Hypothermia Shelter/Talk

InfoInfo ArticleArticle

This page is for discussing the contents of Hypothermia Shelter.


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Regarding the comments of no hypthermia shelter in the city is not enitrely true. There has been a effort for many of the shelters to provide this type of shelter during the very cold spells. I know that the Open Door Mission provides such housing and is the day time warming center should it be declared during the daytime hours. Lifeline, Salvation Army, DSS, St. Joseph's House of Hospitality are all part of this effort. However, yes there are a few hard core group that stays in the former subway system. Some have burned their bridges for stay at shelters since they do not want to obey rules that are set up.

There is no City of Rochester sponsored shelter only private not for profits and Monroe County DSS that provide the most of the emergencdy sheltering. — rkfoxodm