Recent Changes for "Route 441" - Rochester Wiki Changes of the page "Route 441" on Rochester Wiki.en-us 4412014-07-03T14:14:42Zjgerekclarify; clean-up; link <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Route 441<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 10:
Line 10:
<span>-</span> To tour Route 441, take ["Elmwood Avenue"] through<span> ["Rochester"] and into</span> ["Brighton"]<span>.</span> <span>Pass</span> <span>thr</span>ou<span>gh ["Twelv</span>e <span>Corners"]. Then go through the intersection with ["East Avenue"]</span> just west of ["Interstate 490" I-490] <span>a</span>n<span>d welcome to Rou</span>te<span> 441!</span>
<span>+</span> To tour Route 441, take ["Elmwood Avenue"] <span>or East Avenue </span>through ["Brighton"] <span>and</span> <span>pick</span> <span>up R</span>ou<span>t</span>e <span>441</span> just west of <span>the</span> ["Interstate 490" I-490] <span>i</span>nte<span>rsection.</span>
Line 14:
Line 14:
<span>-</span> The first segment is a four-lane highway and briefly takes on the name Linden Avenue. The Linden Oaks Office Park and Linden Oaks Medical Centers are close to the I-490 interchange<span> and</span> Linden Avenue turns off northeast and heads under the railroad tracks to intersect with Route 441 7/10ths of a mile <span>to the east</span>.<span>.</span>
<span>+</span> The first segment is a four-lane highway and briefly takes on the name Linden Avenue. The <span>["</span>Linden Oaks Office Park<span>"]</span> and Linden Oaks Medical Centers are close to the I-490 interchange<span>, as is ["Corbett's Glen Nature Park"]. Then</span> Linden Avenue turns off northeast and heads under the railroad tracks to intersect with Route 441 7/10ths of a mile <span>further to the east before heading into ["East Rochester"]</span>.
Line 22:
Line 22:
<span>- Penfield Road starts at its western terminus at ["East Avenue"]/["Route 96"] and travels east until after it passes ["Panorama Plaza"]. Eastbound traffic cannot continue onto Penfield Road/Route 441, but must take Panorama Trail to eastbound Route 441 at the overpass. Westbound traffic on Route 441 from Penfield can exit 441 and continue on westbound Penfield Road headed toward Panorama Plaza.<br>
- </span>
Line 26:
Line 24:
<span>- Penfield Road intersects with ["Five Mile Line Road"] at ["Penfield Four Corners"] and with ["Route 250"] (Fariport-Nine Mile Point Road), where you will find ["Wegmans Plaza - Penfield"] and other ["strip malls"].</span>
<span>+ Note that Penfield Road (sometimes affectionately called Old Penfield Road) starts at its western terminus at ["East Avenue"]/["Route 96"] and travels east until after it passes ["Panorama Plaza"]. Eastbound traffic cannot continue onto Penfield Road/Route 441, but must take Panorama Trail to eastbound Route 441 at the overpass. Westbound traffic on Route 441 from Penfield can exit 441 and continue on westbound Penfield Road headed toward Panorama Plaza.</span>
Line 28:
Line 26:
<span>- Heading east, just past Watson Street, it becomes rural in nature, with the population density actually ''decreasing'' as you approach ["Walworth"]. At Ontario Center Road, Route 441 turns into Route 205. After intersecting with Hall Center Road, it turns into Route 207, finally terminating at South Main Street in ["Marion"].</span>
<span>+ Penfield Road intersects with ["Five Mile Line Road"] at "Penfield Four Corners" and with ["Route 250"] (Fairport-Nine Mile Point Road), where you will find ["Wegmans Plaza - Penfield"] and other ["strip malls"].</span>
Line 30:
Line 28:
<span>-</span> All in all, the road is an interesting exercise in seeing the proximity of diverse lifestyles in the area, going from dense urban to suburban to farmland and villages, all in under 30 miles. With the exception of the Route 153 <span>3 </span>exit and the area around Route 250, don't expect to see much in the way of commerce or industry on the drive.
