ACT Rochester

Ann Johnson, Director
585 341-4361
<actrochester AT racf DOT org>
[WWW]Facebook: ACT Rochester
[WWW]Twitter: @ACTRochester

ACT Rochester provides an objective assessment of our community’s performance on key indicators. The website provides data for analysis on issues like health, children and youth, education and the economy. The website contains nine topic areas, and over 100 indicators for nine counties as well as links to more than 300 community initiatives and resources. ACT Rochester is an initiative of Rochester Area Community Foundation.

To change the culture of community problem-solving and associated decision making through the use of credible, independent and timely data. This is accomplished when people LEARN about key issues, CONNECT with others in the community, and ACT to promote change.

The ACT Rochester region also aligns to NYS Governor Cuomo's Finger Lakes Regional Economic Development Council region.

Recently ACT Rochester has focused on racial and ethnic disparities that exist within our region. [WWW]This section features ACT Rochester data that can be broken down by race/ethnicity, as well as community initiatives in this topic. This effort is in line with the Facing Race, Embracing Equity movement in Greater Rochester, centered on a 2013 exhibit at Rochester Museum & Science Center that focuses on race.


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