Recent Changes for "LGBT Community" - Rochester Wiki Changes of the page "LGBT Community" on Rochester Wiki.en-us Community2021-09-10T04:16:57ZJGleasonadded another LGBT friendly faith group. <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for LGBT Community<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
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<span>+ * [ Rochester Religious Society of Friends], (Quakers)</span>
</div> Community2021-06-28T13:30:23ZDelaneyAdded Rochester Black Pride to list of organizations <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for LGBT Community<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
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<span>+ * [ Rochester Black Pride] - Rochester Black Pride</span>
</div> Community2019-12-01T07:19:30ZGaylord(quick edit) <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for LGBT Community<p><strong></strong></p><table>
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Additions are marked with +.
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<span>-</span> * [http://g<span>ay</span>familylawce<span>nter</span>.com LGBT Le<span>gal</span> Services]
<span>+</span> * [http<span>s</span>://<span>www.l</span>g<span>bt</span>familylaw<span>servi</span> LGBT <span>Family </span>L<span>aw Attorn</span>e<span>y</span> Services]
</div> Community2019-10-29T00:36:40Zscotthendler+Roar <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for LGBT Community<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 23:
Line 23:
<span>+ * ["Roar"] - LGBT-friendly</span>
</div> Community2018-08-06T16:44:37ZalexkElectoral changes <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for LGBT Community<p><strong></strong></p><table>
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Additions are marked with +.
Line 7:
Line 7:
<span>-</span> Another historical note is the ["1986"] election of ["Tim Mains"] to the Rochester City Council, making him New York State’s first openly-gay elected official. Prior thereto he had been active in the Gay Liberation Front and had written for ''The Empty Closet''. <span>Today, NY</span>S<span> Assemblyman ["Harry B. Bronson</span>"] <span>and City Councilman ["Matt Haag"] are both openly gay politicians representing Rochester and the surrounding region. Congress</span>w<span>oman ["Louise Slaughter"] remains a longtime</span> staunch ally of the LGBT<span> C</span>ommunity.
<span>+</span> Another historical note is the ["1986"] election of ["Tim Mains"] to the Rochester City Council, making him New York State’s first openly-gay elected official. Prior thereto he had been active in the Gay Liberation Front and had written for ''The Empty Closet''. <span>Rochester City Councilmember ["Matt Haag"] succeeded him until stepping down at the end of his term in 2017. Deceased Congresswoman ["Louise </span>S<span>laughter</span>"] w<span>as also a</span> staunch ally of the LGBT<span>+ c</span>ommunity.<span> Today, NYS Assemblyman ["Harry B. Bronson"] is the only openly gay politician representing Rochester and the surrounding region.</span>
</div> Community2018-08-06T02:52:15ZalexkRemoved Tilt due to management change <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for LGBT Community<p><strong></strong></p><table>
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Additions are marked with +.
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<span>- * ["Tilt"]</span>
</div> Community2016-09-13T17:24:10ZEileenF- Outlandish Videos & Gifts <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for LGBT Community<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
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<span>- * ["Outlandish Videos & Gifts"]</span>
</div> Community2016-03-28T13:57:33ZEileenFDC link <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for LGBT Community<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 181:
Line 181:
<span>+ * [ Rochester rates high in study of LGBT acceptance] - ''["Democrat and Chronicle"]'' (2014-11-13)<br>
+ * [ Shantay, you stay] - Article in ''["City Newspaper"]'' about local drag queens (2014-02-19)</span>
Line 182:
Line 184:
<span>+ * [ Is Rochester a gay friendly city?] - Discussion on (Feb. 2009)</span>
Line 185:
Line 188:
<span>- * [ Is Rochester a gay friendly city?] - Discussion on (Feb. 2009)<br>
- * [ Rochester Gay Pride Parade 2012] - Information on<br>
- * [ Shantay, you stay] - Article in ''["City Newspaper"]'' about local drag queens (2014-02-19)</span>
</div> Community2015-08-30T15:20:07ZEileenFTrillium Health <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for LGBT Community<p><strong></strong></p><table>
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Additions are marked with +.
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Line 134:
<span>-</span> * [<span> </span>Trillium Health] - HIV services and beyond, specializing in LGBT healthcare
<span>+</span> * [<span>"</span>Trillium Health<span>"</span>] - HIV services and beyond, specializing in LGBT healthcare
</div> Community2015-05-31T20:26:18ZEileenF- Ant Hill Cooperative <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for LGBT Community<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 170:
Line 170:
<span>- * ["Ant Hill Cooperative"] - GLBTQ-friendly cooperative housing.</span>
</div> Community2015-03-23T18:52:18ZDrewLangdon <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for LGBT Community<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 156:
Line 156:
<span>-</span> * ["Open Arms Metropolitan Community Church"
<span>+</span> * ["Open Arms Metropolitan Community Church"<span>]</span>
</div> Community2015-03-23T18:50:55ZDrewLangdonadded Mennonites to worship <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for LGBT Community<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 156:
Line 156:
<span>-</span> * ["Open Arms Metropolitan Community Church"]
<span>+</span> * ["Open Arms Metropolitan Community Church"<span><br>
+ * [ Rochester Mennonite Fellowship</span>]
</div> Community2015-03-08T18:54:36ZEileenFOpen Arms Metropolitan Community Church <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for LGBT Community<p><strong></strong></p><table>
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Additions are marked with +.
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<span>-</span> * [<span> </span>Open Arms Metropolitan Community Church]
<span>+</span> * [<span>"</span>Open Arms Metropolitan Community Church<span>"</span>]
</div> Community2015-02-17T06:02:27ZGayFamilyLawCenter <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for LGBT Community<p><strong></strong></p><table>
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Additions are marked with +.
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<span>+ * [ LGBT Legal Services]</span>
</div> Community2014-12-09T01:15:19ZEileenFformatting <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for LGBT Community<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
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Line 1:
<span>-</span> The City of Rochester has a very large LGBT community. Some trace this back to ["George Eastman"], who never married or had any known girlfriends and was subsequently believed by some to have been gay.[[FootNote(According to local gay friends of this editor.)]] (Either that or he was likely asexual.) By the 1950s ["Eastman Kodak"] was said to have a population of gay male employees who may not have been "out" in the way we think of it, but didn't entirely keep it a secret either. Two such individuals were prominent arts patron [ Earl Kage] and his partner, Hamilton Driggs. [[FootNote(From a conversation with a long-time Eastman Kodak employee.)]]
