Recent Changes for "South Clinton Trading Company" - Rochester Wiki Changes of the page "South Clinton Trading Company" on Rochester Wiki.en-us Clinton Trading Company2015-12-18T15:50:55Zalexandergartleyremoved address macro <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for South Clinton Trading Company<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 3: </td> <td> Line 3: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>-</span> ||<span>[[Address("</span>808 <span>["</span>S<span>outh</span> Clinton Ave<span>nue"]</span>, Rochester, NY 14620<span>")]]</span>|| </td> <td> <span>+</span> ||808 S Clinton Ave, Rochester, NY 14620|| </td> </tr> </table> </div> Clinton Trading Company2015-07-04T01:39:43ZEileenFGBNF <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for South Clinton Trading Company<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 2: </td> <td> Line 2: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>-</span> ||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Location'''|| </td> <td> <span>+</span> ||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''<span>Former </span>Location'''|| </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 4: </td> <td> Line 4: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>- ||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Hours''' (as of February 2013)||<br> - ||Wednesday - Saturday: 10:00AM to 6:00PM||<br> - ||Sunday: 10:00AM to 4:00PM||<br> - ||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Phone'''||<br> - ||585 202 2080||<br> - ||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Wheelchair Accessible'''||<br> - ||["Info Needed"]||<br> - ||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Email'''||<br> - ||[[MailTo(richard AT southclintontradingcompany DOT com)]]||<br> - ##||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Website'''||<br> - ##||||</span> </td> <td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 16: </td> <td> Line 5: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>- The '''South Clinton Trading Company''' is an ["antiques" antique collectibles] store in the ["Highland Park Neighborhood"]. It is owned by Richard Mandrino, who found that his collection had outgrown his home, and Joanne Denny, who shares his passion for antiques. One of the shop's specialties is teddy bears.[[Footnote(''["The Wedge"]'' (April-May 2013))]]</span> </td> <td> <span>+ See ["Gone, But Not Forgotten"]</span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 18: </td> <td> Line 7: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>- The Company also accepts items for trade, sell, or ["consignment"].</span> </td> <td> <span>+ The '''South Clinton Trading Company''' was an ["antiques" antique collectibles] store in the ["Highland Park Neighborhood"]. It was owned by Richard Mandrino, who found that his collection had outgrown his home, and Joanne Denny, who shares his passion for antiques. One of the shop's specialties was teddy bears.[[Footnote(''["The Wedge"]'' (April-May 2013))]]</span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 20: </td> <td> Line 9: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>- They opened in early ["2013"].</span> </td> <td> <span>+ The Company also accepted items for trade, sell, or ["consignment"].<br> + <br> + They opened in early ["2013"].<br> + <br> + Closed in July ["2015"].</span> </td> </tr> </table> </div> Clinton Trading Company2014-04-14T11:19:25ZEileenF- dead website <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for South Clinton Trading Company<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 13: </td> <td> Line 13: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>-</span> ||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Website'''||<br> <span>-</span> |||| </td> <td> <span>+</span> <span>##</span>||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Website'''||<br> <span>+</span> <span>##</span>|||| </td> </tr> </table> </div> Clinton Trading Company2014-04-14T11:18:07ZEileenFImage <a href="">P1020357.JPG</a> deleted. Clinton Trading Company2014-04-14T11:17:48ZEileenFbetter pic <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for South Clinton Trading Company<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 1: </td> <td> Line 1: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>-</span> [[Image(P1020<span>357</span>.JPG, right, thumbnail, 300, noborder)]] </td> <td> <span>+</span> [[Image(P1020<span>640</span>.JPG, right, thumbnail, 300, noborder)]] </td> </tr> </table> </div> Clinton Trading Company2014-04-14T11:17:32ZEileenFUpload of image <a href="">P1020640.JPG</a>. Clinton Trading Company2013-11-03T22:20:56ZEileenF <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for South Clinton Trading Company<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 1: </td> <td> Line 1: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <span>+ [[Image(P1020357.JPG, right, thumbnail, 