
Meeting Date & Time
Varies Yearly - See Website

ArtAwake is an annual one-day festival that celebrates local artists and community involvement. Every April a vacant urban building in the City of Rochester is transformed to feature live music, local art, interactive exhibits, and local food.

ArtAwake was founded in 2008 by members of the University of Rochester [WWW]Urban Exploring Club. In 2009 they were [WWW]honored by the Association of College Unions International as the "Student Driven Program of the Year."

From the Website

ArtAwake seeks to unite the community – from college students to families and young professionals to senior citizens – to facilitate interaction and discussion that will lead to creative solutions for Rochester’s unused spaces, for its creative community, and ultimately for the future of its downtown. We will create an innovative and interactive festival that repurposes a vacant urban space through the exhibition of local artists, musicians, dancers, videographers, designers, businesses, and technologies. After 3 successful annual festivals, ArtAwake has totaled over 5,000 attendees and has featured over 500 pieces by 300+ artists, performances by 50+ groups, delicious local foods, and a myriad of interactive exhibits.


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