Recent Changes for "Genesee Street" - Rochester Wiki Changes of the page "Genesee Street" on Rochester Wiki.en-us Street2024-12-29T00:04:44Zscotthendler- D & L Groceries <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Genesee Street<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 94:
Line 94:
<span>- * 1005 : ["D & L Groceries"]</span>
</div> Street2024-06-29T20:00:26Zscotthendler+ G&G Steakout II <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Genesee Street<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 72:
Line 72:
<span>+ * 810 : ["G&G steakout II"],</span>
</div> Street2023-10-29T17:11:16Zscotthendler- Family Dollar <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Genesee Street<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 25:
Line 25:
<span>- * 40 : ["Family Dollar"]</span>
</div> Street2021-10-10T16:30:12Zscotthendler- Molecular Eatery & Patisserie <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Genesee Street<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 86:
Line 86:
<span>- * 912 : ["Molecular Eatery & Patisserie"]</span>
</div> Street2020-12-12T21:16:53Zscotthendler+ Molecular Eatery & Patisserie <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Genesee Street<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 86:
Line 86:
<span>+ * 912 : ["Molecular Eatery & Patisserie"]</span>
</div> Street2020-10-06T23:45:32Zscotthendler+ Tropical Blendz Cafe & Juice Bar - Delassandros house buyers <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Genesee Street<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 66:
Line 66:
<span>-</span> * 753 : ["<span>D'A</span>le<span>ssa</span>nd<span>ro</span> <span>Ho</span>u<span>s</span>e B<span>uye</span>r<span>s</span>"]
<span>+</span> * 753 : ["<span>Tropical B</span>lend<span>z</span> <span>Cafe & J</span>u<span>ic</span>e B<span>a</span>r"]
</div> Street2020-08-12T14:25:02Zscotthendler- Brue Coffee <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Genesee Street<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 92:
Line 92:
<span>- * 960 : ["Brue Coffee"]</span>
</div> Street2019-05-04T00:56:30Zscotthendler+ D'Mangu Rochester <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Genesee Street<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 31:
Line 31:
<span>+ * 154 : ["D'Mangu Dominican Restaurant"]</span>
</div> Street2018-10-22T00:52:07Zscotthendler+ B+Healthy Fresh Food Market <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Genesee Street<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 53:
Line 53:
<span>- * 447 : [ Outreach Community Center]</span>
<span>+ * 447 : ["B+Healthy Fresh Food Market"]</span>
</div> Street2017-12-14T01:42:28Zscotthendler- United Cleaners <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Genesee Street<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 26:
Line 26:
<span>- * 68 : ["United Cleaners"]</span>
</div> Street2016-06-22T17:27:33ZEileenF- I Don't Know <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Genesee Street<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 32:
Line 32:
<span>- * 154 : ["I Don't Know"]</span>
</div> Street2016-02-25T18:58:58ZEileenF- Levels Clothing <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Genesee Street<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 24:
Line 24:
<span>- * 26 : ["Levels Clothing"]</span>
</div> Street2016-02-25T18:46:28ZEileenFupdated list <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Genesee Street<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 20:
Line 20:
<span>-</span> ''Traveling south. Source: Genesee Corridor Businesses flyer printed by the GCBA, <span>Octo</span>b<span>e</span>r 201<span>4</span>.''
<span>+</span> ''Traveling south. Source: Genesee Corridor Businesses flyer printed by the GCBA, <span>Fe</span>br<span>uary</span> 201<span>6</span>.''