<span>+</span> The City of Rochester has a very large <span>'''</span>LGBT community<span>'''</span>. Some trace this back to ["George Eastman"], who never married or had any known girlfriends and was subsequently believed by some to have been gay.[[FootNote(According to local gay friends of this editor.)]] (Either that or he was likely asexual.) By the 1950s ["Eastman Kodak"] was said to have a population of gay male employees who may not have been "out" in the way we think of it, but didn't entirely keep it a secret either. Two such individuals were prominent arts patron [ Earl Kage] and his partner, Hamilton Driggs. [[FootNote(From a conversation with a long-time Eastman Kodak employee.)]]
Line 167:
Line 167:
<span>- ==Individuals==<br>
- * ["Darienne Lake"]<br>
- * ["Pandora Boxx"]<br>
- </span>
Line 179:
Line 175:
<span>+ <br>
+ ==Individuals==<br>
+ * ["Pandora Boxx"]<br>
+ * ["Darienne Lake"]</span>
</div> Community2014-12-09T01:14:27ZEileenFPandora Boxx <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for LGBT Community<p><strong></strong></p><table>
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Additions are marked with +.
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Line 167:
<span>+ ==Individuals==<br>
+ * ["Darienne Lake"]<br>
+ * ["Pandora Boxx"]<br>
+ </span>
Line 171:
Line 175:
<span>- * ["Darienne Lake"] - Famous local drag queen.</span>
</div> Community2014-08-27T00:57:52ZEileenF- Vanessa Q Studios <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for LGBT Community<p><strong></strong></p><table>
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Additions are marked with +.
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Line 43:
<span>- * ["Vanessa Q Studios"] - Trans-owned</span>
</div> Community2014-07-28T20:20:24ZEricStratton <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for LGBT Community<p><strong></strong></p><table>
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Additions are marked with +.
Line 80:
Line 80:
<span>- * ["Flower City Pride Band"]</span>
<span>+ * ["Flower City Pride Band"] - The Rochester, NY LGBT band. Open to all people of all abilities.</span>
</div> Community2014-07-28T20:18:55ZEricStratton <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for LGBT Community<p><strong></strong></p><table>
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<span>- * ["Flower City Pride Band"]</span>
</div> Community2014-07-28T20:18:16ZEricStratton <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for LGBT Community<p><strong></strong></p><table>
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Additions are marked with +.
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Line 89:
<span>+ * ["Flower City Pride Band"]</span>
</div> Community2014-06-12T02:00:45ZEileenF(quick edit) <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for LGBT Community<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 7:
Line 7:
<span>-</span> Another historical note is the ["1986"] election of ["Tim Mains"] to the Rochester City Council, making him New York State’s first openly-gay elected official. Prior thereto he had been active in the Gay Liberation Front and had written for ''The Empty Closet''. Today, NYS Assemblyman ["Harry B. Bronson"] and City Councilman ["Matt Haag"] are both openly gay politicians representing Rochester and the surrounding region. Congresswoman ["Louise Slaughter"] remains a longtime staunch ally of the LGBT Community. In May 2014 Rochester became the third city in the nation to offer transition-related healthcare benefits to transgender municipal employees. When two local shock jocks subsequently went on a hateful, transphobic rant, community outrage was swift and a [ petition] (ultimately successful) calling for them to be fired reached 4,000 signatures in less than 24 hours.
<span>+</span> Another historical note is the ["1986"] election of ["Tim Mains"] to the Rochester City Council, making him New York State’s first openly-gay elected official. Prior thereto he had been active in the Gay Liberation Front and had written for ''The Empty Closet''. Today, NYS Assemblyman ["Harry B. Bronson"] and City Councilman ["Matt Haag"] are both openly gay politicians representing Rochester and the surrounding region. Congresswoman ["Louise Slaughter"] remains a longtime staunch ally of the LGBT Community.<span><br>
+ <br>
+</span> In May 2014 Rochester became the third city in the nation to offer transition-related healthcare benefits to transgender municipal employees. When two local shock jocks subsequently went on a hateful, transphobic rant, community outrage was swift and a [ petition] (ultimately successful) calling for them to be fired reached 4,000 signatures in less than 24 hours.
</div> Community2014-06-12T01:59:56ZEileenFNote about healthcare <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for LGBT Community<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 7:
Line 7:
<span>-</span> Another historical note is the ["1986"] election of ["Tim Mains"] to the Rochester City Council, making him New York State’s first openly-gay elected official. Prior thereto he had been active in the Gay Liberation Front and had written for ''The Empty Closet''. Today, NYS Assemblyman ["Harry B. Bronson"] and City Councilman ["Matt Haag"] are both openly gay politicians representing Rochester and the surrounding region. Congresswoman ["Louise Slaughter"] remains a longtime staunch ally of the LGBT Community.
<span>+</span> Another historical note is the ["1986"] election of ["Tim Mains"] to the Rochester City Council, making him New York State’s first openly-gay elected official. Prior thereto he had been active in the Gay Liberation Front and had written for ''The Empty Closet''. Today, NYS Assemblyman ["Harry B. Bronson"] and City Councilman ["Matt Haag"] are both openly gay politicians representing Rochester and the surrounding region. Congresswoman ["Louise Slaughter"] remains a longtime staunch ally of the LGBT Community.<span> In May 2014 Rochester became the third city in the nation to offer transition-related healthcare benefits to transgender municipal employees. When two local shock jocks subsequently went on a hateful, transphobic rant, community outrage was swift and a [ petition] (ultimately successful) calling for them to be fired reached 4,000 signatures in less than 24 hours.</span>
</div> Community2014-06-12T01:48:35ZEileenFTable of Contents <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for LGBT Community<p><strong></strong></p><table>
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Additions are marked with +.
