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2005-11-27 04:25:44 I've seen many tattoo artists in the area sling their ink, but I haven't seen anything like the return of Flesh for Fantasy. once located in Wayne County, I remember hearing about them as a child. now that I'm older, and they are back I really enjoy going there to get my work done. I'm happy with their artist, as well as his prodigies. I hope they keep going. To the people at Physical Graffiti, thank you for helping to sponsor the upcomming Skin and Steel Expo in April. I'm really looking forward to seeing the ink and wheels. —DanLamorie
2005-11-27 07:52:30 Dan, I'd love to talk to you more about local tattoo artists —RossHattori
2006-03-31 04:52:33 So Dan are you the owner of the "Flesh"?....Ross if you want to check out some local artists here's some links Lady Luck Love Hate Physical Graffiti Grinder White Tiger
I work at Lucky Lotus you can see more here at - make sure to check out the vault on the front page~ ...we are a full custom shop. I personally create original celtic designs...not the ones others steal from books...The other artists who work with me specialize in extreme cover-ups ( from dark tribal to scar tissue), biomechanical, geometrics, traditional, portraits, graffiti, oriental, pin-ups, and much more.
I am, of course; pushing my studio...but also believe you should ALWAYS check out what's around you before making a PERMANENT decision....Every artist has a different style to cater to your needs of permanent body modification.
2007-11-07 19:45:22 Flesh for Fantasy...oh...yeah...i heard a lot about them. not a single thing good.
If you want good ink, i would most def check out Lucky lotus. —TorieCaddy
2008-02-25 21:11:51 I got a spectacular tattoo of a dragon on my arm at Physical Graffiti, a terrible attempt at a skeleton outline at Extreme Graphics (by the owner no less!) and am planning on getting work started this week on a full calf custom at Flesh for Fantasy. Referral by a friend who has several small tattoos from FforF and it all came out well. I talked with Kevin there and I am confident that it will come out good. Everyone has different experiences everywhere, no sense bashing a place based on what you've heard until you get one there, or just choose not to go there if you hear bad stuff. —DomRossi
2008-03-10 09:19:36 I love FFF for the simple fact they know what they are talking about. MissGia you seem to have a personal problem with the "owner" as I have seen you talk about him in several posts. No I don't have any sexual relationships with any of them but will tell you this, that man knows more about tattooing, art, and realism than anyone I know. So please stop bashing that shop! They are award winners especially this year and from all the chop jobs I have seen from so called artists around this city, there is no talk of any hack jobs coming out of that shop. Nice try though. Now take your hostility to some place else.
For those of you who want to have nice work done, not flash like someone has said, CLEAN, then go to Flesh For Fantasy. They will take their time with you. I know...I have some excellent work on my own body from that shop. —CynthiaLove
2012-06-08 22:04:57 WHY does Rochester have so many tattoo parlors? I count six within about a 3-mile radius. Nothing against tattoos, by the way, it just seems very strange. —EileenF