I'm Darell Mcgriff and I'm trying to compile information about Rochester's resource to home improvements through city funding.
I'm a working father of four infant children who knows absolutely nothing about the internet and how to use it but in the past five years, my interest in home improvements has gone beyond a hobby and become my passion. I am now int the process of educating myself about Rochester and the internet has been a very helpful tool in doing that.
My wife has often complained about the cost of the improvements and pushed me to find a resource within the city that might help us make the repairs we need: such as weatherization and energy efficient appliances; and the improvements we would like: fresh siding, porch work and hard wood flooring rehab.
In my search, I continue to find that with enough will and leg work you can work your way to a better house by using the city to help you.
I have a short list of links that include home improvements grants. They are very specific and the criteria needed to obtain the grants. You would have to search the sites and call the information numbers to see if you can qualify.
This site is constantly under construction and I would appreciate any input related to this topic being added to this site.
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