Line 23:
Line 23:
<span>-</span> * 10 : ["<span>R</span>ap<span>id Pawn</span>"]
<span>+</span> * 10 : ["<span>Kicks & C</span>ap<span>s</span>"]
Line 35:
Line 35:
<span>-</span> * 172 : ["<span>B</span>ea<span>d</span>s<span> </span>an<span>d</span> <span>B</span>an<span>gl</span>es <span>by</span> <span>Ja</span>i<span>ra</span>"]
<span>+</span> * 172 : ["<span>M</span>e<span>troPCS"]<br>
+ * 174 : ["M</span>a<span>y</span>san <span>Fragr</span>an<span>c</span>es <span>&</span> <span>O</span>i<span>ls</span>"]
Line 42:
Line 43:
<span>-</span> * 211 : ["<span>Th</span>i<span>s</span> <span>Is It</span>"]
<span>+</span> * 211 : ["<span>Jama</span>i<span>can</span> <span>Soul</span>"]
Line 52:
Line 53:
<span>-</span> * 392 : Teen Empowerment
<span>+</span> * 392 :<span> [</span> Teen Empowerment<span>]</span>
Line 54:
Line 55:
<span>- * 447 : Outreach Community Center</span>
<span>+ * 440 : ["Salons" Belle Cheveau]<br>
+ * 447 : [ Outreach Community Center]</span>
Line 63:
Line 65:
<span>+ * 726 : [ Goins Insurance]</span>
Line 83:
Line 86:
<span>+ * 910 : ["Liberty Tax"]</span>
</div> Street2015-11-19T12:49:18ZEileenF- Joy Gallery <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Genesee Street<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 60:
Line 60:
<span>- * 551 : ["Joy Gallery"]</span>
</div> Street2015-10-21T20:51:52ZEileenF- EcoHouse <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Genesee Street<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 28:
Line 28:
<span>- * 69 : ["EcoHouse"]</span>
</div> Street2015-06-09T17:04:03ZEileenFRNR Ice Cream Cafe <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Genesee Street<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 90:
Line 90:
<span>-</span> * 945 : ["SE Unlimited Phones"]
<span>+</span> * 945 :<span> ["RNR Ice Cream Cafe"] and</span> ["SE Unlimited Phones"]<span> (shared building)</span>
</div> Street2015-06-02T23:09:13ZEileenFI Don't Know <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Genesee Street<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 34:
Line 34:
<span>+ * 154 : ["I Don't Know"]</span>
</div> Street2015-04-29T17:14:29ZEileenF- Brooks Boutique & Salon <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Genesee Street<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 89:
Line 89:
<span>-</span> * 945 :<span> ["Brooks Boutique & Salon"] and</span> ["SE Unlimited Phones"]<span> (same building)</span>
<span>+</span> * 945 : ["SE Unlimited Phones"]
</div> Street2015-03-05T19:52:38ZEileenFBrue Coffee <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Genesee Street<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 91:
Line 91:
<span>-</span> * 960 : ["B<span>o</span>u<span>ld</span>e<span>r</span> Coffee<span> Co.</span>"]
<span>+</span> * 960 : ["B<span>r</span>ue Coffee"]
</div> Street2015-01-29T18:48:14ZEileenFH&R Block <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Genesee Street<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 87:
Line 87:
<span>- * 921 : [|CAMP037S-B-Brand+Misspelling-G-Desktop-Exact|ADGP011Misspelling|KWRD005h+++r&KeywordID=506810390 H&R Block Tax Services]</span>
<span>+ * 921 : ["H&R Block"]</span>
</div> Street2014-12-10T18:29:50ZEileenFGenesee Nails <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Genesee Street<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 68:
Line 68:
<span>-</span> * 759 : ["<span>Salons" </span>Genesee Nails]
<span>+</span> * 759 : ["Genesee Nails<span>"</span>]
</div> Street2014-12-01T18:48:45ZEileenFSE Unlimited Phones <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Genesee Street<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 89:
Line 89:
<span>-</span> * 945 : ["Brooks Boutique & Salon"] and ["<span>Electronics Stores" </span>SE Unlimited<span>]</span> <span>(cell p</span>hones)
<span>+</span> * 945 : ["Brooks Boutique & Salon"] and ["SE Unlimited <span>P</span>hones<span>"] (same building</span>)
</div> Street2014-11-06T21:48:37ZEileenFother Genesee Streets <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Genesee Street<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 17:
Line 17:
<span>- '''Note:''' Several towns and cities in ["Upstate New York"] have a Genesee Street. Genesee Street in ["Utica"] serves as their Main Street.</span>
<span>+ '''Note:''' Genesee Street is a familiar name in ["Upstate New York"]. A Genesee Street can also be found in ["Utica"], ["Buffalo"], ["Syracuse"], Chittenango, Cheektowaga, Skaneateles, Auburn, Wampsville, and Baldwinsville.</span>
</div> Street2014-11-06T21:43:37ZEileenF(quick edit) <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Genesee Street<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 13:
Line 13:
-<span> Genesee Street is a very active commercial corridor. It is mixed-</span>use in nature and includes the substantial ["Brooks Landing"] development and much smaller<span> commercial</span> establishments like ["Jim Dalberth Sporting Goods"], as well as lower-income housing, rental properties and apartment complexes. As the western defining road of the ["Genesee-Jefferson Neighborhood"], it does see substantially less development than the adjacent 19th Ward and ["Plymouth-Exchange"] neighborhoods. Crime continues to be a problem, particularly north of Brooks Avenue, but has improved in recent years thanks to the ["University of Rochester"]'s continued development at Brooks Landing.
<span>+ Genesee Street is a very active commercial corridor. It is mixed</span>-use in nature and includes the substantial ["Brooks Landing"] development and much smaller establishments like ["Jim Dalberth Sporting Goods"], as well as lower-income housing, rental properties and apartment complexes. As the western defining road of the ["Genesee-Jefferson Neighborhood"], it does see substantially less development than the adjacent 19th Ward and ["Plymouth-Exchange"] neighborhoods. Crime continues to be a problem, particularly north of Brooks Avenue, but has improved in recent years thanks to the ["University of Rochester"]'s continued development at Brooks Landing.