300, noborder)]]</span> </td> </tr> </table> </div> Clinton Trading Company2013-11-03T22:20:40ZEileenFUpload of image <a href="">P1020357.JPG</a>. Clinton Trading Company2013-05-04T22:15:11ZEileenFmore info <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for South Clinton Trading Company<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 7: </td> <td> Line 7: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>- ||["Info Needed"]||</span> </td> <td> <span>+ ||585 202 2080||</span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 15: </td> <td> Line 15: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>- The '''South Clinton Trading Company''' is an ["antiques" antique store] in the ["Highland Park Neighborhood"]. They opened in early ["2013"].</span> </td> <td> <span>+ The '''South Clinton Trading Company''' is an ["antiques" antique collectibles] store in the ["Highland Park Neighborhood"]. It is owned by Richard Mandrino, who found that his collection had outgrown his home, and Joanne Denny, who shares his passion for antiques. One of the shop's specialties is teddy bears.[[Footnote(''["The Wedge"]'' (April-May 2013))]]<br> + <br> + The Company also accepts items for trade, sell, or ["consignment"].<br> + <br> + They opened in early ["2013"].</span> </td> </tr> </table> </div> Clinton Trading Company2013-02-16T20:42:21ZEileenF <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for South Clinton Trading Company<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 15: </td> <td> Line 15: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>-</span> '''South Clinton Trading Company''' is an ["antiques" antique store] in the ["Highland Park Neighborhood"]. They opened in early ["2013"]. </td> <td> <span>+ The</span> '''South Clinton Trading Company''' is an ["antiques" antique store] in the ["Highland Park Neighborhood"]. They opened in early ["2013"]. </td> </tr> </table> </div> Clinton Trading Company2013-02-16T20:40:20ZEileenFwebsite and email <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for South Clinton Trading Company<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 10: </td> <td> Line 10: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>-</span> <span>##</span>||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Email'''||<br> <span>-</span> <span>##</span>||[[MailTo(i<span>nfo</span> AT doma<span>i</span>n DOT com)]]||<br> <span>-</span> <span>##</span>||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Website'''||<br> <span>- ##</span> ||http://C<span>apita</span>li<span>zeL</span>ong<span>D</span>oma<span>i</span>n<span>NamesForReadabilit</span>|| </td> <td> <span>+</span> ||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Email'''||<br> <span>+</span> ||[[MailTo(<span>r</span>i<span>chard</span> AT <span>southclintontra</span>d<span>ingc</span>om<span>p</span>an<span>y</span> DOT com)]]||<br> <span>+</span> ||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Website'''||<br> <span>+</span> ||http://<span>South</span>Cli<span>nt</span>on<span>Tradin</span>g<span>C</span>om<span>p</span>|| </td> </tr> </table> </div> Clinton Trading Company2013-02-16T20:38:25ZEileenF <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for South Clinton Trading Company<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 5: </td> <td> Line 5: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <span>-</span> ||Sunday: 10:00AM to 4:00P<span>m</span>|| </td> <td> <span>+</span> ||Sunday: 10:00AM to 4:00P<span>M</span>|| </td> </tr> </table> </div> Clinton Trading Company2013-02-16T20:37:56ZEileenF <div id="content" class="wikipage content"> Differences for South Clinton Trading Company<p><strong></strong></p><table> <tr> <td> <span> Deletions are marked with - . </span> </td> <td> <span> Additions are marked with +. </span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> Line 1: </td> <td> Line 1: </td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <span>+ ||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Location'''||<br> + ||[[Address("808 ["South Clinton Avenue"], Rochester, NY 14620")]]||<br> + ||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Hours''' (as of February 2013)||<br> + ||Wednesday - Saturday: 10:00AM to 6:00PM||<br> + ||Sunday: 10:00AM to 4:00Pm||<br> + ||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Phone'''||<br> + ||["Info Needed"]||<br> + ||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Wheelchair Accessible'''||<br> + ||["Info Needed"]||<br> + ##||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Email'''||<br> + ##||[[MailTo(info AT domain DOT com)]]||<br> + ##||&lt;class="tablehead"&gt;'''Website'''||<br> + ## ||||<br> + <br> + '''South Clinton Trading Company''' is an ["antiques" antique store] in the ["Highland Park Neighborhood"]. They opened in early ["2013"].<br> + <br> + [[Comments]]</span> </td> </tr> </table> </div> Clinton Trading Company2013-02-16T20:37:56ZEileenFMap location(s) modified