Line 12:
Line 12:
<span>+ <br>
+ [[TableOfContents]]</span>
</div> Community2014-06-12T01:46:53ZEileenFVocativ link <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for LGBT Community<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 1:
Line 1:
<span>-</span> The City of Rochester has a very large G<span>L</span>BT<span>Q</span> community. Some trace this back to ["George Eastman"], who never married or had any known girlfriends and was subsequently believed by some to have been gay.[[FootNote(According to local gay friends of this editor.)]] (Either that or he was likely asexual.) By the 1950s ["Eastman Kodak"] was said to have a population of gay male employees who may not have been "out" in the way we think of it, but didn't entirely keep it a secret either. Two such individuals were prominent arts patron [ Earl Kage] and his partner, Hamilton Driggs. [[FootNote(From a conversation with a long-time Eastman Kodak employee.)]]
<span>+</span> The City of Rochester has a very large <span>L</span>GBT community. Some trace this back to ["George Eastman"], who never married or had any known girlfriends and was subsequently believed by some to have been gay.[[FootNote(According to local gay friends of this editor.)]] (Either that or he was likely asexual.) By the 1950s ["Eastman Kodak"] was said to have a population of gay male employees who may not have been "out" in the way we think of it, but didn't entirely keep it a secret either. Two such individuals were prominent arts patron [ Earl Kage] and his partner, Hamilton Driggs. [[FootNote(From a conversation with a long-time Eastman Kodak employee.)]]
Line 3:
Line 3:
<span>-</span> A point of pride for the Rochester GLBTQ community is ''["Empty Closet Newspaper" The Empty Closet]'', founded in ["1971"] at the ["University of Rochester"] by a student group called the Gay Liberation Front. Today, ''The Empty Closet'' is the single oldest continuously-published G<span>L</span>BT<span>Q</span> newspapers in the world.[[FootNote([])]] All back issues of ''The Empty Closet'' may be viewed [ online] courtesy of the Gay Alliance and UR's ["Rush Rhees Library"].
<span>+</span> A point of pride for the Rochester GLBTQ community is ''["Empty Closet Newspaper" The Empty Closet]'', founded in ["1971"] at the ["University of Rochester"] by a student group called the Gay Liberation Front. Today, ''The Empty Closet'' is the single oldest continuously-published <span>L</span>GBT newspapers in the world.[[FootNote([])]] All back issues of ''The Empty Closet'' may be viewed [ online] courtesy of the Gay Alliance and UR's ["Rush Rhees Library"].
Line 7:
Line 7:
<span>-</span> Another historical note is the ["1986"] election of ["Tim Mains"] to the Rochester City Council, making him New York State’s first openly-gay elected official. Prior thereto he had been active in the Gay Liberation Front and had written for ''The Empty Closet''. Today, NYS Assemblyman ["Harry B. Bronson"] and City Councilman ["Matt Haag"] are both openly gay politicians representing Rochester and the surrounding region. Congresswoman ["Louise Slaughter"] remains a longtime staunch ally of the G<span>L</span>BT<span>Q</span> Community.
<span>+</span> Another historical note is the ["1986"] election of ["Tim Mains"] to the Rochester City Council, making him New York State’s first openly-gay elected official. Prior thereto he had been active in the Gay Liberation Front and had written for ''The Empty Closet''. Today, NYS Assemblyman ["Harry B. Bronson"] and City Councilman ["Matt Haag"] are both openly gay politicians representing Rochester and the surrounding region. Congresswoman ["Louise Slaughter"] remains a longtime staunch ally of the <span>L</span>GBT Community.
Line 9:
Line 9:
<span>-</span> According to a 2011 UCLA study, the Rochester area is #6 in the country for numbers of same-sex couples raising children under 18.[[FootNote([ Top Metros for Same-Sex Couples with Children], Creative Class (2011-06-29))]] Community profile site ePodunk [ gives Rochester] a "gay index" of 161, with the national average being 100. <span>Much of this population is concentrated in the</span> ["S<span>outheast Quadrant</span>"<span> southeast</span>]<span> neighborhoods of</span> ["<span>Park Avenue</span>"]<span>, the ["South Wedge"], the ["Neighborhood of the Arts"], and ["Upper Monroe Avenue Neighborhood" Upper Monroe]. On the west side, there is ["Maplewood"], as well as a small tight-</span>k<span>nit group in ["Plymouth-Exchange Neighborhood" Plymouth-Exchange].</span>
<span>+</span> According to a 2011 UCLA study, the Rochester area is #6 in the country for numbers of same-sex couples raising children under 18.[[FootNote([ Top Metros for Same-Sex Couples with Children], Creative Class (2011-06-29))]] Community profile site ePodunk [ gives Rochester] a "gay index" of 161, with the national average being 100. <span>And according to the [ Vocative Queer Index], Rochester ranks as the 8th most LGBT-friendly city in the nation. ["Albany"],</span> ["S<span>yracuse</span>"]<span>, and</span> ["<span>Buffalo</span>"]<span> were ran</span>k<span>ed 7th, 32nd, and 34th, respectively.</span>
Line 11:
Line 11:
<span>- ===Bars and Clubs===</span>
<span>+ Most of our LGBT population is concentrated in the ["Southeast Quadrant" southeast] neighborhoods of ["Park Avenue"], the ["South Wedge"], the ["Neighborhood of the Arts"], and ["Upper Monroe Avenue Neighborhood" Upper Monroe]. On the west side, there is ["Maplewood"].<br>
+ <br>
+ ==Bars and Clubs==</span>
Line 13:
Line 15:
<span>-</span> * ["Abilene"] - G<span>L</span>BT<span>Q</span>-friendly
<span>+</span> * ["Abilene"] - <span>L</span>GBT-friendly
Line 16:
Line 18:
<span>-</span> * ["Lux"] - G<span>L</span>BT<span>Q</span>-friendly
<span>+</span> * ["Lux"] - <span>L</span>GBT-friendly
Line 20:
Line 22:
<span>-</span> <span>=</span>==Businesses==<span>=</span><br>
<span>- <br>
-</span> ''G<span>L</span>BT<span>Q</span>-owned and G<span>L</span>BT<span>Q</span>-oriented businesses in Rochester and beyond.''
<span>+</span> ==Businesses==<br>
<span>+</span> ''<span>L</span>GBT-owned and <span>L</span>GBT-oriented businesses in Rochester and beyond.''
Line 40:
Line 41:
<span>-</span> <span>=</span>==Events==<span>=</span>
<span>+</span> ==Events==
Line 51:
Line 52:
<span>-</span> <span>=</span>==Organizations - ["Activism"] and Outreach==<span>=</span>
<span>+</span> ==Organizations - ["Activism"] and Outreach==
Line 62:
Line 63:
<span>-</span> * [ Our Group] - Advocacy and outreach for G<span>L</span>BT<span>Q</span> athletes.
