Our Mystery Picture Talk Page provides an opportunity to discuss the Mystery Picture page and process as well as documentation on the procedures for adding a new Mystery Picture and archiving the existing Mystery Picture/Guesses with History
The "Need a Photo" State
RocWiki has an existing Photo Needed image and standardized text that can appear on the Front Page when there is an "old" Mystery Photo that was successfully "guessed" and has appeared for an extended time. See Mystery Picture Version 77 for an example.
The Mystery Picture page and the Mystery Picture Guesses page each contain comments documentation entries to show the user how to switch from an existing photo to the Photo Needed state, and vice versa.
Closing Old Mystery Picture with Ask for New One
Talk about the Mystery Picture:
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2007-08-07 18:45:55 Can we change the Mystery Picture already? It's been the same one for months. I would change it, but I don't have any good photos to use. —JoannaLicata
2008-07-11 23:20:42 I uploaded misterycandidate20080711.jpg as a new candidate - what is status of current picture?? —BradMandell
2008-07-12 06:52:45 I just added the current mystery picture (the one of the truck) last week. I figure they should be left up for a couple weeks at least, until a few people have made some good guesses. Then you have to move the old one manually to the history page, upload a new one, and clear out the old guesses. Note that for the last few (the ones I have done) I have tried to maintain sequential numbering of the filenames. —DottieHoffmann
2008-07-12 07:11:44 Thanks Dottie - is the normal practice for the submitter to track the answers and announce a winner when the right answer appears? Seems it would be frustrating if people are continuing to guess when the right answer is there already. Let me know when, and I will rename the file, etc. —BradMandell
2008-07-12 07:51:51 I've never really "announced" a winner... once a couple people have agreed on a correct answer then it becomes pretty obvious the puzzle is solved, and it's time for a new pic. By the way, the one you uploaded is interesting and I'll be watching the guesses carefully. —DottieHoffmann
2008-07-12 13:01:35 I found a Guess Where in Rochester Photo Group on Flikr with 441 photos. I joined the Group and will post something about RocWiki and the Mystery Photo there. There is also a
Flikr Map for the Group - not all photos in Group were mapped. I am trying to figure out where to put this interesting info besides on this page. —BradMandell