</div> Street2014-11-06T21:42:35ZEileenFnote <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Genesee Street<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 16:
Line 16:
<span>+ <br>
+ '''Note:''' Several towns and cities in ["Upstate New York"] have a Genesee Street. Genesee Street in ["Utica"] serves as their Main Street.</span>
</div> Street2014-11-06T21:40:11ZEileenFmore info <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Genesee Street<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 13:
Line 13:
-<span> The structures along the road are heavily mixed in nature</span>,<span> including the substantial ["Brooks Landing"] development and much smaller commercial establishments like ["Jim Dalberth Sporting Goods"]</span> as well as lower-income housing, rental properties and apartment complexes. As the western defining road of the ["Genesee-Jefferson Neighborhood"], it does see substantially less development than the adjacent 19th Ward and ["Plymouth-Exchange"] neighborhoods. Crime continues to be a problem, particularly north of Brooks Avenue, but has improved in recent years thanks to the ["University of Rochester"]'s continued development at Brooks Landing.
<span>+ Genesee Street is a very active commercial corridor. It is mixed</span>-<span>use in nature and includes the substantial ["Brooks Landing"] development and much smaller commercial establishments like ["Jim Dalberth Sporting Goods"]</span>, as well as lower-income housing, rental properties and apartment complexes. As the western defining road of the ["Genesee-Jefferson Neighborhood"], it does see substantially less development than the adjacent 19th Ward and ["Plymouth-Exchange"] neighborhoods. Crime continues to be a problem, particularly north of Brooks Avenue, but has improved in recent years thanks to the ["University of Rochester"]'s continued development at Brooks Landing.
Line 66:
Line 66:
<span>-</span> * 759 : ["Salons" Genesee Nails<span>"</span>]
<span>+</span> * 759 : ["Salons" Genesee Nails]
</div> Street2014-11-06T21:12:47ZEileenFmore businesses <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Genesee Street<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 18:
Line 18:
<span>- ''Traveling south.''</span>
<span>+ ''Traveling south. Source: Genesee Corridor Businesses flyer printed by the GCBA, October 2014.''</span>
Line 23:
Line 23:
<span>+ * 36 : ["Chase"]</span>
Line 29:
Line 30:
<span>- * 158 : ["Buddhism" Chua Van Hanh Temple]</span>
<span>+ * 118 : ["Pawn Shops" West Main Jewelry]<br>
+ * 134 : Westside Glass and Screen<br>
+ * 158 : ["Buddhism" Van Hanh Buddhist Meditation Center]</span>
Line 31:
Line 34:
<span>+ * 175 : Aenon Baptist Church<br>
+ * 176 : ["Convenience Stores" Genesee One Stop Mart]<br>
+ * 191 : ["Convenience Stores" AJ Market]<br>
+ * 197 : ["Barbershops" Southwest Community Barber]</span>
Line 34:
Line 41:
<span>+ * 223 : ["Southern Comfort Cafe"]<br>
+ * 235 : ["Salons" Flash Hair Designs]</span>
Line 35:
Line 44:
<span>+ * 271 : Pollock's Alternator & Starter</span>
Line 36:
Line 46:
<span>+ * 300 : ["Apartments" Heritage Park Apartments]<br>
+ * 301 : ["Salons" Angella's World] and ["Barbershops" HeadlinerZ Barber Shop]<br>
+ * 311 : ["Liquor Stores" Aluzions Liquor]</span>
Line 37:
Line 50:
<span>- * 426 : ["Sam's Mini Mart"]<br>
- * 500 : ["A Taste of Supreme"]</span>
<span>+ * 392 : Teen Empowerment<br>
+ * 411 : ["Clothing Stores" Empire Clothing and Footwear]<br>
+ * 447 : Outreach Community Center<br>
+ * 462 : ["Sam's Mini Mart"]<br>
+ * 480 : [ Jordan-Woodward Health Services]<br>
+ * 500 : Boys and Girls Clubs<br>
+ * ["A Taste of Supreme"]</span>
Line 41:
Line 59:
<span>+ * 596 : [ Regency Funeral Chapel]</span>
Line 42:
Line 61:
<span>+ * 637 : [ CJW Tax & Accounting]</span>
Line 43:
Line 63:
<span>+ * 750 : ["Apartments" Brooks Village Apartments]</span>
