Neighborhood Empowerment Team

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NET stood for "Neighborhood Empowerment Team". Each Team was conceived as a 'mini-city hall' around town giving people local access to government features. NET was criticized by members of the community and was replaced by Neighborhood Service Centers on July 1, 2008.

Some historical information and discussion of the controversies may be found below.

In the May 16th, 2008 Budget Briefing 1, Mayor Duffy reported:

NET History

NET Controversy


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2005-07-22 10:11:28   And here I thought they were glorified police substations.... ? —TobinFricke

2005-07-22 10:50:29   Yeah, unfortunately it looks like that is what they are turning into. Plex neibhborhood group meets at the Gensee st. NET office —FarMcKon