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Hey Its me Touchdown Paul

Hey there my name is Paul Ferrese and they call me touchdown Pauly. I am currently a freshman at the University of Rochester and I love it here. I have met a lot of great people and my first love/ current girlfriend Ashley. My major is Philosophy and I want to receive a business certificate. Some of my hobbies are throwing frizz bee, fishing, and cross dressing. I love music my favorite genre of music is techno. My favorite song is Sex, drugs, and house by the D Devils. I am also very interested in nature. I love going on nature hikes and watching for animals. My favorite TV show is Planet Earth. Another one of my favorite TV shows is Full House, which I am currently watching right now lol. Well thanks for hearing me out gang. If you would like to find more information about me search Paul Ferrese on face book and friend request me.

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