CranioSacral Therapy is "(also called CST, cranial osteopathy, also spelled CranioSacral bodywork or therapy)" is an alternative medicine therapy "used by physical therapists, massage therapists, naturopaths, chiropractors and osteopaths" 1. The therapy is practiced in the Rochester area by:
Compassionate Touch Therapy -Kimberly Corpus
Healing Haven Massage and Wellness - Michele Cunningham Fineout LMT, CST, Usui Reiki Master, and Reflexologist
Spirit Organic - Mary "Molly" Deutschbein, LMT, CST, BCST, Reiki Master (Certified Upledger CranioSacral Therapist and Certified Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist)
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CranioSacral Therapy