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Did you give generously to your favorite contributor or to our crack server team? Give yourself credit here. Don't feel obligated to share the exact extent of your generosity if you find that sort of thing vulgar.


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2008-06-27 18:17:38   I recently ponied up a small amount of cash for our marketing and hosting efforts. I've also been known to print up stacks of the posters I designed, posting them in all sorts of fun places - particularly just before large numbers of visitors are expected in town. —DaveMahon

2012-06-25 13:05:18   donated some coinage to a great cause —bonnev659

2024-12-25 14:00:59   Just curious if this is up to date. My guess is that domain and hosting fees have increased, and someone is probably paying for a commercial SSL certificate. —GaryGocek

2024-12-26 18:19:58   Last I knew it was But the last time we spoke or saw each other was maybe 8 or 9 years ago, maybe more. —badfish

2024-12-30 17:18:40   I'm afraid Rey has vanished. We have no server team anymore. I'd love to see someone with serious interest take it over —peteb

2024-12-31 13:07:46   Oh wow, so how is the site running? Someone has to be at least occasionally renewing things or fixing things. Do we know of anyone doing that for the site? —badfish