College Club Beverages

InfoInfo MapMap
Locations Phone
662 W Ridge Rd, Rochester, NY 14615 [Directions] 585 865 1400
63 Grape St, Rochester, NY 14608 [Directions] 585 328 6665
Hours (as of January 2013)
Monday - Saturday: 9:00AM to 6:00PM
Wheelchair Accessible
Info Needed

College Club Beverages is a beverage retailer, specializing in beer, soda, and seltzer.

College Club Beverages & Fiz is a fourth-generation Petix family business going back to 1922. They make their own artisan sodas and seltzers in-house.

They advertise "quick, courteous drive-thru service."

They also sell pop and ice, and offer both retail and wholesale services.

Note: The location on West Ridge Road is also called "West Ridge Beverage Center."


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