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Welcome to the Rochester Wiki, your guide to Rochester! If you have questions or need assistance, just comment here on your own page, or better yet, through the Talk for any page in question. Just click the Talk bubble/button on the toolbar above on every page.

This page should be about you. It is your page. You can mark it up to show off your wiki skills or to tell something about yourself. This text will self-destruct when you change it. Have fun.

WilliamNelson's Statistics

Edits  Pages Created  Files Contributed  First Edit Date  Last Edit  Last Page Edited  
3002008-01-22 10:03:222008-02-02 19:42:48Wiki Community/Hosting/Talk


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2008-01-22 21:32:30   Welcome to RocWiki, William! Let us know if you have any questions. —PeteB

2008-02-03 00:35:57   Regarding your request to contact the administrator: All individuals involved in maintaining the site use the discussion board at [WWW] . You can either post a message there, or you may e-mail . —StevenDibelius

2008-02-04 12:54:25   Re: businesses being mis-represented on rocwiki. Comments on restaurants (I'm assuming this is about Bohdi's) are usually people's own experiences and opinions. If you're worried about the impact on a said business, I think most users here take other people's comments with a grain of salt. It's nothing to get all worked up about. —SaraChristine

2008-02-04 12:58:45   To add to what SaraChristine said, feel free to leave your own comments to explain why you disagree with something that someone said. If you're referring to specific facts about businesses—hours, phone number, etc.—please correct any errors you find. The great thing about RocWiki is that anyone can edit it, and this is how mistakes get fixed. Thanks! —RachelBlumenthal