<span>+</span> * [ Our Group] - Advocacy and outreach for <span>L</span>GBT athletes.
Line 66:
Line 67:
<span>-</span> <span>=</span>==Organizations - <span>C</span>o<span>lleges</span>==<span>=</span>
<span>+</span> ==Organizations - <span>Higher Educati</span>o<span>n</span>==
Line 73:
Line 74:
<span>-</span> <span>=</span>==Organizations - Hobbies and Recreational==<span>=<br>
- </span>
<span>+</span> ==Organizations - Hobbies and Recreational==
Line 77:
Line 77:
<span>-</span> * [ Frontrunners/Frontwalkers] - Rochester chapter of international group of G<span>L</span>BT<span>Q</span> walkers and runners.<br>
<span>-</span> * [ Lilac Squares] - G<span>L</span>BT<span>Q</span> square dancing.
<span>+</span> * [ Frontrunners/Frontwalkers] - Rochester chapter of international group of <span>L</span>GBT walkers and runners.<br>
<span>+</span> * [ Lilac Squares] - <span>L</span>GBT square dancing.
Line 85:
Line 85:
<span>-</span> * [ Rochester Historical Bowling Society] - G<span>L</span>BT<span>Q</span> bowling league. Monday evenings, September through April at Clover Lanes.
<span>+</span> * [ Rochester Historical Bowling Society] - <span>L</span>GBT bowling league. Monday evenings, September through April at Clover Lanes.
Line 88:
Line 88:
<span>-</span> * ["Rochester Women's Community Chorus"] - G<span>L</span>BT<span>Q</span>-friendly.<br>
<span>-</span> * [ Women Outdoors - Finger Lakes] - G<span>L</span>BT<span>Q</span>-friendly.
<span>+</span> * ["Rochester Women's Community Chorus"] - <span>L</span>GBT-friendly.<br>
<span>+</span> * [ Women Outdoors - Finger Lakes] - <span>L</span>GBT-friendly.
Line 94:
Line 94:
<span>-</span> <span>=</span>==Organizations - Social==<span>=</span>
<span>+</span> ==Organizations - Social==
Line 98:
Line 98:
<span>-</span> * [ Maplewood Rainbow Social Club] - For G<span>L</span>BT<span>Q</span> residents of the ["Maplewood"] neighborhood.<br>
<span>-</span> * [ Rainbow SAGE at the Center] - G<span>L</span>BT<span>Q seniors.</span>
<span>+</span> * [ Maplewood Rainbow Social Club] - For <span>L</span>GBT residents of the ["Maplewood"] neighborhood.<br>
<span>+</span> * [ Rainbow SAGE at the Center] - <span>L</span>GBT<span> seniors.</span>
Line 104:
Line 104:
<span>-</span> <span>=</span>==Organizations - Trans* Community==<span>=</span>
<span>+</span> ==Organizations - Trans* Community==
Line 113:
Line 113:
<span>-</span> <span>=</span>==Resources==<span>=</span>
<span>+</span> ==Resources==
Line 117:
Line 117:
<span>-</span> * ["Center for Disability Rights"] - G<span>L</span>BT<span>Q</span>-friendly.<br>
<span>-</span> * ["Center for Youth"] - Counseling, emergency shelter, homeless youth outreach, and other programs for teens. G<span>L</span>BT<span>Q</span>-friendly.<br>
<span>-</span> * [ Conifer Counseling] - Substance abuse counseling for members of the G<span>L</span>BT<span>Q community.</span>
<span>+</span> * ["Center for Disability Rights"] - <span>L</span>GBT-friendly.<br>
<span>+</span> * ["Center for Youth"] - Counseling, emergency shelter, homeless youth outreach, and other programs for teens. <span>L</span>GBT-friendly.<br>
<span>+</span> * [ Conifer Counseling] - Substance abuse counseling for members of the <span>L</span>GBT<span> community.</span>
Line 121:
Line 121:
<span>- * [ Everybody's Good] - From AIDS Rochester Inc.: links to GLBTQ-friendly healthcare providers/organizations/worship, health-related info & blogs, free STD testing, more.<br>
- * [ Huther-Doyle] - Substance recovery with GLBTQ-only groups and experience with GLBTQ issues.</span>
<span>+ * [ Everybody's Good] - From AIDS Rochester Inc.: links to LGBT-friendly healthcare providers/organizations/worship, health-related info & blogs, free STD testing, more.<br>
+ * [ Huther-Doyle] - Substance recovery with LGBT-only groups and experience with GLBTQ issues.</span>
Line 134:
Line 134:
<span>- ===Worship===</span>
<span>+ ==Worship==<br>
+ ''Religious institutions that welcome and support the LGBT community.''</span>
Line 136:
Line 137:
<span>- ''Religious institutions that welcome and support the GLBTQ community.''</span>
Line 164:
Line 164:
<span>-</span> <span>=</span>==Other==<span>=</span>
<span>+</span> ==Other==
Line 174:
Line 174:
<span>-</span> <span>=</span>==Links==<span>=</span>
<span>+</span> ==Links==
</div> Community2014-06-11T17:50:31Zjgerek-dead external links <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for LGBT Community<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 60:
Line 60:
<span>- * [ Lesbians of Rochester & Allies] (LORA)</span>
Line 64:
Line 63:
<span>- * [ PFLAG Rochester]</span>
Line 100:
Line 98:
<span>- * [ Just Us Guys] - For gay and bisexual men.</span>
Line 106:
Line 103:
<span>- * [ Upstate NY Women4Women] - For lesbians & bi women (join weekly coffee meetups).</span>
Line 113:
Line 109:
<span>- * [ Rochester Crossdressers Network]</span>
Line 117:
Line 112:
<span>- * [ Support Group for Parents of Transgender & Non-Conforming Teens]</span>
Line 129:
Line 123:
<span>- * [ MOCHA Center] - Rochester office (drop-in center for GLBT Youth).</span>
Line 140:
Line 133:
<span>- * [ Youth Gay Alliance]</span>
Line 146:
Line 138:
<span>- * [ Brighton United Church of Christ]</span>
Line 153:
Line 144:
<span>- * [ Episcopal Diocese of Rochester Committee for Gay and Lesbian Ministry] - find a welcoming congregation near you!</span>
Line 173:
Line 163:
<span>- * [ Unity Fellowship Church of Rochester]</span>
Line 193:
Line 182:
<span>- * [] on the city's GLBTQ community.</span>
</div> Community2014-06-11T17:33:35Zjgerek-dead external links <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for LGBT Community<p><strong></strong></p><table>
