Finger Lakes Stores

InfoInfo MapMap
Location Phone
202 Grand Avenue, Rochester NY, 14609 [Directions] 585 288 2919
1064 Culver Road, Rochester NY, 14609 [Directions] 585 288 8011
Hours - Culver (as of September 2007)
Weekdays: 7:00AM to 12:00AM
Weekends: 7:00AM to 1:00AM
Hours - Grand Avenue
Every Day: 9:00AM to 9:00PM
585 288 2919
Wheelchair Accessible

Finger Lakes Stores are a pair of corner stores in Beechwood and Culver-Merchants. They sell grocery items, T-shirts, beer, pop, dairy items, cigarettes, [wikipedia]Slushies and other kinds of goods.


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