RocWiki Addiction
The RocWiki Syndrome AKA RocWiki-itis
Based on personal experience and postings of other RocWiki Contributors, RocWiki is potentially habit-forming and even ADDICTIVE 1
RocWiki Commentitis | Spend hours pouring over RocWiki entries and making Comments? |
RocWiki Edititis | Spend hours pouring over RocWiki entries and Editing the entries? |
RocWiki Googleitis | Spend hours searching Google for more information on an entry? |
RocWiki Mapitis | Spend hours trying to get the Map to work right or adding extra maps? |
RocWiki Photoitis | Spend hours looking at RocWiki entries, searching for related photos and Adding Images? |
RocWiki Perfectitis | Constantly refresh the RocWiki Recent Changes looking for new entires to review |
WARNING - Serious Symptoms
RocWiki Voyeurism | See everything out the car window as a RocWiki Place |
RocWiki Myopia | Go out in a snowstorm to photograph a pending RocWiki Place |
RocWiki Insomnia | Stay up until 3am editing {OOPS 3AM} tables and reformatting text |
A Pending Divorce | Stay up all night adding every bar in the surrounding Counties |
There are no known cures (other than Admin LockOut) - only personal self-control or maybe a friendly "Intervention".
Notes and References
"Bartelby definition of - "itis" - "Excessive preoccupation with, indulgence in, reliance on, ..."
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Some Addicts
- 1From RocWiki Addiction by BradMandell with permission to RocWiki