Help On Formatting


Text Formatting Rules

Leave blank lines between paragraphs. Use [[BR]] to insert linebreaks into paragraphs.

You can render text in italics or bold. To write italics, enclose the text in double single quotes. To write bold, enclose the text in triple single quotes. Underlined text needs a double underscore on each side. You get superscripted text by enclosing it into caret characters, and subscripts have to be embedded into double commas.

To insert text without reformatting in a monospace font, use three curly braces ({ and }) in a row. To make a block appear containing quoted text, place the curly braces on different lines.

  {{{monospace font}}}

For more information on the possible markup, see Help On Editing.


__Mixing__ ''italics'' and '''bold''':
 * '''''Mix''' at the beginning''
 * '''''Mix'' at the beginning'''
 * '''Mix at the ''end'''''
 * ''Mix at the '''end'''''

You might recall ''a''^2^ + ''b''^2^ = ''c''^2^ from your math lessons, unless you head is filled with H,,2,,O.

An {{{inline code sequence}}} has the start and end markers on the same line. 

Example Results

Mixing italics and bold:

You might recall a2 + b2 = c2 from your math lessons, unless you head is filled with H2O.

An inline code sequence has the start and end markers on the same line.