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<span>-</span> In ["1973"] the Gay Liberation Front voted to split into two organizations: a UR student group (known as the [ Pride Network] since ["2002"]) and a community group called ["<span> </span>The Gay Alliance of the Genesee Valley"]. The Gay Alliance remains active today as the region's premier GLBTQ organization. A [ full history] is available on their website. The Gay Alliance is also responsible for Rochester's annual [ Pride Week], kicked off by the unfurling of an enormous rainbow flag (some three stories long) in the City Hall atrium. The grand finale is a Pride Parade that is the second largest in New York State. The day after is the Pride Picnic, first held in a backyard in ["1972"]. Today it is held in the ["Genesee Valley Park"] and hosts an estimated 3,000 attendees. [[FootNote([])]]
<span>+</span> In ["1973"] the Gay Liberation Front voted to split into two organizations: a UR student group (known as the [ Pride Network] since ["2002"]) and a community group called ["The Gay Alliance of the Genesee Valley"]. The Gay Alliance remains active today as the region's premier GLBTQ organization. A [ full history] is available on their website. The Gay Alliance is also responsible for Rochester's annual [ Pride Week], kicked off by the unfurling of an enormous rainbow flag (some three stories long) in the City Hall atrium. The grand finale is a Pride Parade that is the second largest in New York State. The day after is the Pride Picnic, first held in a backyard in ["1972"]. Today it is held in the ["Genesee Valley Park"] and hosts an estimated 3,000 attendees. [[FootNote([])]]
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<span>- * [ Empire Bears] - An "organization created to promote social interaction for hirsute men and their male admirers."</span>
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<span>- * [ Lambda Car Club International] - Rochester chapter<br>
- * [ Lez Play Roc] - A "FUN and innovative organization that looks to provide entertainment/information for Gay Communities. We participate and facilitate various community events in the Upstate, NY area."</span>
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<span>- * [ Womyn's Fishing Group]</span>
</div> Community2014-06-11T13:57:12Zjgereklink Gay Alliance <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
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<span>-</span> A point of pride for the Rochester GLBTQ community is ''["Empty Closet Newspaper" The Empty Closet]'', founded in ["1971"] at the ["University of Rochester"] by a student group called the Gay Liberation Front. Today, ''The Empty Closet'' is the single oldest continuously-published GLBTQ newspapers in the world.[[FootNote([])]] All back issues of ''The Empty Closet'' may be viewed [ online] courtesy of the G<span>enesee Valley G</span>ay Alliance and UR's ["Rush Rhees Library"].<br>
<span>-</span> <br>
<span>-</span> In ["1973"] the Gay Liberation Front voted to split into two organizations: a UR student group (known as the [ Pride Network] since ["2002"]) and a community group called <span>the [</span> Genesee Valley Gay Alliance<span>]. The GVGA</span> remains active today as the region's premier GLBTQ organization. A [ full history] is available on their website. The G<span>VG</span>A is also responsible for Rochester's annual [ Pride Week], kicked off by the unfurling of an enormous rainbow flag (some three stories long) in the City Hall atrium. The grand finale is a Pride Parade that is the second largest in New York State. The day after is the Pride Picnic, first held in a backyard in ["1972"]. Today it is held in the ["Genesee Valley Park"] and hosts an estimated 3,000 attendees. [[FootNote([])]]
<span>+</span> A point of pride for the Rochester GLBTQ community is ''["Empty Closet Newspaper" The Empty Closet]'', founded in ["1971"] at the ["University of Rochester"] by a student group called the Gay Liberation Front. Today, ''The Empty Closet'' is the single oldest continuously-published GLBTQ newspapers in the world.[[FootNote([])]] All back issues of ''The Empty Closet'' may be viewed [ online] courtesy of the Gay Alliance and UR's ["Rush Rhees Library"].<br>
<span>+</span> <br>
<span>+</span> In ["1973"] the Gay Liberation Front voted to split into two organizations: a UR student group (known as the [ Pride Network] since ["2002"]) and a community group called <span>[" The</span> G<span>ay Alliance of the G</span>enesee Valley<span>"]. The</span> Gay Alliance remains active today as the region's premier GLBTQ organization. A [ full history] is available on their website. The G<span>ay </span>A<span>lliance</span> is also responsible for Rochester's annual [ Pride Week], kicked off by the unfurling of an enormous rainbow flag (some three stories long) in the City Hall atrium. The grand finale is a Pride Parade that is the second largest in New York State. The day after is the Pride Picnic, first held in a backyard in ["1972"]. Today it is held in the ["Genesee Valley Park"] and hosts an estimated 3,000 attendees. [[FootNote([])]]
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<span>-</span> * [h<span>ttp://www.gayallianc</span>e<span>.org</span> Gay Alliance of the Genesee Valley]
<span>+</span> * [<span>"T</span>he Gay Alliance of the Genesee Valley<span>"</span>]
</div> Community2014-06-11T13:12:30Zjgerekwikilink Bronson <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for LGBT Community<p><strong></strong></p><table>
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<span>-</span> Another historical note is the ["1986"] election of ["Tim Mains"] to the Rochester City Council, making him New York State’s first openly-gay elected official. Prior thereto he had been active in the Gay Liberation Front and had written for ''The Empty Closet''. Today, NYS Assemblyman [<span>http://assembly</span>.<span></span>B<span>-Bronson/ Harry Bronson</span>] and City Councilman ["Matt Haag"] are both openly gay politicians representing Rochester and the surrounding region. Congresswoman ["Louise Slaughter"] remains a longtime staunch ally of the GLBTQ Community.
