilian [wiki:wikipedia:churrascaria]. Meals are offered at tiers of all-you-can-eat from $25 to $45 per seat plus drinks. Diners begin by taking a trip to the salad and sides bar, but from then on servers come around to the tables with skewers loaded with meat and pineapple fresh off the grill, placing chosen items right on your plate.</span>
<span>+ See ["Gone, but not forgotten"]</span>
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<span>- Located at the ["Village Gate"].</span>
<span>+ '''Espada Brazilian Steak''' was Rochester's first and only Brazilian [wiki:wikipedia:churrascaria]. Meals were offered at tiers of all-you-can-eat from $25 to $45 per seat plus drinks. Diners begin by taking a trip to the salad and sides bar, but from then on servers come around to the tables with skewers loaded with meat and pineapple fresh off the grill, placing chosen items right on your plate.</span>
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<span>- The owners of ["Gate House Cafe"] opened Espada Brazilian Steak on December 6, ["2012/Openings" 2012].</span>
<span>+ Previously located at the ["Village Gate"].<br>
+ <br>
+ The owners of ["Gate House Cafe"] opened Espada Brazilian Steak on December 6, ["2012/Openings" 2012]. Closed April 3 ["2016"].<br>
+ <br>
+ In ["2016"], the owners announced they were moving ["Gate House Cafe"] into Espada's location and will be opening a new restaurant at the Gate House location.</span>
</div> Brazilian Steak2016-03-20T16:40:15ZscotthendlerComment added. <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
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<span>+ ------<br>
+ ''2016-03-20 12:40:15'' [[nbsp]] I called about gift certificates. If you do not use by the time they close, they will be honored at ["Gate House Cafe"] and the new restaurant they will be opening. It appears the owners are moving ["Gate House Cafe"] in the Espada space and will open something new in the gate house space. --["Users/scotthendler"]</span>
</div> Brazilian Steak2016-03-19T02:45:41ZmarkjacksonComment added. <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
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<span>+ ------<br>
+ ''2016-03-18 22:45:41'' [[nbsp]] Closing April 3 - --["Users/markjackson"]</span>
</div> Brazilian Steak2015-01-21T16:43:19ZEileenFfixed wiki link <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Espada Brazilian Steak<p><strong></strong></p><table>
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<span>-</span> ||[[Address("274 N<span>.</span> Goodman <span>s</span>t, Rochester, NY 14607")]] ||<br>
<span>-</span> ||<class="tablehead">'''Hours''' (as of Jan 2015)||
<span>+</span> ||[[Address("274 <span>["</span>N<span>orth</span> Goodman <span>S</span>t<span>reet"]</span>, Rochester, NY 14607")]] ||<br>
<span>+</span> ||<class="tablehead">'''Hours''' (as of Jan<span>uary</span> 2015)||
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<span>-</span> ||[http://www.<span>e</span>spada<span>s</span>]||
<span>+</span> ||[http://www.<span>E</span>spada<span>S</span>]||
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<span>-</span> '''Espada Brazilian Steak''' is Rochester's first and only Brazilian [<span>http</span>:<span>//en.</span>wikipedia<span>.org/wiki/Churrascaria </span>churrascaria]. Meals are offered at tiers of all-you-can-eat from $25 to $45 per seat plus drinks. Diners begin by taking a trip to the salad and sides bar, but from then on servers come around to the tables with skewers loaded with meat and pineapple fresh off the grill, placing chosen items right on your plate.<span> It is l</span>ocated at the ["Village Gate"].
<span>+</span> '''Espada Brazilian Steak''' is Rochester's first and only Brazilian [<span>wiki</span>:wikipedia<span>:</span>churrascaria]. Meals are offered at tiers of all-you-can-eat from $25 to $45 per seat plus drinks. Diners begin by taking a trip to the salad and sides bar, but from then on servers come around to the tables with skewers loaded with meat and pineapple fresh off the grill, placing chosen items right on your plate.<span><br>
+ <br>
+ L</span>ocated at the ["Village Gate"].
