"Ballroom Dancing" describes a variety of dances performed with a partner. The traditional dances include foxtrot, waltz, rumba, cha cha, swing or jive, samba, mambo. paso doble, quickstep, and Viennese Waltz. Less traditional dances include hustle, merengue, Argentine tango, and salsa.
There are numerous opportunities to both learn and dance Ballroom in Rochester. Ballroom Dancing is taught at the following locations:
Fred Astaire Dance Studio 3450 Winton Place Brighton, NY
DancEncounters 215 Tremont St, Rochester, NY
Mo Dancing 1694 Penfield Road, Penfield, NY
Inikori Dance 1100 University Avenue Rochester
Let's Dance Rochester, 1350 University Ave., Rochester
Rochester Dancesport (various locations)
Social Ballroom dancing is available two - 3 times per week. Opportunities include
Weekly dances sponsored by the City of Rochester at the beautiful Stardust Ballroom; usually Tuesday Evenings, some afternoons
Weekly dances held at DancEncounters on Monday evenings from 7 - 10 pm
Monthly dances sponsored by Rochester Dance Lovers and usually held at Inikori Dance, 3d Saturdays of the month from 7 - 11 pm
Monthly dances sponsored by USA Dance, and usually held at the Penfield Recreation Center, 2d Sundays of the month from 6 - 9 pm
Monthly dances sponsored by Mo Dancing, and usually held at the Penield Racquet Club, 4th Saturdays of the month; hours may vary