Bertrand Russell Society formerly met on the second Thursday of each month at 7p.m. at Writers & Books to discuss the life, times, philosophy and ideas of Bertrand Russell, one of the 20th century's great minds. Russell's works include Why I am not a Christian (1927) and Principals of Social Reconstruction (1916); Russell also co-authored the logics/mathematics text Principia Mathematica (1910-1913). Some of his works are available free from
Project Gutenberg.
Each month featured a presentation relating to Russell, his works, or philosophy in general, after which there is a general discussion of the topic. Meetings are open to all, admission is free to Writers & Books members, $3 to everyone else. No special knowledge, reading, or training were required to participate. Meetings typically took the form of a presentation by a group member on a particular topic, followed by a question and answer period.
The Rochester chapter was originally known as the Greater Rochester Russell Set, a name paying homage to Russell's contributions to logic and mathematics. It has lately sought to expand its range of topics, and is now known as Rochester Russell Forum, Bertrand Russell Forum of Rochester, and other similar permutations.
See also: Philosophy