Embeddable Google Satellite Image The Mushroom House (the owners prefer the name "Pod House") is a private home at 142 Park Road
in Perinton near Powder Mills Park south of Bushnell's Basin.
A complete description appeared in the Town of Perinton Designated Landmarks and Districts May 9, 1989 Application (PDF 1.27MB).
"Handing Robert and Marguerite Antell a stem of
Queen Anne’s Lace, and holding one himself, and having the three flowers touch, architect James Johnson said, “ There is your house.” This was the genesis of what became popularly known as the “Mushroom House,”
Originally built for Robert and Marguerite Antell on property they purchased in 1969 and sold it in 1996. The new owners did extensive redecoration. In 1999 it returned to the Antell family when "it was purchased by Steven and Christine Whitman. Steven is the son of Marguerite Antell’s cousin."
See also:
Mushroom House on Wikipedia
Mushroom House from book "Weird New York" on Google Books, has photos and information.
Flickr Photo all rights reserved
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2005-12-14 23:35:05 Does anyone know whether tours of the house are available? —TobinFricke
2007-05-09 23:27:27 does anyone have more historical information on this house? the owners? —GrahamSaathoff
2007-05-18 02:33:44 From what I've heard (from people who live in the area), these are privately-owned homes, so asking for a tour might be intrusive. —JayUnnikrishnan
2007-11-07 15:36:55 i've driven to see them and they are privately owned now. —MissGia
2008-06-02 00:56:51 I used to love driving by this house when I was a kid (and I still do!) Definitely a must-see Rochester area landmark. If you have children, take them to sneak a peak at these and then check out the fish hatchery down the road. —MariahBetz
2009-08-03 13:30:53 This house was recently added to the 'This Old House' website: http://bit.ly/7Sinh8 —DanDangler
2010-12-02 11:48:47 Listed for sale: http://www.homefinder.com/NY/Perinton/69683608d_142_Park_Rd —MikeFisher
2011-01-01 14:18:10 More Photos here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/keukastudios/5312607731/in/photostream/ —KeukaStudios
2012-02-18 15:01:53 Sold (after the price was knocked down from $1.1M to $800K): http://www.democratandchronicle.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=2012302160034 —MarkJackson
2020-06-30 06:45:21 https://rocwiki.org/Mushroom_House
<p>thanks for sharing<a href="https://rocwiki.org/Mushroom_House">!</a></p> —samsmith