
     (Redirected from ErinPence)

This is my page! Umm... yeah, so blow your pinwheels with joy!

So, I just moved into Rochester (Henrietta to be more precise) in February of 2007 after an twelve-month stint in the Hudson Valley, and in all truth, I don't really like this city all that much yet. I grew up in central Illinois, and I went to college in Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas, and I'm still missing my favorite Japanese restaurant from the Lone Star State.

But, Rochester is my home for now for better or for worse, snow and garbage plates and wandering bears and all, and I know I have a lot more to explore, so I'm going to keep at it.

Now... I'd better start shopping for some snow boots, eh?

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6032007-05-12 20:28:312009-07-12 23:35:45Rio Tomatlan


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2007-10-11 15:05:55   Welcome to Rocwiki, Erin! Please let us know if we can answer any questions. Thanks for checking up on the Kelly's website —PeteB