Victor Advanced Chiropractic

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311 W Main Street, Victor NY, 14564 [Directions]
Hours (as of April 2009)
Monday/Tuesday/Thursday: 7:00AM to 12:00PM and 3:30PM to 6:00PM
Wednesday: 3:30PM to 6:00PM
Saturday: Active Release Technique by appointment only
585 398 1201
<info AT victorac DOT com>

Victor Advanced Chiropractic is a chiropractor located in Victor.


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2009-09-27 05:20:22   Be very careful about billing - they don't deal with insurance companies so you pay full amount up front and they tell you how much your insurance company will reimburse you. In my case, I ended up paying 3 times the amount they told me I would have to pay because they did not have the insurance company reimbursement correct. —McKaig