<span>+</span> Another historical note is the ["1986"] election of ["Tim Mains"] to the Rochester City Council, making him New York State’s first openly-gay elected official. Prior thereto he had been active in the Gay Liberation Front and had written for ''The Empty Closet''. Today, NYS Assemblyman [<span>"Harry B</span>.<span> </span>B<span>ronson"</span>] and City Councilman ["Matt Haag"] are both openly gay politicians representing Rochester and the surrounding region. Congresswoman ["Louise Slaughter"] remains a longtime staunch ally of the GLBTQ Community.
</div> Community2014-05-15T17:46:40ZEileenFFlower City Pride Band <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
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<span>-</span> * [<span> </span>Flower City Pride Band]
<span>+</span> * [<span>"</span>Flower City Pride Band<span>"</span>]
</div> Community2014-04-09T18:45:03ZalexkAdded South Wedge Mission to worship section <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
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<span>+ * ["South Wedge Mission"]</span>
</div> Community2014-03-26T01:59:30ZEileenFDowntown United Presbyterian Church <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
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<span>-</span> * [<span> </span>Downtown United Presbyterian Church] - Home of the ["Rochester Women's Community Chorus" RWCC] and ["Rochester Gay Men's Chorus" RGMC]
<span>+</span> * [<span>"</span>Downtown United Presbyterian Church<span>"</span>] - Home of the ["Rochester Women's Community Chorus" RWCC] and ["Rochester Gay Men's Chorus" RGMC]
</div> Community2014-03-26T01:41:08ZEileenFRenamed from "GLBTQ Community" (This appears to be the more common arrangement now.) <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for LGBT Community<p><strong></strong></p><table>
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<span>+ The City of Rochester has a very large GLBTQ community. Some trace this back to ["George Eastman"], who never married or had any known girlfriends and was subsequently believed by some to have been gay.[[FootNote(According to local gay friends of this editor.)]] (Either that or he was likely asexual.) By the 1950s ["Eastman Kodak"] was said to have a population of gay male employees who may not have been "out" in the way we think of it, but didn't entirely keep it a secret either. Two such individuals were prominent arts patron [ Earl Kage] and his partner, Hamilton Driggs. [[FootNote(From a conversation with a long-time Eastman Kodak employee.)]]<br>
+ <br>
+ A point of pride for the Rochester GLBTQ community is ''["Empty Closet Newspaper" The Empty Closet]'', founded in ["1971"] at the ["University of Rochester"] by a student group called the Gay Liberation Front. Today, ''The Empty Closet'' is the single oldest continuously-published GLBTQ newspapers in the world.[[FootNote([])]] All back issues of ''The Empty Closet'' may be viewed [ online] courtesy of the Genesee Valley Gay Alliance and UR's ["Rush Rhees Library"].<br>
+ <br>
+ In ["1973"] the Gay Liberation Front voted to split into two organizations: a UR student group (known as the [ Pride Network] since ["2002"]) and a community group called the [ Genesee Valley Gay Alliance]. The GVGA remains active today as the region's premier GLBTQ organization. A [ full history] is available on their website. The GVGA is also responsible for Rochester's annual [ Pride Week], kicked off by the unfurling of an enormous rainbow flag (some three stories long) in the City Hall atrium. The grand finale is a Pride Parade that is the second largest in New York State. The day after is the Pride Picnic, first held in a backyard in ["1972"]. Today it is held in the ["Genesee Valley Park"] and hosts an estimated 3,000 attendees. [[FootNote([])]]<br>
+ <br>
+ Another historical note is the ["1986"] election of ["Tim Mains"] to the Rochester City Council, making him New York State’s first openly-gay elected official. Prior thereto he had been active in the Gay Liberation Front and had written for ''The Empty Closet''. Today, NYS Assemblyman [ Harry Bronson] and City Councilman ["Matt Haag"] are both openly gay politicians representing Rochester and the surrounding region. Congresswoman ["Louise Slaughter"] remains a longtime staunch ally of the GLBTQ Community.<br>
+ <br>
+ According to a 2011 UCLA study, the Rochester area is #6 in the country for numbers of same-sex couples raising children under 18.[[FootNote([ Top Metros for Same-Sex Couples with Children], Creative Class (2011-06-29))]] Community profile site ePodunk [ gives Rochester] a "gay index" of 161, with the national average being 100. Much of this population is concentrated in the ["Southeast Quadrant" southeast] neighborhoods of ["Park Avenue"], the ["South Wedge"], the ["Neighborhood of the Arts"], and ["Upper Monroe Avenue Neighborhood" Upper Monroe]. On the west side, there is ["Maplewood"], as well as a small tight-knit group in ["Plymouth-Exchange Neighborhood" Plymouth-Exchange].<br>
+ <br>
+ ===Bars and Clubs===<br>
+ * ["140 Alex Bar & Grill"]<br>
+ * ["Abilene"] - GLBTQ-friendly<br>
+ * ["Avenue Pub"]<br>
+ * ["Bachelor Forum"]<br>
+ * ["Lux"] - GLBTQ-friendly<br>
+ * ["Tilt"]<br>
+ * ["Vertex Night Club" Vertex] - Goth club with diverse crowd.<br>
+ <br>
+ ===Businesses===<br>
+ <br>
+ ''GLBTQ-owned and GLBTQ-oriented businesses in Rochester and beyond.''<br>
+ <br>
+ * ["Edible's"] - Gay-owned restaurant.<br>