<span>+ Heading east, just past Watson Street, it becomes rural in nature, with the population density decreasing as you approach ["Walworth"]. At Ontario Center Road, Route 441 turns into Route 205. After intersecting with Hall Center Road, it turns into Route 207, finally terminating at South Main Street in ["Marion"].<br>
+ <br>
+</span> All in all, the road is an interesting exercise in seeing the proximity of diverse lifestyles in the area, going from dense urban to suburban to farmland and villages, all in under 30 miles. With the exception of the Route 153 exit and the area around Route 250, don't expect to see much in the way of commerce or industry on the drive.
</div> 4412009-08-15T20:18:49ZBradMandellcomplete the Penfield road segment with Penfield Road only info <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Route 441<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 13:
Line 13:
-<span> The first se</span>g<span>ment is a four-lane highway and</span> takes on the name Linden Avenue. The Linden Oaks Office Park and Linden Oaks Medical Centers are close to the I-490 interchange.<span> On maps,</span> it may not be marked as a [wiki:Wikipedia:Limited-access_road controlled access highway], but it certainly drives like one. The section enters ["Penfield"] <span>and</span> passes over ["Panorama Trail"] and intersects with ["Route 153"].
<span>+ <br>
+ The first segment is a four</span>-<span>lane hi</span>g<span>hway and briefly</span> takes on the name Linden Avenue. The Linden Oaks Office Park and Linden Oaks Medical Centers are close to the I-490 interchange<span> and Linden Avenue turns off northeast and heads under the railroad tracks to intersect with Route 441 7/10ths of a mile to the east</span>.<span>.<br>
+ <br>
+ ==Divided Highway==<br>
+ <br>
+ Route 441 becomes divided higway shortly after it intersects again with Linden Avenue;</span> it may not be marked as a [wiki:Wikipedia:Limited-access_road controlled access highway]<span> on maps</span>, but it certainly drives like one. The section<span> has no street name and</span> enters ["Penfield"] <span>where it</span> passes over ["Panorama Trail"] and intersects with ["Route 153"].
Line 16:
Line 21:
<span>- The road slows after passing over Panorama Trail and takes on the name ["Penfield Road"] until it becomes Walworth Penfield Road as it enters West Walworth.</span>
<span>+ <br>
+ Penfield Road starts at its western terminus at ["East Avenue"]/["Route 96"] and travels east until after it passes ["Panorama Plaza"]. Eastbound traffic cannot continue onto Penfield Road/Route 441, but must take Panorama Trail to eastbound Route 441 at the overpass. Westbound traffic on Route 441 from Penfield can exit 441 and continue on westbound Penfield Road headed toward Panorama Plaza.<br>
+ <br>
+ Route 441 slows after passing over Panorama Trail and takes on the name ["Penfield Road"] until it becomes Walworth Penfield Road as it enters West Walworth.</span>
</div> 4412009-08-15T19:55:20ZBradMandellcat link routes and bold only the RocWiki page name portion <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Route 441<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 8:
Line 8:
<span>- To tour '''</span>NY State Route 441''' take ["Elmwood Avenue"] through ["Rochester"] and into ["Brighton"]. Pass through ["Twelve Corners"]. Then go through the intersection with ["East Avenue"] just west of ["Interstate 490" I-490] and welcome to Route 441!
<span>+ </span>NY State <span>'''</span>Route 441'''<span> is a major east-west ["Routes" route] southeast of Rochester through eastern ["Monroe County"] and western ["Wayne County"].<br>
+ <br>
+ To tour Route 441,</span> take ["Elmwood Avenue"] through ["Rochester"] and into ["Brighton"]. Pass through ["Twelve Corners"]. Then go through the intersection with ["East Avenue"] just west of ["Interstate 490" I-490] and welcome to Route 441!
