Mama Lor's Cafe

InfoInfo MapMap
Location Phone
1891 Ridge Road, Webster, NY 14580 [Directions] 585 545 4895
1319 Lake Road, Webster, NY 14580 585 265 3512
Hours (as of October 2022)
Sunday & Monday: 7:00AM to 2:00PM
Tuesday - Saturday: 7:00AM to 9:00PM
Wheelchair Accessible
Yes, from parking lot entrance

Mama Lor's Cafe is a diner and cafe with 2 locations in Webster that serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They also feature an in-house bakery which serves fresh baked goods including pies and cookies. They are located in the former home of the Union Hill Country Grill.

They opened on February 20, 2012. A second location opened October 7, 2022.


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