Rochester has a number of philosophical discussion or reading groups, each usually devoted to a particular brand or aspect of philosophy. Among them are:
The Rochester Russell Forum, a chapter of the
Bertrand Russell Society, meets on the second Thursday at 7 PM each month at Writers & Books. Russell's well-known works are Why I am not a Christian (1927) and Principals of Social Reconstruction (1916). In addition to philosophy, Russell was a mathematician and co-wrote Principia Mathematica (1910-1913). Each month features a presentation relating to Russell, his works, or philosophy in general, after which there is a general discussion of the topic. The group has a
Meetup Page.
Flower City Philosophy meets weekly on Wednesday nights, 7:30 PM. Without an established focus, it has a wider range of discourse than other groups; it also tends to be a more pragmatic, with topics related to recent events and concerns effecting day-to-day life. The group alternates between open discussion and a preset topic. Open discussions are held at The Old Toad, usually in the snug (a/k/a Queen Victoria Room), but possibly elsewhere in the bar if the snug's been snagged. At the end of open sessions, a topic is chosen for the following week's topic. Topical meetings occur at Crossroads Coffeehouse. These meetings begin with an opener question, typically involving how we have encountered the week's topic in our own lives. This leads into discussion of the topic at hand.
See also: Anarchism