</div> Brazilian Steak2015-01-21T15:28:16ZEBrentHours, Added some descriptions of how things work. <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Espada Brazilian Steak<p><strong></strong></p><table>
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<span>- ||<class="tablehead">'''Hours''' (as of December 2012)||<br>
- ||Wednesday - Thursday: 4:00PM to 10:00PM||<br>
- ||Friday - Saturday: 4:00PM to 11:00PM||<br>
- ||Sunday: 10:00AM to 3:00PM||</span>
<span>+ ||<class="tablehead">'''Hours''' (as of Jan 2015)||<br>
+ ||'''Dinner'''||<br>
+ ||Wednesday through Saturday: 4:30-10PM||<br>
+ ||Sunday: 4:30 - 8PM||<br>
+ ||'''Lunch'''||<br>
+ ||Friday: 11:30AM - 3:00PM||<br>
+ ||Saturday: 12:30PM - 4:00PM||<br>
+ ||Sunday: 11:30AM - 4:00PM||</span>
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<span>-</span> '''Espada Brazilian Steak''' is Rochester's first and only Brazilian [ churrascaria]. It is located at the ["Village Gate"].
<span>+</span> '''Espada Brazilian Steak''' is Rochester's first and only Brazilian [ churrascaria]. <span>Meals are offered at tiers of all-you-can-eat from $25 to $45 per seat plus drinks. Diners begin by taking a trip to the salad and sides bar, but from then on servers come around to the tables with skewers loaded with meat and pineapple fresh off the grill, placing chosen items right on your plate. </span> It is located at the ["Village Gate"].
</div> Brazilian Steak2013-11-16T15:44:03Zalexd1234Comment added. <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
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<span>+ ------<br>
+ ''2013-11-16 10:44:03'' [[nbsp]] My GF took me here last night for dinner to celebrate for my birthday. This was my third or fourth time here since they opened. The atmosphere, style and layout of the restaurant is amazing. It's really one of the nicest and stylish semi-casual restaurants in Rochester. This restaurant would be right at home in a big city like NYC or LA. I'm part Brazilian and have been to a few churrascarias across Brazil, and Espada is a little more stylish and different than the ones down there, but this isn't a bad thing. They have their own twist and it works. For those unfamiliar with churrascarias, the premise is similar to a buffet, but with the distinction of having a wide selection of freshly grilled meats brought directly to your table on large sword-like skewers, which you can have the passadore(the guys who bring out the meat) carve a slice off for you. You indicate whether you want them to stop by your table with a card that you either flip up for go or down for stop. Side dishes are available at a buffet.<br>
+ <br>
+ Our server was attentive and friendly, starting us off with some drinks. I ordered a passion fruit caipirinha, which was delicious. The passion fruit actually tasted like real fresh passion fruit, not some canned variety. My GF ordered the Amazoni, which she loved.<br>
+ <br>
+ The side dish buffet was outstanding. They have many of the same things that traditional Brazilian steakhouses have, including Feijoada, tabouleh, salad and a number of fresh and light options to balance the meat. All were very fresh, flavorful and well presented and prepared.<br>
+ <br>
+ We each ordered the Gold package(at $45 a person), as the offerings that come with it like lamb, prime rib, etc were outstanding and we loved them from our previous visits. The difference between the two packages that were available to us on this Friday was about $20 - $25.<br>
+ It was a little frustrating though, because the vast majority of the meat coming out were the cheaper options. We started eating at 8:30, and the restaurant was full, but not completely packed, so we were kind of perplexed as to why the full range of meats wasn't available at what should be peak time for the restaurant.<br>
+ <br>
+ The most annoying part was that a couple of the guys bringing out the different cuts of meat that we wanted repeatedly passed us by, one of them in particular. We clearly had our Gold cards out in the go position, but he breezed right past us 4 or 5 times. I finally mentioned this to the server, and to his credit, he immediately asked us if there was anything in particular that we wanted and went back to let them know to stop at our table.<br>
+ <br>