+ * [ Ellenwood Electric] - Sponsors of ImageOut.<br>
+ * ["Equal Grounds" Equal=Grounds Coffee House & The Pride Connection] - GLBT gift shoppe/coffee house offers unique Pride items, books, artwork, films, jewelry. Wi-Fi, coffee drinks, pastries. Clean, comfortable, affordable, courteous knowledgeable staff.<br>
+ * [ Esther Brill Partner Dance Instruction] - Dance instruction for same-sex couples.<br>
+ * ["EvenOdd Creative"] - Local accessories brand designed by lesbian couple.<br>
+ * ["Hedonist Artisan Chocolates"] and ["Hedonist Artisan Ice Cream"] - Gay-owned<br>
+ * ["Hodge Podge Lodge"] - A Safe Zone<br>
+ * ["Jones Pond Campground"]<br>
+ * ["Just Juice"] - Gay-owned<br>
+ * ["Outlandish Videos & Gifts"]<br>
+ * ["PrintRoc"] - Gay-owned<br>
+ * ["Renewing-Massage"] - "Providing accessible massage therapy services for the Rochester LGBT community."<br>
+ * [ Rochester Spa & Body Club] - All-male social and fitness club.<br>
+ * ["Thomas Laurence Salon"] - Gay-owned<br>
+ * ["Vanessa Q Studios"] - Trans-owned<br>
+ <br>
+ ===Events===<br>
+ * ["Bread & Water Theatre's Rainbow Theater Festival"]<br>
+ * [ d.Y.k.e. picnic]<br>
+ * [ Empire State Pride Agenda Spring Dinner] - The second largest annual gathering of GLBTQ folks and their allies outside New York City.<br>
+ * ["ImageOut"] - Annual GLBT film festival<br>
+ * [ Miss Gay Rochester Pageant]<br>
+ * [ Pride Week]<br>
+ * [ Red Ball]<br>
+ * [ Ride for Pride]<br>
+ * [ Rochester Erotic Arts Festival]<br>
+ <br>
+ ===Organizations - ["Activism"] and Outreach===<br>
+ <br>
+ * [ Civil Rights Front] (Not sure if still active. Website not updated since 2010.)<br>
+ * [ Equality Rochester]<br>
+ * [ Gay Alliance of the Genesee Valley]<br>
+ * [ Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network] - Rochester chapter.<br>
+ * [ Interfaith Advocates for LGBT People]<br>
+ * [ LGBT Friends of Good Government] (LBGTFOGG)<br>
+ * [ LGBT Fund for Greater Rochester]<br>
+ * [ Lesbians of Rochester & Allies] (LORA)<br>
+ * [ Lilac Rainbow Alliance of the Deaf]<br>
+ * [ Log Cabin Republicans] - Rochester/Finger Lakes chapter.<br>
+ * [ Our Group] - Advocacy and outreach for GLBTQ athletes.<br>
+ * [ PFLAG Rochester]<br>
+ * ["Pride and Joy Families"]<br>
+ * [ Rochester NOW] - Greater Rochester Chapter of the National Organization for Women<br>
+ <br>
+ ===Organizations - Colleges===<br>
+ * [ OUTspoken] - ["RIT"]<br>
+ * [ Pride Alliance] - ["Monroe Community College" MCC]<br>
+ * [ Pride Alliance] - ["SUNY Geneseo"]<br>
+ * [ Pride Network] - ["University of Rochester" UR]<br>
+ * [ Sexual Orientations United for Liberation] (S.O.U.L.) - ["SUNY Brockport"]<br>
+ <br>
+ ===Organizations - Hobbies and Recreational===<br>
+ <br>
+ * [ Dykes on Bikes] - Rochester chapter<br>
+ * [ Empire Bears] - An "organization created to promote social interaction for hirsute men and their male admirers."<br>
+ * [ Flower City Pride Band]<br>
+ * [ Frontrunners/Frontwalkers] - Rochester chapter of international group of GLBTQ walkers and runners.<br>
+ * [ Lambda Car Club International] - Rochester chapter<br>
+ * [ Lez Play Roc] - A "FUN and innovative organization that looks to provide entertainment/information for Gay Communities. We participate and facilitate various community events in the Upstate, NY area."<br>
+ * [ Lilac Squares] - GLBTQ square dancing.<br>
+ * [ Line Dancing at 140 Alex]<br>
+ * [ Men's Cooking Group]<br>
+ * [ Rainbow Amateur Radio Association] - Finger Lakes Chapter (Rochester and surrounding area).<br>
+ * [ Roc City Roller Derby] - "Rochester, N.Y.'s first all-women, flat-track roller derby league." GLBTQ-friendly.<br>
+ * [ Rochester GLBTQI Bikers]<br>
+ * ["Rochester Gay Men's Chorus"]<br>
+ * [ Rochester Historical Bowling Society] - GLBTQ bowling league. Monday evenings, September through April at Clover Lanes.<br>
+ * ["The Rochester Kink Society"] - GLBTQ-friendly.<br>
+ * [ Rochester Rams] - Motorcycle group.<br>
+ * ["Rochester Women's Community Chorus"] - GLBTQ-friendly.<br>
+ * [ Women Outdoors - Finger Lakes] - GLBTQ-friendly.<br>
+ * [ Women's Hiking Group]<br>
+ * [ Women's Silver Sneakers]<br>
+ * [ Womyn's Drum Circle]<br>
+ * [ Womyn's Fishing Group]<br>
+ <br>
+ ===Organizations - Social===<br>
+ <br>
+ * [ Come Out and Play]<br>
+ * [ GALAXe] (Gays and Lesbians At Xerox)<br>
+ * [ Just Us Guys] - For gay and bisexual men.<br>
+ * [ Maplewood Rainbow Social Club] - For GLBTQ residents of the ["Maplewood"] neighborhood.<br>
+ * [ Rainbow SAGE at the Center] - GLBTQ seniors.<br>
+ * [ Rochester Butch/Femme Connection]<br>
+ * Rochester Gay Fathers Group - Contact the GVGA at 585 244 8640 for more information.<br>
+ * [ Rochester Gay Moms]<br>
+ * [ Upstate NY Women4Women] - For lesbians & bi women (join weekly coffee meetups).<br>
+ <br>
+ ===Organizations - Trans* Community===<br>
+ <br>
+ * [ Gender Identity Youth Support Group]<br>
+ * [ Genesee Valley Gender Variants]<br>
+ * [ Guys' Night Out] - Trans men.<br>
+ * [ Rochester Crossdressers Network]<br>
+ * [ Rochester Grrlz] - Trans women and crossdressers.<br>
+ * [ Rochester Trans Group] - For gender-variant people and their friends.<br>
+ * [ The Self Made Men] - Trans men.<br>
+ * [ Support Group for Parents of Transgender & Non-Conforming Teens]<br>
+ <br>
+ ===Resources===<br>
+ * [ Adolescent Transgender Healthcare Team at Golisano Children's Hospital]<br>
+ * [ AIDS Care] - Now [ Trillium Health], formerly AIDS Rochester<br>
+ * [ CNY Fertility Services] - Sponsors of ["ImageOut"].<br>
