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1 Bausch And Lomb Place, Rochester, NY 14604 [Directions]
Cafe - Monday-Friday: 7:00AM to 3:30PM
Cafe - 585 338 6712

The Wintergarden is an indoor space with tables and includes the small Wintergarden Cafe. It features glass walls and ceiling as well as indoor trees year-round. It has a pyramid-shaped roof similar to that of the adjoining building, the Legacy Tower. The venue is available for weddings and private or corporate events. There are fake birds hanging from the ceiling. This is a steel sculpture called "Five Canada Geese in Flight" by Mary Taylor (1994).1

The cafe is open Monday-Friday 7 AM to 3:30 PM and sells Starbucks coffee, candy, snacks, and newspapers.

There used to be a piece of the Berlin Wall on display but alas, it was removed in 2014.

wintergarden2.jpgExterior of the Wintergarden. Photo by Rachel Blumenthal (April 2007) wintergarden1.jpgInterior of the Wintergarden. Photo by Ben Margolis (April 2007)

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2009-03-13 10:40:19   Original page created as Winter GardenBradMandell