Line 44:
Line 65:
<span>+ * 758 : ["Barbershops" Official Cuts Barber Shop]<br>
+ * 759 : ["Salons" Genesee Nails"]<br>
+ * 760 : ["Convenience Stores" Ayham Mini Mart]<br>
+ * 761 : 761 Accessories & Records<br>
+ * 770 : Trinity Missionary Baptist Church</span>
Line 46:
Line 72:
<span>+ * 837 : ["Apartments" Monica Place Apartments]</span>
Line 47:
Line 74:
<span>+ * 844 : ["Quality Home Furnishings"]</span>
Line 48:
Line 76:
<span>+ * 874 : ["Convenience Stores" Sofia's Stop and Shop]</span>
Line 50:
Line 79:
<span>+ * 900 : ["Liquor Stores" Bridgeway Liquors & Wines]</span>
Line 55:
Line 85:
<span>+ * 921 : [|CAMP037S-B-Brand+Misspelling-G-Desktop-Exact|ADGP011Misspelling|KWRD005h+++r&KeywordID=506810390 H&R Block Tax Services]</span>
Line 56:
Line 87:
<span>-</span> * 945 : ["Brooks Boutique & Salon"]
<span>+</span> * 945 : ["Brooks Boutique & Salon"]<span> and ["Electronics Stores" SE Unlimited] (cell phones)</span>
Line 59:
Line 90:
<span>+ * 973 : ["Brooks Auto Parts & Repair"]</span>
Line 61:
Line 93:
<span>+ * 1009 : ["Hill's Barber Shop"]</span>
</div> Street2014-09-12T09:55:13ZEileenFUR HR <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Genesee Street<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 51:
Line 51:
<span>-</span> * 910 : ["U<span>niversity of </span>R<span>ochester</span>"] [ Finance Department]
<span>+</span> * 910 : ["UR"] [ Finance Department]<span> and [ Human Resources]</span>
</div> Street2014-09-06T03:53:00ZEileenFBrooks Landing Laundromat <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Genesee Street<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 42:
Line 42:
<span>+ * 730 : ["Brooks Landing Laundromat"]<br>
+ * 753 : ["D'Alessandro House Buyers"]</span>
Line 43:
Line 45:
<span>- * 753 : ["D'Alessandro House Buyers"]</span>
</div> Street2014-09-02T16:55:22ZEileenFBoulder Coffee Co. <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Genesee Street<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 57:
Line 57:
<span>+ * 960 : ["Boulder Coffee Co."]</span>
</div> Street2014-08-25T17:43:09ZEileenFGCBA <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Genesee Street<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 8:
Line 8:
<span>+ ||<class="tablehead">'''Neighborhood Association'''||<br>
+ ||["Genesee Corridor Business Association"]||</span>
</div> Street2014-07-28T20:35:39ZEileenFThe Wok <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Genesee Street<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 49:
Line 49:
<span>+ * 912 : ["The Wok"]</span>
</div> Street2014-05-28T22:54:27ZEileenFDr. Samuel McCree Way <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Genesee Street<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 9:
Line 9:
<span>-</span> '''Genesee Street''' is a north-south ["Routes" route] located primarily in the ["19th Ward"] in the ["City of Rochester"]. From ["West Main Street"] to Dr. Samuel McCree Way, it forms the border between the 19th Ward and ["Changing of the Scenes"]. From Dr. Samuel McCree Way down to about Barton Street it forms the border between the 19th Ward and ["Genesee-Jefferson"]. Other notable intersections include ["Arnett Boulevard"], Columbia Avenue, ["Brooks Avenue"], ["Elmwood Avenue"], and ["Scottsville Road"].
<span>+</span> '''Genesee Street''' is a north-south ["Routes" route] located primarily in the ["19th Ward"] in the ["City of Rochester"]. From ["West Main Street"] to <span>["</span>Dr. Samuel McCree Way<span>"]</span>, it forms the border between the 19th Ward and ["Changing of the Scenes"]. From Dr. Samuel McCree Way down to about Barton Street it forms the border between the 19th Ward and ["Genesee-Jefferson"]. Other notable intersections include ["Arnett Boulevard"], Columbia Avenue, ["Brooks Avenue"], ["Elmwood Avenue"], and ["Scottsville Road"].
