Bero Architecture

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32 Winthrop Street, Rochester NY, 14607 [Directions]
585 262 2035

Bero Architecture is a Rochester, New York, architecture firm with a specialization in historic preservation. Founded in 1976, Bero Architecture has developed a local, state, and regional reputation for excellence in preservation planning, building evaluations, restoration, and adaptive re-use. The firm provides basic professional services for new, rehabilitation, and preservation projects; and for residential, commercial, industrial, and municipal construction. Bero Architecture also provides code studies, condition reports, historic structure reports, feasibility studies, preservation reports, National Register nominations, and historic surveys. Since the implementation of the Americans with Disabilities Act in 1990 our firm has helped many owners comply with the Act.


Bero Architecture is a general practice firm with a specialty in historic preservation. Because of their interest in historic buildings, they have developed an interest and expertise in the conservation and repair of existing buildings, including modern, non-historic structures.

Services include:

To see a selection of recent projects, visit [WWW]


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