Karen Holmes/Talk

InfoInfo ArticleArticle

This page is for discussing the contents of Karen Holmes.

I created a standardized RocWiki page for Karen Holmes because the numerous links throughout the Alternative Medicine pages all pointed to an non-standard User page without NPOV. As such, it could create a bad precedence for all businesses and professionals to use their user pages instead of RocWiki top layer pages to avoid RocWiki standards for NPOV, layout, headers, SPAM, etc.

I hope that I have created a useful and accurate page to reflect Karen's offerings within the guidelines of RocWiki Putting Your Business On RocWikiBradMandell

Karen had contacted me very upset that changes were made to her page. Now her page has been duplicated and it's causing considerable confusion for her and some business contacts—as well nothing on her page violated any rules previously. Please let me work with Karen. Unless it clearly violates any of the rules, please don't make any further adjustments. -PeteB