</div> 4412009-08-15T18:42:43ZBradMandellbreak into Linden and Penfield <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Route 441<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 8:
Line 8:
<span>-</span> To tour '''NY State Route 441''' take ["Elmwood Avenue"] through ["Rochester"] and into ["Brighton"]. Pass through ["Twelve Corners"]. Then go through the intersection with ["East Avenue"] <span>at</span> ["Interstate 490" I-490] <span>. W</span>elcome to Route 441!
<span>+</span> To tour '''NY State Route 441''' take ["Elmwood Avenue"] through ["Rochester"] and into ["Brighton"]. Pass through ["Twelve Corners"]. Then go through the intersection with ["East Avenue"] <span>just west of </span> ["Interstate 490" I-490] <span>and w</span>elcome to Route 441!
Line 10:
Line 10:
- On maps, it may not be marked as a [wiki:Wikipedia:Limited-access_road controlled access highway], but it certainly drives like one<span>; the section</span> passes over ["Panorama Trail"] and intersects with ["Route 153"]. The road <span>then slows as it enters ["Penfield"] where it</span> takes on the name ["Penfield Road"].<span> The r</span>oad intersects with ["Five Mile Line Road"] at ["Penfield Four Corners"] and with ["Route 250"] (Fariport-Nine Mile Point Road), where you will find ["Wegmans Plaza - Penfield"] and other ["strip malls"].
<span>+ ==Linden Avenue==<br>
+ The first segment is a four</span>-<span>lane highway and takes on the name Linden Avenue. The Linden Oaks Office Park and Linden Oaks Medical Centers are close to the I-490 interchange.</span> On maps, it may not be marked as a [wiki:Wikipedia:Limited-access_road controlled access highway], but it certainly drives like one<span>. The section enters ["Penfield"] and</span> passes over ["Panorama Trail"] and intersects with ["Route 153"].<span><br>
+ <br>
+ ==Penfield Road==<br>
+</span> The road <span>slows after passing over Panorama Trail and</span> takes on the name ["Penfield Road"]<span> until it becomes Walworth Penfield Road as it enters West Walworth</span>.<span><br>
+ <br>
+ Penfield R</span>oad intersects with ["Five Mile Line Road"] at ["Penfield Four Corners"] and with ["Route 250"] (Fariport-Nine Mile Point Road), where you will find ["Wegmans Plaza - Penfield"] and other ["strip malls"].
</div> 4412009-08-15T18:23:47ZBradMandellpenfield road, 153 four corners <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Route 441<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 10:
Line 10:
<span>-</span> On maps, it may not be marked as a [wiki:Wikipedia:Limited-access_road controlled access highway], but it certainly drives like one; the section passes over Panorama Trail<span> (</span>Route 153<span>) an</span>d then slows as it enters ["Penfield"]. The road intersects with ["Five Mile Line Road"] a<span>nd</span> ["Route 250"] (Fariport-Nine Mile Point Road), where you will find ["Wegmans Plaza - Penfield"] and other ["strip malls"].
<span>+</span> On maps, it may not be marked as a [wiki:Wikipedia:Limited-access_road controlled access highway], but it certainly drives like one; the section passes over <span>["</span>Panorama Trail<span>"] and intersects with ["</span>Route 153<span>"]. The roa</span>d then slows as it enters ["Penfield"]<span> where it takes on the name ["Penfield Road"]</span>. The road intersects with ["Five Mile Line Road"] a<span>t ["Penfield Four Corners"] and with</span> ["Route 250"] (Fariport-Nine Mile Point Road), where you will find ["Wegmans Plaza - Penfield"] and other ["strip malls"].
</div> 4412009-08-04T14:59:49Zalexandergartleyadded wiki link to Five Mile Line Road <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Route 441<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 10:
Line 10:
<span>-</span> On maps, it may not be marked as a [wiki:Wikipedia:Limited-access_road controlled access highway], but it certainly drives like one; the section passes over Panorama Trail (Route 153) and then slows as it enters ["Penfield"]. The road intersects with Five Mile Line Road and ["Route 250"] (Fariport-Nine Mile Point Road), where you will find ["Wegmans Plaza - Penfield"] and other ["strip malls"].