+ Though we did get a little tiny morsel of lamb and a couple pieces of the other cuts we wanted, we did leave feeling a little cheated by having purchased the Gold option. I will definitely be back here, as the good far outweighs the minor shortcomings, and it's great to have a restaurant like this in Rochester. I don't think I will ever purchase the Gold package again though. You just don't get enough of a chance at the nice selections of meat. They need to school the passadores a little bit too, as far as being attentive to all tables.<br>
+ <br>
+ In summary, an amazing restaurant with delicious food and a great concept. Highly recommended, 4 out of 5 stars. --["Users/alexd1234"]</span>
</div> Brazilian Steak2013-08-08T20:48:18ZEileenFCity review <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
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<span>+ ||<class="tablehead">'''Reviews'''||<br>
+ ||[ 2013-07-24 City Newspaper]||</span>
</div> Brazilian Steak2013-04-22T20:53:34ZlilbiscottiComment added. <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
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<span>+ ------<br>
+ ''2013-04-22 16:53:34'' [[nbsp]] The menu on their website is misleading. We went on a Friday night, and they didn't have the Silver package as an option on the menu. When we asked the waiter, he said they don't offer the Silver package on the weekends since it is too crazy to keep track of. They really should indicate that on their website and menu. So in summary,the only meat option was $45 per person. --["Users/lilbiscotti"]</span>
</div> Brazilian Steak2013-01-16T00:16:56ZbadfishComment added. <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
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<span>+ ------<br>
+ ''2013-01-15 19:16:56'' [[nbsp]] I wasn't totally impressed. They do bring out food very often, but if you do not like meat cooked medium rare or below, you are going to have a hard time getting any beef. I usually order meat medium well, but they called that well done. I asked for medium well and three times was told next time around. Finally the waiter overheard me and asked them to "overcook" a piece. They would then bring me meat that was medium rare and call it medium. I understand there is an experience, but for $28 a plate, I don't expect an establishment to tell me how I should be eating my food. I left there very, very full. However I didn't really feel like it was an "all-you-can-eat" place. I left not having as much of a few of the cuts of meat I wanted, having to fill up on salmon and the salad bar. The salad bar is outstanding by the way. I would lean toward not ever going back but the other half wants to try the Sunday buffet and she may get her way. --["Users/badfish"]</span>
</div> Brazilian Steak2012-12-15T16:20:34ZrottenchesterComment added. <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
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<span>+ ------<br>
+ ''2012-12-15 11:20:34'' [[nbsp]] I ate here last night, about a week after opening, and I was impressed with the quality and quantity of food. The grilled pineapple was especially good, but all the different meat dishes (pork, chicken, sirloin, filet) were excellent. Definitely worth a visit with an appetite. --["Users/rottenchester"]</span>
</div> Brazilian Steak2012-12-06T00:47:08Zpeteb+ access <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
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<span>- ||["Info Needed"]||</span>
<span>+ ||Yes||</span>
</div> Brazilian Steak2012-12-05T20:08:03ZTippingPointcreated (new business); Opens tomorrow <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Espada Brazilian Steak<p><strong></strong></p><table>
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<span>+ ||<class="tablehead">'''Location'''||<br>
+ ||[[Address("274 N. Goodman st, Rochester, NY 14607")]] ||<br>
+ ||<class="tablehead">'''Hours''' (as of December 2012)||<br>
+ ||Wednesday - Thursday: 4:00PM to 10:00PM||<br>
+ ||Friday - Saturday: 4:00PM to 11:00PM||<br>
+ ||Sunday: 10:00AM to 3:00PM||<br>
+ ||<class="tablehead">'''Phone'''||<br>
+ ||585 473 0050||<br>
+ ||<class="tablehead">'''Wheelchair Accessible'''||<br>
+ ||["Info Needed"]||<br>
+ ||<class="tablehead">'''Alcohol'''||<br>
+ ||Yes||<br>
+ ||<class="tablehead">'''Website'''||<br>
+ ||[]||<br>
+ ||[ Facebook]||<br>
+ <br>
+ '''Espada Brazilian Steak''' is Rochester's first and only Brazilian [ churrascaria]. It is located at the ["Village Gate"].<br>
+ <br>
+ The owners of ["Gate House Cafe"] opened Espada Brazilian Steak on December 6, ["2012/Openings" 2012].<br>
+ <br>
+ [[Comments]]</span>
</div> Brazilian Steak2012-12-05T20:08:03ZTippingPointMap location(s) modified