</div> Street2014-05-28T22:18:57ZEileenFSt. Monica Church <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Genesee Street<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 42:
Line 42:
<span>+ * 831 : ["St. Monica Church"]</span>
</div> Street2014-03-13T20:08:12ZEileenFcorrection <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Genesee Street<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 39:
Line 39:
<span>+ * 628 : ["Maklan Food"]</span>
Line 45:
Line 46:
<span>+ * 904 : ["Brooks Landing Diner"]<br>
+ * 910 : ["University of Rochester"] [ Finance Department]<br>
+ * 913 : ["Subway Restaurants" Subway]</span>
Line 48:
Line 52:
<span>- * 628 : ["Maklan Food"]<br>
- * 904 : ["Brooks Landing Diner"]<br>
- * 910 : ["University of Rochester"] [ Finance Department]<br>
- * 913 : ["Subway Restaurants" Subway]</span>
</div> Street2014-03-10T15:28:11ZEileenFcorrection <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Genesee Street<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 11:
Line 11:
<span>-</span> The structures along the road are heavily mixed in nature, including the substantial ["Brooks Landing"] development and much smaller commercial establishments like ["Jim Dalberth Sporting Goods"] as well as lower-income housing, rental properties and apartment complexes. As the western defining road of the ["Genesee-Jefferson Neighborhood"], it does see substantially less development than the adjacent 19th Ward and ["<span>Corn Hill</span>"] neighborhoods. Crime continues to be a problem, particularly north of Brooks Avenue, but has improved in recent years thanks to the ["University of Rochester"]'s continued development at Brooks Landing.
<span>+</span> The structures along the road are heavily mixed in nature, including the substantial ["Brooks Landing"] development and much smaller commercial establishments like ["Jim Dalberth Sporting Goods"] as well as lower-income housing, rental properties and apartment complexes. As the western defining road of the ["Genesee-Jefferson Neighborhood"], it does see substantially less development than the adjacent 19th Ward and ["<span>Plymouth-Exchange</span>"] neighborhoods. Crime continues to be a problem, particularly north of Brooks Avenue, but has improved in recent years thanks to the ["University of Rochester"]'s continued development at Brooks Landing.
</div> Street2014-03-10T15:27:41ZEileenFupdate <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Genesee Street<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 11:
Line 11:
<span>-</span> The structures along the road are heavily mixed in nature, including the substantial ["Brooks Landing"] development and much smaller commercial establishments like ["Jim Dalberth Sporting Goods"] as well as lower-income housing, rental properties and apartment complexes. As the western defining road of the ["Genesee-Jefferson Neighborhood"], it does see substantially less development than the adjacent 19th Ward and ["Corn Hill"] neighborhoods. Crime continues to be a problem<span> along this road into 2008</span>, particularly north of Brooks Avenue.
<span>+</span> The structures along the road are heavily mixed in nature, including the substantial ["Brooks Landing"] development and much smaller commercial establishments like ["Jim Dalberth Sporting Goods"] as well as lower-income housing, rental properties and apartment complexes. As the western defining road of the ["Genesee-Jefferson Neighborhood"], it does see substantially less development than the adjacent 19th Ward and ["Corn Hill"] neighborhoods. Crime continues to be a problem, particularly north of Brooks Avenue<span>, but has improved in recent years thanks to the ["University of Rochester"]'s continued development at Brooks Landing</span>.
</div> Street2014-03-10T15:26:46ZEileenF+ more <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Genesee Street<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 50:
Line 50:
<span>+ * 910 : ["University of Rochester"] [ Finance Department]<br>
+ * 913 : ["Subway Restaurants" Subway]<br>
+ * 955 : [ Chabad House of Rochester]</span>
Line 52:
Line 55:
<span>+ * 1035 : [ Chi Phi Fraternity] (["UR"])</span>
</div> Street2014-03-10T10:31:29ZEileenF2 more <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Genesee Street<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 31:
Line 31:
<span>+ * 211 : ["This Is It"]</span>
Line 33:
Line 34:
<span>+ * 337 : ["Mojoe's Pizza"]</span>