+ * ["Center for Disability Rights"] - GLBTQ-friendly.<br>
+ * ["Center for Youth"] - Counseling, emergency shelter, homeless youth outreach, and other programs for teens. GLBTQ-friendly.<br>
+ * [ Conifer Counseling] - Substance abuse counseling for members of the GLBTQ community.<br>
+ * ''["Empty Closet Newspaper" The Empty Closet]'' and [ online archive]<br>
+ * [ Everybody's Good] - From AIDS Rochester Inc.: links to GLBTQ-friendly healthcare providers/organizations/worship, health-related info & blogs, free STD testing, more.<br>
+ * [ Huther-Doyle] - Substance recovery with GLBTQ-only groups and experience with GLBTQ issues.<br>
+ * [ MOCHA Center] - Rochester office (drop-in center for GLBT Youth).<br>
+ * [ Out & Equal Workplace Advocates] - Rochester has third largest chapter in the country.<br>
+ * ["Planned Parenthood"] - Women's health services.<br>
+ * [ Rochester Area Task Force on AIDS]<br>
+ * [ Rochester Gay Men AA] - Also has ["Park Avenue"] sub-group.<br>
+ * [ Rochester Victory Alliance] - HIV vaccine research.<br>
+ * [ Therapists] in the Rochester area who specialize in GLBTQ issues (from Psychology Today).<br>
+ * [ Threshold Center for Alternative Youth Services] - Confidential HIV and STD testing and general healthcare for ages 12-25.<br>
+ * [ Transgender Alliance] - Umbrella group for trans and gender variant organizations in Central and Western New York.<br>
+ * [ Trillium Health] - HIV services and beyond, specializing in LGBT healthcare<br>
+ * [ Woods Oviatt Gilman] - Law firm whose services include estate planning for same-sex couples.<br>
+ * [ Youth Gay Alliance]<br>
+ <br>
+ ===Worship===<br>
+ <br>
+ ''Religious institutions that welcome and support the GLBTQ community.''<br>
+ * [ Atonement Lutheran Church]<br>
+ * [ Brighton United Church of Christ]<br>
+ * [ Calvary St. Andrews Presbyterian Parish]<br>
+ * [ Christ Church Rochester]<br>
+ * [ Church of the Blessed Sacrament]<br>
+ * [ Community Christian Church]<br>
+ * [ Dignity-Integrity Rochester] - LGBT Roman Catholics, Episcopalians, and friends.<br>
+ * [ Downtown United Presbyterian Church] - Home of the ["Rochester Women's Community Chorus" RWCC] and ["Rochester Gay Men's Chorus" RGMC]<br>
+ * [ Episcopal Diocese of Rochester Committee for Gay and Lesbian Ministry] - find a welcoming congregation near you!<br>
+ * ["First Baptist Church of Rochester"] - Member of the [ Association of Welcoming & Affirming Baptists]<br>
+ * ["First Unitarian Church of Rochester"]<br>
+ * ["First Universalist Church of Rochester"]<br>
+ * [ Fortunate Families] - Catholic families with GLBTQ children.<br>
+ * ["Immanuel Baptist Church"] - Member of the [ AWAB]<br>
+ * ["Lake Avenue Baptist Church"] - Member of the [ AWAB]<br>
+ * [ Mary Magadalene Church] - "In the Catholic tradition."<br>
+ * [ Messiah Lutheran Church]<br>
+ * [ New Life Presbyterian Church]<br>
+ * [ Open Arms Metropolitan Community Church]<br>
+ * ["Rochester Zen Center"]<br>
+ * [ Spiritus Christi Church]<br>
+ * ["Temple B'rith Kodesh"]<br>
+ * [ Temple Beth El]<br>
+ * [ Temple Emanu-El]<br>
+ * [ Temple Sinai]<br>
+ * ["Third Presbyterian Church"]<br>
+ * [ United Church of Christ], Congregational of Webster<br>
+ * [ Unity Fellowship Church of Rochester]<br>
+ <br>
+ ===Other===<br>
+ * [ AIDS Education Posters] - Permanent online exhibit of the world's largest collection of AIDS posters. Presented by the ["University of Rochester" UR] ["Rush Rhees Library"] Dept. of Rare Books & Special Collections.<br>
+ * ["Ant Hill Cooperative"] - GLBTQ-friendly cooperative housing.<br>
+ * [ Archive] of posts by Andreas Rau, gay Republican and ["Maplewood"] resident, for the ''["Democrat and Chronicle"]'' Rochester Blog.<br>
+ * ["Darienne Lake"] - Famous local drag queen.<br>
+ * [] - Story of a trans woman originally from Rochester.<br>
+ * [ University of Rochester] admissions brochure for prospective GLBTQ students.<br>
+ <br>
+ '''For more organizations and resources, please visit the GVGA [ Resources] page.'''<br>
+ <br>
+ ===Links===<br>
+ * [ Drag World] - Article about the local drag scene in ''["Rochester Woman Magazine" Rochester Woman]'' (2013-08-02)<br>
+ * [ Being LGBT in the city of Rochester . . . what's it like?] - Discussion on<br>
+ * [ GLBT and Diversity Resources] from ["Nazareth College"]<br>
+ * [] page for Rochester.<br>
+ * [ Is Rochester a gay friendly city?] - Discussion on (Feb. 2009)<br>
+ * [ Rochester Gay Pride Parade 2012] - Information on<br>
+ * [ Shantay, you stay] - Article in ''["City Newspaper"]'' about local drag queens (2014-02-19)<br>
+ * [] on the city's GLBTQ community.<br>
+ <br>
+ <br>
+ [[Comments]]<br>
+ ------<br>
+ ''2008-07-22 01:42:32'' [[nbsp]] Our parade this year was completely underwhelming, I have to say. It seemed like the majority of the parade consisted of either churches or politicians. There were also few very actual floats! If you want to convince homophobes of how ordinary the GLBT community is, try taking them to the Rochester Pride Parade. They'll be so utterly bored that they'll wonder what in the world they were afraid of to begin with... --["Users/MariahBetz"]<br>
+ ------<br>
+ ''2008-09-18 14:33:26'' [[nbsp]] Learn about GLBT rights, the political process and the 2008 elections tonight at ["Brighton Town Hall"] at 7pm. --["Users/DaveMahon"]<br>
+ ------<br>
+ ''2011-11-23 20:51:21'' [[nbsp]] Georgia's, Muthers, Pump and Motor have all been closed now for some time. --["Users/Alex-C"]</span>