What is RSS?
In a world heaving under the weight of billions of web pages, keeping up to date with the information you want can be a drag. Wouldn't it be better to have the latest news and features delivered directly to you, rather than clicking from site to site? Well now you can, thanks to a very clever service, RSS. There is some discussion as to what RSS stands for, but the majority plump for 'Really Simple Syndication'. Put plainly, it allows you to identify the content you like and have it delivered directly to you. It takes the hassle out of staying up-to-date, by showing you the very latest information that you are interested in. Not all websites currently provide RSS, but it is growing rapidly in popularity and many others, including the Guardian, New York Times and CNN do provide it.
How do I use RSS?
You must first have a something called a reader or aggregator before you can start using RSS. Some readers are stand alone while others are integrated into web browsers (Mozilla Firefox) I've started a list of readers that I like at the bottom of this page, please add anything that you use.
After you have found a reader that you like you need to tell it where to download information from. For RocWiki, the most looked at page is the Recent Changes page and an RSS feed has been setup for it here Right click the previous link, copy the link, and paste it into your reader.
Now instead of coming back to the RocWiki website every hour of every day (because we all know how much you actually care what is getting edited) you can just quickly check up while you browse the headlines or slashdot or your favorite websites.
Web Based
Web, Andriod, iOS
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