</div> Street2014-03-10T10:14:57ZEileenF <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Genesee Street<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 32:
Line 32:
<span>-</span> * 283 : ["about...time"] - Headquarters
<span>+</span> * 283 : <span>''</span>["about...time"]<span>''</span> - Headquarters
</div> Street2014-03-10T10:13:58ZEileenFexpanded <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Genesee Street<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 1:
Line 1:
<span>- ||<bgcolor='#E0E0FF'>'''Location'''||<br>
- ||[[Address("Genesee Street, Rochester, NY 14611")]], travels north-south, through the ["19th Ward"].||<br>
- ||<bgcolor='#E0E0FF'>'''Boundaries'''||<br>
- ||Genesee runs from ["West Main Street"] at the northern end to Vixette Street at its southern end .||</span>
<span>+ ||<class="tablehead">'''Location'''||<br>
+ ||Mostly the ["19th Ward"]; also ["Changing of the Scenes" COTS] and ["Genesee-Jefferson"]||<br>
+ ||<class="tablehead">'''Boundaries'''||<br>
+ ||North - ["West Main Street"]||<br>
+ ||South - Vixette Street||<br>
+ ||<class="tablehead">'''Length'''||<br>
+ ||Approx. 2 miles||</span>
Line 6:
Line 9:
<span>- '''About Genesee Street:'''<br>
- <br>
- '''Genesee''' is a short main north-south street in the ["19th Ward"] in the ["City of Rochester"] and intersects with major east-west streets and routes including ["West Main Street"], Arnett Boulevard, Columbia Avenue, ["South Plymouth Avenue"], ["Brooks Avenue"], ["Elmwood Avenue"], and ["Scottsville Road"]. It also carries ["Route 383"] for several blocks.</span>
<span>+ '''Genesee Street''' is a north-south ["Routes" route] located primarily in the ["19th Ward"] in the ["City of Rochester"]. From ["West Main Street"] to Dr. Samuel McCree Way, it forms the border between the 19th Ward and ["Changing of the Scenes"]. From Dr. Samuel McCree Way down to about Barton Street it forms the border between the 19th Ward and ["Genesee-Jefferson"]. Other notable intersections include ["Arnett Boulevard"], Columbia Avenue, ["Brooks Avenue"], ["Elmwood Avenue"], and ["Scottsville Road"].</span>
Line 14:
Line 15:
<span>- '''Attractions and Businesses'''<br>
- * Organizations: ["Neighborhood Empowerment Team"], ["Sector 4 Community Development Corporation"], ["Southwest Area Neighborhood Association"],<br>
- * Business: ["Jim Dalberth Sporting Goods"], ["Westside Farmers' Market"], ["St. Mary's Hospital"], ["Boulder Coffee Co."]</span>
<span>+ ==Located on Genesee Street==<br>
+ ''Traveling south.''</span>
Line 18:
Line 18:
<span>- '''Notes and References'''</span>
<span>+ ===19th Ward and COTS===<br>
+ * 10 : ["Rapid Pawn"]<br>
+ * 26 : ["Levels Clothing"]<br>
+ * 40 : ["Family Dollar"]<br>
+ * 68 : ["United Cleaners"]<br>
+ * 69 : ["EcoHouse"]<br>
+ * 89 : ["Sector 4 Community Development Corporation"]<br>
+ * 89 : ["Unity St. Mary's Campus"] and ["St. Mary's Hospital"]<br>
+ * 92 : ["Canopy Coin Laundry"]<br>
+ * 158 : ["Buddhism" Chua Van Hanh Temple]<br>
+ * 172 : ["Beads and Bangles by Jaira"]<br>
+ <br>
+ ===19th Ward and Genesee-Jefferson===<br>
+ * 227 : ["Pop Style International"]<br>
+ * 283 : ["about...time"] - Headquarters<br>
+ * 426 : ["Sam's Mini Mart"]<br>
+ * 500 : ["A Taste of Supreme"]<br>
+ * 501 : ["Joseph C. Wilson Magnet High School"]<br>
+ * 551 : ["Joy Gallery"]<br>
+ * 773 : ["Family Dollar"]<br>
+ * 753 : ["D'Alessandro House Buyers"]<br>
+ * 841 : ["Rochester Academy Charter School"]<br>
+ * 873 : ["Rochester Fire Department" Rochester Fire Department Engine No. 7]<br>
+ <br>
+ ===19th Ward Only===<br>
+ * 923 : ["Neighborhood Empowerment Team"]<br>
+ * 925 : ["Jim Dalberth Sporting Goods"]<br>
+ * 945 : ["Brooks Boutique & Salon"]<br>
+ * 628 : ["Maklan Food"]<br>
+ * 904 : ["Brooks Landing Diner"]<br>
+ * 1000 : ["Staybridge Suites"]<br>
+ * 1005 : ["D & L Groceries"]<br>
+ * 1170 : ["Valley Court"] - Development<br>
+ * ["Genesee Valley Park"]<br>
+ <br>
+ ===Notes and References===</span>
</div> Street2012-04-14T21:43:17ZEileenF- at <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Genesee Street<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 16:
Line 16:
<span>-</span> * Business:<span> ["about...time"],</span> ["Jim Dalberth Sporting Goods"], ["Westside Farmers' Market"], ["St. Mary's Hospital"], ["Boulder Coffee Co."]
<span>+</span> * Business: ["Jim Dalberth Sporting Goods"], ["Westside Farmers' Market"], ["St. Mary's Hospital"], ["Boulder Coffee Co."]
