The Rochester LiveJournal Communities page is a good place to start when searching for area LiveJournal communities related to Rochester. Visit the Main LiveJournal Rochester community as a starting point for the Rochester area. It is setup to use LiveJournal's tag system which allows users to categorize posts in order to help make them more accessible. Use the tags listed on the bottom of the left hand column of its main page to navigate the community's content. This a great way to find info about our area.
CK1 = Check of sites on November 19, 2008
Arts and Entertainment
rochesterart - CK1 -Feb. 21st, 2008
rochesterpics - CK1 - 16 Jan 2007, but good PIX
rochesterscene - CK1 - December 8th, 2006 - ???
rochester_rock - CK1 - Feb-4th-2007
rochester_jazz - CK1 - Nothing - Links to
rochester_rpg - CK1 - September 6th, 2007
rochester_music - CK1 - 2007-03-30
craftyrochester - CK1 - Feb. 21st, 2008
clubvertex - CK1 - 08 Aug 2008
rochester_pride - CK1 - October 25th, 2007
rochester_gg Girl Gamers - CK1 - 07 May 2006
Buy Sell Trade Donate
freecycleroch - CK1 - 7/6/06
rit4sale - CK1 - November 2nd, 2008