Shampooch Grooming

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2800 West Henrietta Road, Rochester NY 14623 [Directions] in Companion Animal Hospital
Hours (as of July 2011)
By Appointment
585 750 0855
Wheelchair Accessible

Shampooch Grooming is a pet groomer. The owner, Tara Shingleton, is also the Kennel Manager of Companion Animal Hospital.


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2011-07-24 16:46:29   We went here on an emergency mission to deskunk one of my pups. Tara did a WONDERFUL job and will now get our business regularly —PeteB

2013-03-19 14:17:05   We have a hard-to-handle (doesn't like anyone touching her paws or rear end) dog that Tara handles very well and always gives a nice haircut. —ChrisWright