</div> Street2011-05-26T08:15:57ZRobertStarComment added. <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Genesee Street<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 24:
Line 24:
<span>+ ------<br>
+ ''2011-05-26 04:15:57'' [[nbsp]] I agree..stay off of genesee street at night. It is sketchy. I was jumped by two teen thugs on that street. I was getting off of a city bus on a sunday night. I had finished working a 3pm to 11pm shift at my job!!!! --["Users/RobertStar"]</span>
</div> Street2008-11-10T02:49:14ZscotthendlerChanged Urban Brew to Boulder Coffee <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Genesee Street<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 16:
Line 16:
<span>-</span> * Business: ["about...time"], ["Jim Dalberth Sporting Goods"], ["Westside Farmers' Market"], ["St. Mary's Hospital"], ["<span>U</span>r<span>ban</span> <span>Br</span>e<span>w</span>"]<span>,</span>
<span>+</span> * Business: ["about...time"], ["Jim Dalberth Sporting Goods"], ["Westside Farmers' Market"], ["St. Mary's Hospital"], ["<span>Boulde</span>r <span>Coff</span>e<span>e Co.</span>"]
</div> Street2008-07-31T17:08:57ZBradMandellrestore dave's edit <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Genesee Street<p><strong></strong></p>No differences found!</div> Street2008-07-31T17:08:45ZDaveMahonoodles more information <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Genesee Street<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 8:
Line 8:
<span>-</span> '''Genesee''' is a short main north-south street in the ["19th Ward"] in the ["City of Rochester"] and intersects with major east-west streets and routes including ["West Main Street"], Arnett<span>e</span> Boulevard, Columbia Avenue, ["South Plymouth Avenue"], ["Brooks Avenue"], ["Elmwood Avenue"], and ["Scottsville Road"]. It also carries ["Route 383"] for several blocks.
<span>+</span> '''Genesee''' is a short main north-south street in the ["19th Ward"] in the ["City of Rochester"] and intersects with major east-west streets and routes including ["West Main Street"], Arnett Boulevard, Columbia Avenue, ["South Plymouth Avenue"], ["Brooks Avenue"], ["Elmwood Avenue"], and ["Scottsville Road"]. It also carries ["Route 383"] for several blocks.<span><br>
+ <br>
+ The structures along the road are heavily mixed in nature, including the substantial ["Brooks Landing"] development and much smaller commercial establishments like ["Jim Dalberth Sporting Goods"] as well as lower-income housing, rental properties and apartment complexes. As the western defining road of the ["Genesee-Jefferson Neighborhood"], it does see substantially less development than the adjacent 19th Ward and ["Corn Hill"] neighborhoods. Crime continues to be a problem along this road into 2008, particularly north of Brooks Avenue.</span>
</div> Street2008-07-31T17:06:39ZBradMandellremove two underscores <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Genesee Street<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 14:
Line 14:
<span>-</span> * Business: ["about...time"], ["Jim Dalberth Sporting Goods"], ["Westside Farmers' Market"], ["St.<span>_</span>Mary's Hospital"], ["Urban<span>_</span>Brew"],
<span>+</span> * Business: ["about...time"], ["Jim Dalberth Sporting Goods"], ["Westside Farmers' Market"], ["St.<span> </span>Mary's Hospital"], ["Urban<span> </span>Brew"],
</div> Street2008-07-31T17:05:47ZBradMandellremove conflict <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Genesee Street<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 10:
Line 10:
<span>- ----- /!\ Edit conflict! Your version: -----</span>
Line 16:
Line 15:
<span>- ----- /!\ Edit conflict! Other version: -----<br>
- Route 383 travels southeast as South Plymouth and then Brooks Avenues until it makes a left turn onto Genesee; it then runs along Genesee for a short six blocks until it bears to the right as Scottsville Road. At this intersection with Elmwood Avenue, Genesee continues southeast as a separate street.<br>
- ----- /!\ End of edit conflict -----</span>
</div> Street2008-07-31T17:04:56ZBradMandellvalley park <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Genesee Street<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 10:
Line 10:
<span>+ ----- /!\ Edit conflict! Your version: -----<br>
+ Route 383 travels southeast as South Plymouth and then Brooks Avenues until it makes a left turn onto Genesee; it then runs along Genesee for a short six blocks until it bears to the right as Scottsville Road. At this intersection with Elmwood Avenue, Genesee continues southeast as a separate street bordering ["Genesee Valley Park"].<br>
+ <br>
+ '''Attractions and Businesses'''<br>
+ * Organizations: ["Neighborhood Empowerment Team"], ["Sector 4 Community Development Corporation"], ["Southwest Area Neighborhood Association"],<br>
+ * Business: ["about...time"], ["Jim Dalberth Sporting Goods"], ["Westside Farmers' Market"], ["St._Mary's Hospital"], ["Urban_Brew"],<br>
+ ----- /!\ Edit conflict! Other version: -----</span>
Line 11:
Line 18:
<span>+ ----- /!\ End of edit conflict -----</span>
