Wiki Community/Acceptable Use Policy

InfoInfo TalkTalk

This is a policy proposal and has not been adopted by the RocWiki community.

Note to all users: I (StevenDibelius) will take it upon myself to merge this document with the etiquette document sometime this weekend (which was apparently in 2008, GaryGocek), as they should be the same document. It will be much easier to discuss an overall wiki policy if we are all looking at a single page.

RocWiki Acceptable Use Policy


RocWiki is a community edited site about Rochester, NY. While we don't allow anonymous editing, we do allow anyone to sign up, and once they have an ID, they can add content to their hearts desire. RocWiki is written and maintained collaboratively by volunteers.

Who this policy applies to

This Acceptable Use Policy applies to everyone who uses the RocWiki website. Your use of this site by posting on it constitutes your acceptance of RocWiki's Acceptable Use Policy (AUP).

Ground Rules

Be civil

Let sleeping dogs lie

Respect personal information

Content Guidelines

Personal Information

Be honest

Be relevant

Offensive content



RocWiki is a community forum, open to all. It cannot accept responsibility for the opinions of its members, or for their errors or omissions, or for any consequences arising from the use of information contained herein.

Dated: March 19, 2008

Your input is needed on the Talk page.