Commercial Web Sites

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Outdoor Recreation

Computer / Technology related



College Care Packages

Home Improvement

Local eCommerce

Rochester Wedding Guides & Planning

Real Estate

Rochester Coupon And Discount Offers


Notes and References


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2014-06-03 14:16:42   What is the purpose of this page? Is it for any business that has a website? Or those that have a website but not a wiki listing? Or for businesses with no physical location and only a website? Or businesses that help create/host websites? At present it seems to be a muddled mess and of not much utility. Needs clarification or deletion. Admins - Help!—jgerek

2014-06-03 14:34:59   I think it's a page for commercial websites that offer information about the Rochester area (i.e. Eat and Drink Online)? Agreed, it's definitely a mess right now. —EileenF