</div> Street2008-07-31T17:01:13ZDaveMahonsome grammar fixes <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Genesee Street<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 8:
Line 8:
<span>- '''Genesee''' is a short main north-south street in the ["City of Rochester"] 's the 19th Ward and intersects with major east-west streets and routes. Including: ["West Main Street"], Arnette Boulevard, Columbia Avenue, ["South Plymouth Avenue"], ["Brooks Avenue"], ["Elmwood Avenue"], and ["Scottsville Road"]. It also carries Route 383 for several blocks.</span>
<span>+ '''Genesee''' is a short main north-south street in the ["19th Ward"] in the ["City of Rochester"] and intersects with major east-west streets and routes including ["West Main Street"], Arnette Boulevard, Columbia Avenue, ["South Plymouth Avenue"], ["Brooks Avenue"], ["Elmwood Avenue"], and ["Scottsville Road"]. It also carries ["Route 383"] for several blocks.</span>
Line 10:
Line 10:
<span>-</span> Route 383 travels southeast as South Plymouth and then Brooks Avenues until it makes a left turn onto Genesee; it then runs along Genesee for a short six blocks until it bears to the right as Scottsville Road. At this intersection with Elmwood Avenue, Genesee continues southeast as a separate street
<span>+</span> Route 383 travels southeast as South Plymouth and then Brooks Avenues until it makes a left turn onto Genesee; it then runs along Genesee for a short six blocks until it bears to the right as Scottsville Road. At this intersection with Elmwood Avenue, Genesee continues southeast as a separate street<span>.</span>
</div> Street2008-07-31T15:53:10ZBradMandelladdress and google map rewrite and do it as N-S <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Genesee Street<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 2:
Line 2:
<span>-</span> ||<span>T</span>ravels north-south, through the ["19th Ward"].||
<span>+</span> ||<span>[[Address("Genesee Street, Rochester, NY 14611")]], t</span>ravels north-south, through the ["19th Ward"].||
Line 4:
Line 4:
<span>-</span> ||Genesee runs from<span> Vixette Street at its southern end to</span> ["West Main Street"] at the northern end.||
<span>+</span> ||Genesee runs from ["West Main Street"] at the northern end<span> to Vixette Street at its southern end </span>.||
Line 8:
Line 8:
<span>- The portion of Genesee Street between ["Scottsville Road"] and ["South Plymouth Avenue"] is also Route 383 (383 changes to those streets at those intersections). Some important streets it passes along the way (travelling south to north) are Scottsville Road, ["Elmwood Avenue"], ["Brooks Avenue"], and South Plymouth Avenue.</span>
<span>+ '''Genesee''' is a short main north-south street in the ["City of Rochester"] 's the 19th Ward and intersects with major east-west streets and routes. Including: ["West Main Street"], Arnette Boulevard, Columbia Avenue, ["South Plymouth Avenue"], ["Brooks Avenue"], ["Elmwood Avenue"], and ["Scottsville Road"]. It also carries Route 383 for several blocks.<br>
+ <br>
+ Route 383 travels southeast as South Plymouth and then Brooks Avenues until it makes a left turn onto Genesee; it then runs along Genesee for a short six blocks until it bears to the right as Scottsville Road. At this intersection with Elmwood Avenue, Genesee continues southeast as a separate street<br>
+ <br>
+ '''Notes and References'''<br>
+ * [,+14611&sll=43.129365,-77.633772&sspn=0.048671,0.058794&ie=UTF8&ll=43.136631,-77.636003&spn=0.048666,0.058794&z=14&iwloc=addr Google Map with Street Views] - walk down the street and look around.</span>
</div> Street2008-07-31T15:53:10ZBradMandellMap location(s) modified Street2008-07-31T06:05:10ZMariahBetzComment added. <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Genesee Street<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 11:
Line 11:
<span>+ ------<br>
+ ''2008-07-31 02:05:10'' [[nbsp]] The only part of town I've been mugged in! The mugging was nearly ten years ago, for what it's worth, but I still get a bit nervous when I'm in the area at night. If you see a swarm of young men out for a late-night group jog: run! --["Users/MariahBetz"]</span>
</div> Street2008-07-31T06:02:29ZMariahBetz+ Comments section <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Genesee Street<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 9:
Line 9:
<span>+ <br>
+ [[Comments]]</span>
</div> Street2006-11-14T20:16:06ZStevenDibeliusCreated page, with modified neighborhood template. <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Genesee Street<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 1:
Line 1:
<span>+ ||<bgcolor='#E0E0FF'>'''Location'''||<br>
+ ||Travels north-south, through the ["19th Ward"].||<br>
+ ||<bgcolor='#E0E0FF'>'''Boundaries'''||<br>
+ ||Genesee runs from Vixette Street at its southern end to ["West Main Street"] at the northern end.||<br>
+ <br>
+ '''About Genesee Street:'''<br>
+ <br>
+ The portion of Genesee Street between ["Scottsville Road"] and ["South Plymouth Avenue"] is also Route 383 (383 changes to those streets at those intersections). Some important streets it passes along the way (travelling south to north) are Scottsville Road, ["Elmwood Avenue"], ["Brooks Avenue"], and South Plymouth Avenue.</span>