Fairport Savings Bank

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Location Phone
45 South Main Street, Fairport NY, 14450 [Directions] 585 223 9080
2163 Route 250, Fairport NY, 14450 [Directions] 585 377 8970
1075 Ridge Road, Webster NY, 14580 [Directions] 585 872 0100
2118 Hudson Avenue, Rochester NY, 14617 [Directions] 585 266 4100
6797 Pittsford Palmyra Road, Fairport NY, 14450 [Directions] 585 223 2200
Varies by Location
Wheelchair Accessible
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The Fairport Savings Bank is a local bank with several branches and ATMs, primarily on the East side of town. They were originally established as the Fairport Permanent Loan Association in 1888.


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