<span>+</span> On maps, it may not be marked as a [wiki:Wikipedia:Limited-access_road controlled access highway], but it certainly drives like one; the section passes over Panorama Trail (Route 153) and then slows as it enters ["Penfield"]. The road intersects with <span>["</span>Five Mile Line Road<span>"]</span> and ["Route 250"] (Fariport-Nine Mile Point Road), where you will find ["Wegmans Plaza - Penfield"] and other ["strip malls"].
</div> 4412009-03-16T13:49:48ZBradMandelltbl hdrs, noborder, comments <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Route 441<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 1:
Line 1:
<span>-</span> [[Image(route441signage.png, right, 100, thumbnail, "NY Route 441" )]]<br>
<span>-</span> ||<b<span>gco</span>l<span>or='#E0E0FF'</span>>'''Location'''||
<span>+</span> [[Image(route441signage.png, right, 100, thumbnail, <span>noborder, </span>"NY Route 441" )]]<br>
<span>+</span> ||<<span>class="ta</span>bl<span>ehead"</span>>'''Location'''||
Line 5:
Line 5:
<span>-</span> ||<b<span>gco</span>l<span>or='#E0E0FF'</span>>'''Boundaries'''||
<span>+</span> ||<<span>class="ta</span>bl<span>ehead"</span>>'''Boundaries'''||
Line 18:
Line 18:
<span>+ <br>
+ [[Comments]]</span>
</div> 4412008-12-27T04:37:59Zscotthendler <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Route 441<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 10:
Line 10:
<span>-</span> On maps, it may not be marked as a [wiki:Wikipedia:Limited-access_road controlled access highway], but it certainly drives like one; the section passes over Panorama Trail (Route 153) and then slows as it enters ["Penfield"]. The road intersects with Five Mile Line Road and ["Route 250"] (Fariport-Nine Mile Point Road), where you will find ["Wegmans Penfield<span> Plaza</span>"] and other ["strip malls"].
<span>+</span> On maps, it may not be marked as a [wiki:Wikipedia:Limited-access_road controlled access highway], but it certainly drives like one; the section passes over Panorama Trail (Route 153) and then slows as it enters ["Penfield"]. The road intersects with Five Mile Line Road and ["Route 250"] (Fariport-Nine Mile Point Road), where you will find ["Wegmans P<span>laza - P</span>enfield"] and other ["strip malls"].
</div> 4412008-07-17T09:07:50ZBradMandellstandardize routes <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Route 441<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 2:
Line 2:
<span>- Take ["Elmwood Avenue"] through ["Rochester"] and into ["Brighton"]. Pass through ["Twelve Corners"]. Then go through the intersection with ["East Avenue"] at ["Interstate 490" I-490] . Welcome to Route 441!</span>
<span>+ ||<bgcolor='#E0E0FF'>'''Location'''||<br>
+ ||Southeast of ["Rochester"]||<br>
+ ||[,-77.428894&sspn=0.28848,0.357056&ie=UTF8&ll=43.122537,-77.415848&spn=0.196962,0.346069&z=11&layer=c Google Map of Route 441 Extent] - includes Street View options||<br>
+ ||<bgcolor='#E0E0FF'>'''Boundaries'''||<br>
+ ||West to east from ["East Avenue"] at ["Interstate 490" I-490] to Ontario Center Road in ["Ontario County"].||<br>
+ <br>
+ To tour '''NY State Route 441''' take ["Elmwood Avenue"] through ["Rochester"] and into ["Brighton"]. Pass through ["Twelve Corners"]. Then go through the intersection with ["East Avenue"] at ["Interstate 490" I-490] . Welcome to Route 441!</span>
Line 12:
Line 18:
<span>- * [,-77.428894&sspn=0.28848,0.357056&ie=UTF8&ll=43.122537,-77.415848&spn=0.196962,0.346069&z=11&layer=c Google Map of Route 441 Extent] - includes Street View options</span>
</div> 4412008-07-10T06:41:39ZBradMandelladd signage, google map, wikipedia article, and some rewrites <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Route 441<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 1:
Line 1:
<span>+ [[Image(route441signage.png, right, 100, thumbnail, "NY Route 441" )]]</span>
Line 3:
Line 4:
<span>- On maps, it may not be marked as a [wiki:Wikipedia:Limited-access_road controlled access highway], but it certainly drives like one until entering ["Penfield"]. There, it intersects with ["Route 250"]. Just past Watson Street, it becomes rural in nature, with the population density actually ''decreasing'' as you approach ["Walworth"]. At Ontario Center Road, Route 441 turns into Route 205. After intersecting with Hall Center Road, it turns into Route 207, finally terminating at South Main Street in ["Marion"].</span>
<span>+ On maps, it may not be marked as a [wiki:Wikipedia:Limited-access_road controlled access highway], but it certainly drives like one; the section passes over Panorama Trail (Route 153) and then slows as it enters ["Penfield"]. The road intersects with Five Mile Line Road and ["Route 250"] (Fariport-Nine Mile Point Road), where you will find ["Wegmans Penfield Plaza"] and other ["strip malls"].</span>
Line 5:
Line 6:
<span>- All in all, the road is an interesting exercise in seeing the proximity of diverse lifestyles in the area, going from dense urban to suburban to farmland and villages, all in under 30 miles. With the exception of the area around Route 250, don't expect to see much in the way of commerce or industry on the drive.</span>
<span>+ Heading east, just past Watson Street, it becomes rural in nature, with the population density actually ''decreasing'' as you approach ["Walworth"]. At Ontario Center Road, Route 441 turns into Route 205. After intersecting with Hall Center Road, it turns into Route 207, finally terminating at South Main Street in ["Marion"].<br>
+ <br>
+ All in all, the road is an interesting exercise in seeing the proximity of diverse lifestyles in the area, going from dense urban to suburban to farmland and villages, all in under 30 miles. With the exception of the Route 153 3 exit and the area around Route 250, don't expect to see much in the way of commerce or industry on the drive.<br>
+ <br>
+ '''References:'''<br>
+ * [wiki:wikipedia:New_York_State_Route_441 NY State Route 441] - linked in to Route Network info<br>
+ * [,-77.428894&sspn=0.28848,0.357056&ie=UTF8&ll=43.122537,-77.415848&spn=0.196962,0.346069&z=11&layer=c Google Map of Route 441 Extent] - includes Street View options</span>
</div> 4412008-07-10T06:24:59ZBradMandellUpload of image <a href="">route441signage.png</a>. 4412007-08-08T01:08:18ZDaveMahonCreated page <div id="content" class="wikipage content">
Differences for Route 441<p><strong></strong></p><table>
Deletions are marked with - .
Additions are marked with +.
Line 1:
Line 1:
<span>+ Take ["Elmwood Avenue"] through ["Rochester"] and into ["Brighton"]. Pass through ["Twelve Corners"]. Then go through the intersection with ["East Avenue"] at ["Interstate 490" I-490] . Welcome to Route 441!<br>
+ <br>
+ On maps, it may not be marked as a [wiki:Wikipedia:Limited-access_road controlled access highway], but it certainly drives like one until entering ["Penfield"]. There, it intersects with ["Route 250"]. Just past Watson Street, it becomes rural in nature, with the population density actually ''decreasing'' as you approach ["Walworth"]. At Ontario Center Road, Route 441 turns into Route 205. After intersecting with Hall Center Road, it turns into Route 207, finally terminating at South Main Street in ["Marion"].<br>
+ <br>
+ All in all, the road is an interesting exercise in seeing the proximity of diverse lifestyles in the area, going from dense urban to suburban to farmland and villages, all in under 30 miles. With the exception of the area around Route 250, don't expect to see much in the way of commerce or industry on the drive.</span>