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<ganieda1012 AT yahoo DOT com> |
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Shining Valley Protogrove, ADF is a congregation of Ár nDraíocht Féin: A Druid Fellowship (ADF)1. Shining Valley was originally formed by a small group of druidic
pagans who began meeting together regularly in Autumn of 2007 for study, fellowship, and ritual, with the idea of potentially forming an official ADF grove in the Genesee Valley Region of New York State. In May 2008 we were officially recognized as a protogrove by
''Ar nDraiocht Fein: A Druid Fellowship" (ADF) and are currently working toward becoming a provisionally chartered ADF Grove.
A diverse and inclusive group, we encourage mutual compassion and respect as well as working to have a positive impact on our local and global communities. Our goal is to provide a place in the Rochester, NY/Genesee Valley Region where a druidic community can develop that offers nurturing fellowship, open ritual, and the opportunity to grow in pagan spirituality. Even though our focus is generally on Celtic and Norse Druidism, we welcome pagans, seekers and friends from all paths.
Our rituals, studies, and events are free and open to all! Shining Valley holds rituals on or near the 4 Quarters and 4 Cross-Quarters, usually focusing on a Celtic hearth tradition for the 4 Quarters, and Norse for the 4 Cross-Quarters. We also have a Welsh language study group. Welsh I, for beginners and those who want to review, is held the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month. Welsh II, for those who are slightly more advanced, is held the 2nd and 4th Wednesday. We have a meet and greet type social meeting once or twice a month on Friday. We welcome anyone in the Genesee Valley/Rochester, NY vicinity who is committed to or curious about neopagan druidry to become involved in our Protogrove's activities. Come and grow with us!
Where We Meet
Presently we gather in various locations throughout the Rochester area including Equal=Grounds Coffee House, Hamlin Beach State Park and Ellison Park. The best way to be updated on the location, dates and times of our events is to join our mailing list, Genesee Valley Druidism on Yahoo! Groups or to become a fan of our page on Facebook,
Shining Valley Protogrove, ADF
If you have any questions at all, please feel free to privately e-mail our Grove Organizer <ganieda1012 AT yahoo DOT com> or join our Yahoo Group Genesee Valley Druidism or Facebook Page,
Shining Valley Protogrove, ADF to post your questions there.
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