Thrift Stores

InfoInfo TalkTalk

A Thrift Store is defined as a retail establishment that sells second-hand goods to raise money for an organization.

The selection can be varied, but if you're looking for a inexpensive furniture, a $1.00 vase, a $2.00 inkjet, unusual books or $4.00 jeans that are barely worn, it's hard to beat a thrift store. If you need a pair of pants to work in the yard or clean out the furnace, get an inexpensive pair at a local thrift store. Hey - make a statement in some lime-green polyester (;>} !

If you have too many pants, skirts, shorts, or tops in your closet/drawers, get them on down to one of these outlets and help them raise money for a good cause!!

Non-Profit Outlets

Independent Shops

National Chains


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